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Everything posted by Dru

  1. quote: Originally posted by Biff: And if I'd been on the Mtn. that fateful Saturday, I woulda had to ask for a hit or two, myself. If weed is outlawed...only outlaws smoke weed. hors la loi [ 03-18-2002: Message edited by: Dru ]
  2. Dru


    quote: Originally posted by To The Top: the Caveman? Who is that? I believe the avatar you have mentioned is no longer valid.
  3. quote: Originally posted by G-spotter: i hate dru. i wish this rope had broken and he had fallen and died. whatever pooz. dats the last time i give you a deal on schwag. stop my sides hurt
  4. it wasnt me, and with all the freshies you can guess why too. SCARY!!!!
  5. Dru


    ARE YOU ADDICTED TO CASCADECLIMBERS.COM Take our 5 point test! Answer each of the following questions yes, no or maybe. 1) Do you respond when someone calls out your online name in public? 2) Do you log on every Tuesday to find out where you are drinking? 3) Do you lie awake at night wondering what wacky, zany stuff those kids Meuller aka GregM, and trask, will come up with next? 4) Are you the on-line equivalent of a Seattle Mountaineer? 5) What is Chepe's real name? Scoring: add up your total number of hours online per week, and divide by your total number of posts per week. Multiply by the number of hours you spent either climbing outdoors, or skiing, in the past month. Add your IQ and hardest V-boulder grade, stir, bake at 420 for 1 hour, then eat lightly garnished with a flamed helping of Muir Hut smoke. Special bonus question: what is the name of the bright yellow thing that sometimes appears in the sky?
  6. quote: Originally posted by willstrickland: (no I'm not saying 50% of inmates are non-violent DOs) yeah cause its more like 80% right
  7. quote: Originally posted by CascadeClimber: Someone please help Trask. He appears to be partly lodged in a temporal rift. Shouldve used a longer probe
  8. quote: Originally posted by willstrickland: Got these on my draws, agree with VT. I'm partial to OP gear, good designs and economical prices. And still made by slave labour, oops, prisoners.
  9. Dru

    joke 2

    Are you tired of all those mushy "friendship" poems that always soundgood but never actually come close to reality? Well, here is a "friendship"poem that really speaks to true friendship and truth itself! Friend, when you are sad, ...I will get you drunk and help you plot revengeagainst the sorry bastard who made you sad. When you are blue, ...I'll try to dislodge whatever is choking you. When you smile, ... I'll know you finally got laid. When you are scared, ...I will rag you about it every chance I get. When you are worried, ... I will tell you horrible stories about howmuch worse it could be and to quit whining. When you are confused, ... I will use little words to explain it to yourdumb ass. When you are sick... stay away from me until you're well again. I don'twant whatever you have. When you fall, ... I will point and laugh at your clumsy ass. This is my oath, ... I pledge until the end. Why you may ask?because you're my friend! Send this poem to ten of your closest friends and get depressed becauseyou realize you only have 2 friends, and one of them is not speakingto you right now anyway. P.S. A friend will help you move. A really good friend will help youmove a body.
  10. Silly me. here is the 100 for Bc list. dont think anyone has done all of these either. http://www.bivouac.com/ProvPg.asp?rq=Pg&ProvId=4 and of course this list includes peaks on the borders, like fairweather and assiniboine. if you knock those out and make peaks only 100% within BC, not shared, then wadd is #1, Robson #2, who knows from there. [ 03-15-2002: Message edited by: Dru ]
  11. Black Otrpheus starts with 2 pitches or so of 5.7/5.8 on good rock. Then you do a long leftwards traverse across ome 4th class rock for a few pitches. Then 3 stellar pitches of corners, 5.9 sustained, 5.9(boulder move), 5.8, then 2 more Ok pitches. what i really liked about this climb was doing it super fast and with a keen partner. we simulclimbed the start, belayed the 5.9 sections then simuled the rest, passed 2 parties took about 5 hours in total and only an hour to do the descent (do the Alternate descent via the Selectrix boulder not Solar Slab descent -ssd took me 3 hrs with same partner the previous yr afte it only took us 2 hrs to do sola slab)). i gues if i had done it slower with a weaker partner i would not have liked it so much but i still thought it was a great route with good exposure and position, and sunny too (we did it in December), andnice variety, some flakes, some corners, some splitters, some slab, and route finding skill required for the big traverse. Rainbow Buttress is reported as quite good too by a partner who had to do an unplanned bivi in a snowstorm while descending. I like the canyon routes with long approaches cause i really like that canyon hiking scene too, and the further back you go the fewer people you seem to see, at least in the winter.
  12. Dru

