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About mounthay

  • Birthday 01/25/1980


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    which season?
  • Location
    Seattle, WA

mounthay's Achievements


Gumby (1/14)



  1. avalanche.ca has good weather/snowpack info. roger's pass sounded pretty bad from rain.
  2. oh, and thanks for the condolences, I'm glad all my climbing hardware wasn't in there. i don't have renter's ins. but I want some now. left info at some pawn shops but its pretty easy to unload a used transciever for cheap Im sure. the cop did ask for the serial # on it and I'm hoping for the sake of them POSSIBLY finding the thing that I have it in the warranty or something?
  3. update!!! also stolen: 2 ashtrays full of pennies and my norelco electric shaver. Have fun on 4/20 you fucking clowns!!!!
  4. bca tracker avie transceiver blue motorola talk radio w/ 5 mile range blue Smith empire slider sunglasses Sunglasses have a smudge from use on each dark lense. stolen out of my car last night!!!! the guy made a fucking mess in my car too!
  5. Germany, Poland, or Slovenia? Slovenia's probably pretty hot in the summer though.
  6. the pack idea would be interesting. Without drawing it out I'm struggling with a practical design to double as the Avalung 2 I have. I think the avalung is perfect for a few days per season at home, or often most days on a trip to a locale your not familiar with. The 2 is much more streamlined, but I still wouldn't use it most days. Your right, it feels like one more thing on. But on the right day, it feels good to know you have one.
  7. obviously, conditions do depend on what route, but, things may be kind of lean by even May this year. Southern cascades got virtually nil for snow this year. If you do the standard routes, its not a factor as most people do it when its lean. This year, I'd say plan May, not July.
  8. masternate 32 and I thought i'd be pretty crowded in early august but we showed up at 8pm w/out reservations and someone picked us out at the bus station. Turned out there were places to stay everywhere and only the most popular seemed filled (usually the cheapest). Some places are nice, but some really suck, so be discriminate. Look for hot showers. if you do try to make reservations, email seemed to work better than phones.
  9. I've got some sort of overuse tendonitis in my right elbow and want to find out what really is happening there...so does anybody have recommendations for doctors to see in seattle/eastside of sea area?
  10. your right, it is way too warm. summitted thurs and fiercely regretted not having skis. I'd say the slush is somewhere in the thigh deep region now.
  11. unless your team is in the top 25, I doubt race authorities will care, or even look at your boots. Last year I was cursing the very few assholes in AT boots shaving 3 lbs, but if I were to do it again, I'd do the same probably. But then, I'm not doing it again. It's not a great leg of the race, especially i if the conditions are lousy. Last year it was a misty whiteout at the top of pan dome.
  12. As far as I know, the S ratings are based solely on steepness and exposure given favorable skiing conditions. It's implied that the skier will understand this and take into consideration making adjustments in the rating if the conditions warrant it. Using a previous rating+conditions, you should decide whether or not to ski a line. In McLean's The Chuting gallery a slope of S5 is described as: 45-55 degrees expecting injury if you fall. I think the reason their is so much range is that rarely is there a slope that is straight 50 degrees consistent the whole way down. the book allows for S5- and S5+ describing a run in which there is more 45-50 slope vs. 50-55 slopes. that's my interpretation anyway...
  13. mounthay

    Avy Question

    the picture just looked like low density snow sloughed off of the ice underneath. I wouldn't call it an avie really, just an area where gravity pulled the snow off of steep ice.
  14. 500 ft cornice! thank god everyone came out ok...39 people is a large number of people involved in a modern avie accident.
  15. there were a lot of things visible from the road, but was there to ski. Is there an information source for ice in this area?
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