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Everything posted by Dru

  1. maybe sexual chocolate will show up and add the dance of the woo li masters to the moondance in his repetoire.
  2. quote: Originally posted by allison: It's not the girth hitch that is so concerning here, it's what you are girth hitching to that's problematic. I would girth-hitch to a 'biner, around a tree, but not through a wire. Yup, cuts like a knife. I like Dru's test. why would you girth hitch to a biner when you could clip??????????????????????????
  3. i heard the bears in yoesmite are smarter than the average ranger...oh duh that was jellystone. well in PR wall country there aint no deli stocked with OE 800. but the bears are not so clever they can break into your car, steal your food, then drive laps on the loop road, either.
  4. quote: Originally posted by Dru: what the hell that doesnt sound right. are you sure? im gonna check this myself. oh well, i suck. i think jon or tim musta deleted some of my page-topping posts. oh, maybe it was that other thread where i had 5 or 6 page toppers.
  5. quote: Originally posted by gregm: actually drul you only have 2. scot'terd, cpt, backcountry, and veggiedelay all have 3. you, me, happy, alpinegay & philfort all have 2. yes, i am very bored. what the hell that doesnt sound right. are you sure? im gonna check this myself.
  6. just warm em up by the fireplace, in a sunbeam, or in an oven turned to warm. the snoseal should sink into the leather and leave the grit behind. but you know it doesnt matter if the snoseal is dirty or not cause it still waterproofs. the best seal job i ever did had pumice grit from plinth mixed in with it and it lasted for 6 months...
  7. Dru

    bowline knot

    sheeit bro that looks like my rope coiling technique! Im not Alone Anymore!
  8. If da Bird was Rodchester's buddy we would have heard about it last week!
  9. quote: Originally posted by lizard brain: I'd be proud. I am!
  10. what about the iditarod?
  11. Dru

    bowline knot

    quote: Originally posted by Marcus Engley: Aye aye... consider it belayed, skipper... I think Alex wants to show you his little buddy, Gilligan.
  12. quote: Originally posted by Alex: Dru, you just found out why you never win the page-top posting wars. 25 posts to a page bub Fuck it man, I have 4 or 5 out of the 33 on this thread, that's still tops aint it?
  13. I wonder how many of those experienced OP carabiner makers go to work for BD, Kong etc when they get released
  14. um (32 x 24)+1 = um, carry the 1, times 10, add 1.... 769 posts not 800. and yet this is 801. oh wait i got it, its 25 posts per page, the only reason it rolls over to page 2 at 325 is cause they are actually # replies and not # posts. SO, this is really post #802 on this subject. hence 801 replies. damn this thread is great. i think the longest thread on rec.climbing was only about 200 posyts or something, and that one was mostly a flame war too. but this one is better. [ 03-20-2002: Message edited by: Dru ]
  15. I heard Muir Hut was built with prison labour.
  16. free to post for the first 50 posts after that it costs you $1.00 per post. id be so fucking broke...
  17. Actually, if you were to go to PR, why the hell would you want to go to Yosemite afterwards anyways?
  18. quote: Originally posted by Matt Anderson: So Baccar used to save money on a harness by just tying the rope to his unit on certain climbs. Seems like a good idea. What do you guys think? that was john redhead in britain. the only guy who can give bill robins a run for his money on naming new routes.
  19. "All Omega Pacific staff employees were offered the opportunity to move with the company and retain their positions." 'Yup Smith, if you make the move your new position will be "Stoolie" and you will be bunked in Cell Block D with Rock, MadDawg and Humptree'
  20. If you wanna haamer stuff atSquamish, think fast, cause just about everythinghas gone clean. But some of that depends on presence of fixed gear so always a good idea to take the hammer along with the cam hooks and ball nuts and RPs and so on. Lots of routes went clean on hand placed pins so dont forget to try that. For real nailing practice, try Well Hung Roof area at the base of Angels Crest; the upper pitches (3-6) of Mayday in the Bulletheads [first two are hammerless and free at 10c and 11d]; or real obscurities like Forked Flume, Snot, Zodiac Wall etc. Not for learning, but Sherrifs Badge, Cowboys & Indians, Skullfuck, The Raven, Bald Egos, I Sot The Sherriff, Under the Gun, Holy Ghosts and Talk Show Hosts, Breakfast Run, Zorro's and Up from the Skies all have not gone clean. Best easy (a2/a2+) long route you are guaranteed nailing on is Edge of Pan. Long approach so no crowds. Or you could go to Powell River and do a first ascent...
  21. Dru

    Mt Emmerich

    quote: Originally posted by robertm: shit ray... it sounds like Fred is using you as his lacky doing all of the research for him... next thing you know you will be carrying the rope and the rack no shit, and the beer!
  22. From what i hear about Wrist Twister (some friends did it on saturday), this is now a hooking and clipping route. you do need to take a hammer in case some of the head ladders are blown out. oh, and 2 talons or a talon and a leeper, for a double bat hook sequence near the top.
  23. Dru

    Mt Emmerich

    quote: Originally posted by rayborbon: Hello,Anyone out there climbed this peak? Want info up to date anyway on how people are getting in there these days. My info is old. Thank you. your info or informant ?
  24. Dru

    Big Lou in U.K.?

    quote: Originally posted by pope: Love the opening scene, in which an undercover man is punished in a most painful and appropriate manner for the detective work he was doing at a naughty night club for elite pervies. What, like Pub Club ?
  25. I like yelling out "OK Belay Off" whenever my partner is leading and mumbles stuff. It makes em communicate properly!
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