    67 online

    so much for that record! i guess Friday afternoon isnt th best time to try for a record breaking online presence. maybe a tuesday noon is better as everyone logs on to see where pub club for the day is.
  13. quote: Originally posted by Al Pine: I have heard of these guided raft trips where you raft for the day then get these gourmet meals and night and cush accomodations out in the middle of nowhere. Sort of like combination guides/butlers. Is there anything like this for Mountaineering? I'd like to go to say, Boston Basin, with a couple of acquantainces and have someone carry all my gear up there. Me and my group can all go out and do our climbs during the day, with or without guide/ropegun/gear-schlepper showing us the way, and then when we get back to camp about sunset have some nice hot grub and cold beer waiting for us. So is there anything like that around here? Does Mountain Madness do this sort of thing? I would settle for mixed drinks instead of beer if weight is an issue. Al Send an email to brokeandwillsherpaforfood@alpinelite.com
  14. quote: Originally posted by trask: Postmodernism as 'Pataphysics Institutionalizedby Douglas Puchowski In fact it is the original 'Pataphysicist himself... Alfred Jarry. But your web search was close. ------------------- UBU ROI
  15. quote: Originally posted by gregm: duck stab You are good! Bosse-de-Nage was a dogfaced baboon less cyno- than hydro cephalous, and, as a result of this blemish, less intelligent than his fellows. The red and blue callosity which they sport on their buttocks was, in his case, displaced by Faustroll, by means of some strange medication, and grafted on to his cheeks, azurine on one, scarlet on the other, so that his flat face was a tricolor. Not content with this, the good doctor wanted to teach him to speak; and if Bosse-de-Nage (so named because of the double protuberance of the cheeks described above) was not com pletely familiar with the French language, he could pronounce fairly correctly a few words of Belgian, calling the life belt hanging at the stern of Faustroll's skiff "swimming-bladder with inscription thereon," but more often he enunciated a tautologi cal monosyllable: "Ha ha," he said in French; and he added nothing more. This character will prove very useful during the course of this book, to punctuate some of its overlong speeches: in the manner of Victor Hugo (The Burgraves, part I, sc. 2): And is that all? - Nay, listen yet: And Plato, in various passages: Thou speakest truth, he replies. It is true. It is very true. It is clear, he replies, even to a blind man. It is obvious. It is an obvious fact. That is so. It seems. That is also my opinion. It does in fact appear to be so. That is so, he replies. I am also of that persuasion. Absolutely, he replies. Thou speakest wisely. Well. Certainly, indeed. I recall. Yes. It is thus. I think so, and most strongly. I agree. Very right. That is doubtless right, he replies. That is true, he replics. That is indeed nccessary. By all means. By all means indeed. By all manner of means. We admit it. It is absolutely necessary. Very much. Very much indeed, in fact. That is logical, indeed. How could that be so? How could that be otherwise? How could it be otherwise? What then? What? Thou speakest truth. How true that seems.
  16. Walking women want to seeThe Southern Cross at nightAnd so they set aside a sockAnd tie their laces tightYet mournful is the melodyThat echoes in their headWithout a beat they march alongBelieving Bach is dead.BACH IS DEAD! Just for you Meuller.
  17. ' there must be any way out from here, ' said there those to fun bird to the thief, ' is too much disorder, I can not no discharge receive. Businessmen, who do not mean her wine, plowman excavation my mass, of them along the line drink, know, what did not move to receive any from him wertIST. ', ' a necessity, ' the thief, it spoke friendly, ' is there many here among us up, which think that the life is however a joke. But you and I, we were through, which and those are not our fate, therefore let you us not falsely now speak, the hour receive ', all along the Watchtower, prince kept the opinion, while all women came and went, late barfuessigbedienstete, also. Exterior in the distance a game cat knurrte, two passengers approached, the wind began to howl.
  18. 'There must be some way out of here,' said the joker to the thief,'There's too much confusion, I can't get no relief.Businessmen they drink my wine, plowman dig my earth,None of them along the line know what any of it is worth.' 'No need to get excited,' the thief, he kindly spoke,'There are many here among us who think that life is but a joke.But you and I, we've been through that, and that is not our fate,So let us not talk falsely now, the hour is getting late.' All along the watchtower, princes kept the viewWhile all the women came and went, barefoot servants, too.Outside in the distance a wildcat did growl,Two riders were approaching, the wind began to howl.
