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Everything posted by Dru

  1. quote: Originally posted by trask: Oh shit, you're right. Who was "I Spy"? ...damn that rap music! Maxwell Smart was Get Smart... I dunno who was in I spy. Youre testing my pop-cultural limits here cause I never watch TV!
  2. Dru

    New Route on Mt. Spears

    quote: Originally posted by W: I bet in winter there's lot of opportunities for freshie facial shots. Oh and Dru, I heard your Long Dong is more likely to result in a "Crack-n-Up"... Whatever is used there arent going to be many runouts cause placements will be numerous, deep and solid!
  3. Dru

    New Route on Mt. Spears

    W i think a #8 Camp Long Dong will provide a better placement than a wimpy Pecker will.
  4. quote: Originally posted by willstrickland: You are correct sir, the climber is Godefroy Perroux. Found this on the Simond page,pretty decent picture gallery over there Gallery Isnt Godefroy dead now?
  5. quote: Originally posted by trask: "I Spy" Illea Culleoken ... or some damn thing Ilya Kuryakin was in Man from UNCLE.
  6. Since this is an American mountain I thought I would report this new route here instead of on bivouac.com. PITCH BY PITCH DESCRIPTION. 1-4. Begin at a slender pillar extending to the ground. Climb pillar using bear hug technique. 5.8, 5.9, 5.8, 5.95. Traverse left (underclings) under huge overhanging roof. 5.12b6. Pull roof using 2 artificial jugs and continue up deep crack to where it ends and belay. 5.12c A07. Climb up smooth slab and continue to belay on shoulder. 5.10b8. From shoulder, move left and up past flake onto smooth face. Move out onto arete at slight nose. Continue to top of face. 5.11a9. Rappel backside on copious vegetation to descend. A hairy descent. Here is a picture of the new route ......... [ 03-14-2002: Message edited by: Dru ]
  7. I'll be Smoky McAlpine.
  8. "The Rules are simple - Kill or be Killed." Did Mark Twight write the blurb or what?
  9. quote: Originally posted by trask: You know Dru, you're always calling me a dumbass. That hurts. Try being a little more sensitive you bastard. Kiss it trask
  10. Dude thats Ice Nine right? You cant fool me. In the background is the unformed Nine aka Happy days.
  11. Dru


    quote: Originally posted by mikeadam: Trees? I would've scorched the Ent army with a flame thrower.... Saruman shouldve given those orcs a D9 Cat, some Husqvarnas and a Timco feller/buncher. Chop! Hack!
  12. quote: Originally posted by trask: What was that movie with Ice T getting hunted for sport by Ruttgar Hower and the boys? Awesome flick. Dont you mean Hard Target with Van Damme getting hunted by some bad guys? I thought Rutger Hauer was the Replicant
  13. Adamson what is the latest goings on on chowdermag.com? Let us know if you need more spray over there, cause we got lots to give.
  14. Dru


