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Everything posted by TimL

  1. West Ridge of Prussk is killer. Hike Little Annapurna Scramble Macellans (sp) peak
  2. quote: -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Originally posted by sk: some one once told me that more than a handful is a waste -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Maybe this discussion should be moved to the small, medium, large rack thread.
  3. 5 hours from car to the base of the climb sounds reasonable with light packs. I hiked up there a couple years ago in the fall in 5 hours to shoot photography. I even had a bunch of camera crap.
  4. Has anyone ever climbed this route? Trying to figure out a rack and wondering if the belays on the upper pitches are gear, natural features or bolts. Thanks for any and all beta!
  5. For anyone interested in route conditions at WA Pass, Clean Break, Chianti and Burgandy are snow free. Silver Star glacier is in great climbing condition witha little snow on the scramble. A car sized block and debris fell off Chianti and sits about 500ft down slope from the spire. Looks like it fell from the gulley to the left of the spire. As we were leaving this am it looked like Mondays snow was melting off the Liberty Bell group.
  6. Forrest - Thanks for the beta. We were going to climb at WA Pass yesterday. Instead we went to check out the NE Ridge on Kyes Peak and were served a fat slice of Cascade humble pie.
  7. Anybody up at WA Pass this weekend? Looking to find out the conditons of the East facing routes (Liberty Bell, Minute Man, Lexinton Tower) on the Liberty Bell group? Is there still snow on the top on to these route or are they dry. Thanks for any and all beta.
  8. Right on Will! Yes...Crazy Jamie is doing us very proud. Lets hope he doesn't become a "fixture" of Yosemite.
  9. Ok, I have one... "The face is the ambition. The Style is the obsession."
  10. When you top out on that fucker, I think we should have an Eastside Pub Club dedicated to you.
  11. Bronco, I really like the Mythos for all around climbing and find out they work pretty good on Index granite. With that said, buy them small because they WILL stretch. A friend showed me a pair of the Anasazi (sp) Mesa lace ups that looked really good edging wise but not to sure about jamming. Have fun! T
  12. Wow.......the status of alpine buddy has been awarded to me! I feel so honored! Matt - Thats 4 children and one on the way. What do you think happens on rest/weather days! But I'm going to need some help taking care of the all those little shits. Hence, I'll need Cavey to teach them how to drink. Mike Adamson to teach then how to kick ass. Erik and Matt to teach them how to smoke out proper like. Dru to teach them how to spray. Fred Rogers to teach them how to milk unemployment. Crazy Jamie to teach them ...... we'll get back to this subject later. Really, it was a fun weekend. Cavey and I busted up Angels Crest. Good climb and great position. Fun tree climbing as well. The Law Goddess cranked hard for her first time at Index. Sorry about the sandbag on P1 of Jap Gardens. Its to nice to be typing at the computer so I'm gonna go for an enduro hike with Fred Rogers. Maybe he can be alpine buddy next week?
  13. Ray, You'll be fine. Just watch out for the cougers!
  14. Schipoopi Sandwich (sp?) - Check Chris Mac's Big Wall Super Topo book for the recipe! [ 06-05-2002, 04:43 PM: Message edited by: TimL ]
  15. Hows about Peregrine Soup with a side of fried falcon eggs for lunch? Just teasing deforester people!
  16. Anybody been up the S. Face yet? Is there still a lot of snow on the descent?
  17. Good work guys! Think I'm going to have to make it up there sometime.
  18. Shouldn't you be looking for a job rather than cyber slacking?
  19. The shoes stink and the cams are rusty because they were rained on while Fred was climbing with me. Just teasing.
  20. Look for the only cloud in the Cascades this weekend and it will be over my head. Thanks for all the replies. Everyone have a fun and safe weekend.
  21. Anybody want to go climbing this coming weekend? Wouldn't mind doing some long rock routes at Index or Squamish or if the weather stays nice maybe something in the Cascades. PM me or shoot me an email at Lucky14956@aol.com if interested.
  22. Good job on the NBC Jon Juan. Fred Rogers and I went up to do it on Monday but bailed after spending a couple hours escaping a down pour under a overhanging boulder. We contemplated a cold wet bivy but decided to turn tail and head home once our V0 boulder/bivy shelter started leaking.
  23. We're all gonna die... but I'd rather puff on the MJD that pass on the MJD
  24. Anybody know whats up with the sk ull rating in Kramars book for the Mary Jane Dihedral? Is the route a totally independent line or does it connect up with Orbit towards the end like the Leavenworth Rock guide apparently suggests? Thanks for any and all information.
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