  19. quote: Originally posted by trask: When awful darkness and silence reignOver the great Gromboolian plain, Through the long, long wintry nights;--When the angry breakers roarthey beat on the rocky shore;-- When Storm-clouds brood on the towering heightsOf the Hills of the Chankly Bore:-- Then, through the vast and gloomy dark,There moves what seems a fiery spark, A lonely spark with silvery rays Piercing the coal-black night,-- A Meteor strange and bright:--Hither and thither the vision strays, A single lurid light. Slowly it wanders,--pauses,--creeeps,--Anon it sparkles,--flashes and leaps;And ever as onward it gleaming goesA light on the Bong-tree stems it throws.And those who watch at that midnight hourFrom Hall or Terrace, or lofty Tower,Cry, as the wild light passes along,-- 'The Dong!--the Dong! 'The wandering Dong through the forest goes! 'The Dong! the Dong! 'The Dong with a luminous Nose!' Long years ago The Dong was happy and gay,Till he fell in love with a Jumbly Girl Who came to those shores one day,For the Jumblies came in a sieve, they did,--Landing at eve near the Zemmery Fidd Where the Oblong Oysters grow, And the rocks are smooth and gray.And all the woods and the valleys rangWith the Chorus they daily and nightly sang,-- 'Far and few, far and few, Are the lands where the Jumblies live; Their heads are green, and their hands are blue And they went to sea in a sieve.' Happily, happily passed those days! While the cheerful Jumblies staid; They danced in circlets all night long, To the plaintive pipe of the lively Dong, In moonlight, shine, or shade.For day and night he was always thereBy the side of the Jumbly Girl so fair,With her sky-blue hands, and her sea-green hair.Till the morning came of that hateful dayWhen the Jumblies sailed in their sieve away,And the Dong was left on the cruel shoreGazing--gazing for evermore,--Ever keeping his weary eyes onThat pea-green sail on the far horizon,--Singing the Jumbly Chorus stillAs he sate all day on the grassy hill,-- 'Far and few, far and few, Are the lands where the Jumblies live; Their heads are green, and their hands are blue And they went to sea in a sieve.' But when the sun was low in the West, The Dong arose and said;----'What little sense I once possessed 'Has quite gone out of my head!'--And since that day he wanders stillBy lake or forest, marsh and hill,Singing--'O somewhere, in valley or plain'Might I find my Jumbly Girl again!'For ever I'll seek by lake and shore'Till I find my Jumbly Girl once more!' Playing a pipe with silvery squeaks, Since then his Jumbly Girl he seeks, And because by night he could not see, He gathered the bark of the Twangum Tree On the flowery plain that grows. And he wove him a wondrous Nose,-- A Nose as strange as a Nose could be!Of vast proportions and painted red,And tied with cords to the back of his head. --In a hollow rounded space it ended With a luminous Lamp within suspended, All fenced about With a bandage stout To prevent the wind from blowing it out;-- And with holes all round to send the light, In gleaming rays on the dismal night. And now each night, and all night long,Over those plains still roams the Dong;And above the wall of the Chimp and SnipeYou may hear the sqeak of his plaintive pipeWhile ever he seeks, but seeks in vainTo meet with his Jumbly Girl again;Lonely and wild--all night he goes,--The Dong with a luminous Nose!And all who watch at the midnight hour,From Hall or Terrace, or lofty Tower,Cry, as they trace the Meteor bright,Moving along through the dreary night,-- 'This is the hour when forth he goes, 'The Dong with a luminous Nose! 'Yonder--over the plain he goes, 'He goes! 'He goes; 'The Dong with a luminous Nose!'
  20. There is no delay, of which he... The small fine delays of the girl for me obtain their emotions through the girl of the way that the dream of I is around all single she never could obtain far from home every night and game of day I with my thing fuck to their girl all the classes of ways in all the night now satisfies me there I feel their point under I give to their Hey hell female of youth. Hey lovemaker now maintains my bone that will not last so déjele hey single Senorita I am hot as hell I said to him that never it put it again.
  21. quote: Originally posted by Winter: must be serendipity ... i'm leaving for 4 days of climbing in RR this afternoon. If you find any #4 Camalots they are mine and I will give you a beer for their safe return
  22. Now how about the complete text of "The Dong with The Luminous Nose"
  23. quote: Originally posted by lizard brain: I think we should have a rigid set of rules, and that anyone that does not strictly adhere to these rules should be permanently banned from cc.c. I for one promise to be deadly serious at all times from now on. You know, i just found out that there is a real site called cc.com as well. Check it out http://www.cc.com
  24. quote: Originally posted by trask: You are so full of yourself skinny boy. Your goal appears to be the self-satisfaction and indescribable joy that can only come when horny, nameless strangers laugh out loud at something that you wrote, in a drug induced stupor. I challenge you to the BATTLE-CAGE! Yeah so whats wrong with that? You forgot to mention that I am currently single and like to drink beer and go for long walks in the rain (only they are more properly called "approaches")
  25. quote: Originally posted by gregm: let us go then you and iwhen the evening is spread out against the sky and the moon in june resembles a baboonthat cant carry a tuneso bring your spoon and we will croona sorry tale about a prune...
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