    Here's a hint. To sell gear you not only need to be a climber who uses it. You gotta have PEOPLE SKILLS too.
  15. quote: Originally posted by trask: Hey Ray, Dru called you a fatass. If the shoe fits wear it. I call myself scrawny, and I call trask a dumbass. Oh yeah and I call shotgun too!
  16. Water knot, beer knot... what about the other drinks? Jagermeister knot, rum knot, 12 year old single malt knot, etc hic. maybe they can invent a "whine knot" for the crybabies out there. "waah you are rapping on a sling tied with a water knot, we are all going to die, waaaah!"
  17. quote: Originally posted by gregm: how do you know ray's ass is bony? ? yeah, bony is not an adjective I would normally apply to ray, he is 'well fleshed and robust'.
  18. quote: Originally posted by Matt: That reminds me of the old joke about two hikers in the woods who come across a grizzly bear. The bear charges them and one says to the other, "We'll never out run that grizzly!" His friend replies, " I don't have to out run the bear-- only you!" "why are you carrying that .22, the thing wont kill a grizzly?" "oh thats not for the grizzly, thats to shoot you in the knee so you run slower than me"
  19. quote: Originally posted by Elvis:
  20. quote: Originally posted by Matt: It's interesting that the latest Techtip in Climbing http://www.climbing.com/Pages/Techtip_pages/210/techtip210_alpine.html was on this very subject, suggesting that it is a great time saving technique to have two seconds climbing at once. Hmm. Kind of makes you think twice about following advice from a stranger. thats alpine climbing (speed is safety) not brittle waterfall ice (shelter is safety)
  21. Speaking as a foreign observer (whose own stupid provincial leaders are salivating to try the same thing) does anyone else see the oxymoron of "private park"? A park by definition is a public space for the enjoyment of the public, owned by the public with the right of free access. The whole question of payment for services is separate from the ownership of the land. When you say that a "park" is private, and that a fee could be charged just to enter such a 'park' (and not to use any of the services) , to me that's a call for protest at the least, and violent revolution at most. I mean if a tax on tea was enough to get you guys up in arms in the 1700's you should be able to go nuclear over something like this!
  22. quote: Originally posted by erik: in this situation the violence is warranted....a person knowing poisons you with a controlled substance needs to be removed from society.....and i could go on all day aboyt mdma....but i will not....DO NOT DO THIS TRASH DRUG.....I REPEAT DO NOT DO THIS TRASH DRUG.... i've heard it is bad.... e is good, speed is bad. speed kills so drive slow and quit grinding your teeth likethat sister.
  23. I always like to read other people s trip reports of trips Im on to see how they see the same incidents through different perspective. Here is Yanik's take on Mousetrap: " I don't know if anyone else noticed but last week was really cold. That's whyDrew and I decided to go check out the ice around Hope last Friday. Drew hadmuttered something about trying to climb Mousetrap, a 300m grade 3+ waterfalljust west of Hope and straight off the highway. That sounded great. Note toself; next time Drew suggests an ice climb I will check it out in the guidebookbefore heading out. You see, the guidebook does mention that this climb rarelyforms thick.We drove out of Chilliwack where Drew lives and started on the highway. Itbecame quickly obvious that there was a lot of ice but most of it was reallythin. Unfazed we drove to where we could see Mousetrap, shouldered our packsand hiked to the base of the waterfall. It looked thin."Drew, what do you think?""I think we should give it a go"My fearless partner grabbed the rack and climbed an easy pitch placing onescrew. I reached him at the belay and looked up. It was somewhat steeper andcovered in cauliflowers (ice formations that look like the incredibly tastyvegetable, especially when served with a cheddar sauce, hummmm? - not the icebut the cauliflower).I headed up the pitch placing a few purely psychological pieces in the reallybad ice and hooking my way up. Once on top of the tier I was faced with alittle pond separating me from the next step. Steep rock walls on every sideforced me onto the frozen pond. Threading lightly I thought I was actuallygoing to make it when suddenly, CRACK, shite, water up to my hips. With acombination of very ungraceful crawling and swimming I managed to pull myselfout and set up a belay that consisted in a small tricam and the pick of one ofmy axes wedged in a tapering crack. Did I mention a lot of the ice was thin,aerated, and falling apart?Drew joined me and avoided the hole in the ice covering the pond and I told himwhat had just happened to me." So, I think there is another four or five pitches left but I think we can linksome of it." Drew said.I guess he never really heard what I had said and probably didn't notice mypants were now frozen solid. Nonetheless, we carried on and finished the climbon thin and rotten ice with a really solid final lead by Drew.We rapped down and I managed to break the ice again at a different spot on thepond but this time I only sunk to my knees. Drew left an ice screw and aquickdraw behind by mistake (now don't get too excited you vultures) but I hearhe went back the day after to retrieve it.I think the ice climbing season might just be over? But then again, someonetold me a cold front was coming in. Anyone wants to go climbing this comingweekend?"
  24. You ever run into old school angles that are flat on the front like a KB, and curve more radically towards the eye? cause now I got 15 of em. also a bunch of ring-angles, ring-spikes, and those weird Euro micro-Kbs and RURP variants that are like a tiny KB but without the angle, the eye is flat in the plane of the blade. im gonna have fun finding spots to place this stuff that is for sure.
  25. what happens if you are at a rave and you eat some GU spiked with MDMA?
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