I went to Squamish this weekend to get some Vsick pad action happening. I wore a down jacket, toque, some Prana shit and said "Yo" alot. And "Dude you can send it".
So I was hanging out in the boulders cleaning a bit of moss off a problem when all of a sudden I got the feeling the moss was looking back at me.
Suddenly the moss was this big green monster! It was mad at me for scrubbing and was coming to get me. well I started running but in my A5 by the North Face, bouldering flipflops, I couldnt run very fast because I kept stubbing my toe, or the flip flops would slip off my foot. The monster was right behind me when...
ZAP This funky looking chick with a gun shot it!
She was pretty hot too. I was all like "Wow! You shot that moss monster! Thanks for saving my life! Ya need a spot or something? Does Prana make that see through breastplate? I gotta get me some of that dope shit. Softshells are so 2001".
She told me to shut up, that she had a secret project and she needed my help. So I followed her into the darkest room of the Kakodemon Caves where there was a strange rite going on. The spooky sounds of Rush were playing on a turn table and a costumed man looking a lot like Jim Sandford was instructing the celebrants at this unholy black mass how to chip holds into blank rock!
I was like "WTF you are all sport climbers and hold chippers! Losers! I'm outta here!" I made for the entrance to the cave but the leader of the rite was all "NO OUTSIDER MAY LEAVE THIS PLACE ALIVE!" All these robed dudes started coming after me with like knives and stuff. I was pretty scared. So I made a jump start and dynoed up onto the roof of the cave which is the problem Big Balls Big Falls. I knew the sporto's wouldnt be able to follow me on this trad highball. Sure enough they were all still projecting the sit-start by the time I pulled the final moves and wriggled out of the cave through a small hole back to the outside world.
Well enough of that. I wanted to actually CLIMB not get messed up in Satanism and fashion crimes. So I walked over to "High V0" and cranked a few laps to warm-down from BBBF before my next proj. I was trying to decide if I wanted to go to The Egg or Gibbs Cave for my next send and figured smoking a big bomber would help me make up my mind. well no sooner had I lit up than this guy: walks out of the boulders and asks me if he can "have a quick hit".
I was all like "Sure dude, free the weed" and passed him the bomber. he took a massive toke and held it, then asked if I wanted to see his new handsfree sit start method. I was feelin pretty high so I was like "Yeah whatever dude, show me whatcha got". So he sat down at the base of "Zero Zero", crossed his legs, chanted some Buddhist mantras, and then....
just sort of floated up the problem. Whoa! So that's the secret!
Well after that display I didn't feel much like climbing. So I figured I'd head back home. I got in my car and was driving home when I saw this weird fast moving jet contrail and the next thing I know....
...no more home!
Well, that's all I can write now. I got my shotgun and my bunker and I figure I'll just sit here and pick off the looters and mutants till I run outta shells. After that, I guess I'll just have to play it by ear.