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Everything posted by TimL

  1. I've looked at SPM on rap and it looks like it would take gear well as you should know. The bolts look good to me. the only thing that looked scary was the top. I think the pin below the top looked old and rusty but it looked like you could get something in.
  2. What never never crack like. I think I'll lead it this weekend. I've looked at Gutbuster. Whats the climbing like?
  3. Checked out the North Face and Dolimite Tower last weekend from the lake. That suff looks really awesome. can't waite till it dries out. those walls are big and the approaches look hard.
  4. Is that a trick question? I'd love to but the golden handcuffs are holding me back. Might fly down for a long weekend this spring sometime. Have a fun season down there! Send!
  5. You guys rock! thanks for the great climb!
  6. Seems like its a good day when at the crags and I only take a couple 20 footers. I think the longest fall I took was running oot the first crux on the full Jap Garden pitch. Maybe 30 or so feet. Really fun. All air!
  7. Ed its first thing in the friggin morning and that made me sick. Get better soon. If the tendon is fucked we'll just clim alpine.
  8. Yeah, its kinda hard to coun't disaVantage onsites. Speaking of onsites, you should go for Perspective at Nightmare Rock in Squish. Very onsitable for its grade and I thought better than Rutabega.
  9. I'd have to say Stems and Seeds at Vantage or Rutabega at Squamish.
  10. Rages When you get back from school ed?
  11. For Sale: Charlet Moser Pulsars , 1 hammer & 1 adze both curved, w/ Black Diamond Lockdown Leashes $125.00 for both. These tools have been used for 3 seasons and are in good shape with a lot of life left in them. Good for alpine and waterfall ice. PM me if interested.
  12. ehmmic - right on for having the juice to fess up. Thats proud in and of itself. I learned aid climbing at Index myself and got spanked many times, mostly solo. Sketchy down aiding and funk of that type got me down but they were clean climbs so as a rule I never thought about bring pins. What I learned is if you don't know how to swim without waterwings, don't jump in the deep end of the pool.
  13. Erik - Funny, I think I was there for both incidents.
  14. I've never seen them at any other shops before but i just picked up a couple tiny sewn 2 footer Mammut slings. These things are so thin that when you see the strengh rating is the same as a regular sling its amazing. I used this sling with a couple Kong Heliums and its the lightest sling draw I've ever seen. to PMS for carring awesome lightweight gear.
  15. Nice job Paco. Fri/Sat was the money cause Sat/Sun sure sucked.
  16. Dru - Not sure how long you'll be at Smiff but Fred Rogers and I should be down there Wed-Sat and your more then welcome to join.
  17. This concludes my brief little jaunt into the spray category.
  18. I prefer the cheerleaders when I watch football.
  19. Personal, death and beating threats are not cool. CCsprayfuckers.com without Cavey. Get real man, Cavey tells it the way he sees it good or bad and is not afraid to give somebody a big helping of shutthefuckup. All of which is very entertaining. If Cavey is banned then why isn't Trask banned?
  20. Anybody know what the peak is in the upper left hand corner? The face you can see looks interesting.
  21. TimL

    Tree Route

    If I remember correctly there is no tree anymore. It perished in the fire last year. Fred Rogers and I did this route a couple years ago. I think its 2 long pitches maybe 3 short ones. The first pitch is kind of hard to find but it’s on the left hand side of the buttress. I think you could find anchors to bail from probably leaving a little gear or there might be a nasty, down sloping ledge you can walk off of mid climb. Once you top out walk off to the right. If you go left you'll run into a slabby cliff system above Lazy Boy. While your up there sample Mr. Tremendous, Scholar with a dollar, Lazy Boy and Radio Sex. All really good pitches for their grade.
  22. I've been getting shit for selling my board for ice gear for 2-3 years now. Poor Fred is still in trauma. So much he ridding with tele racers... Buy Fred's passes. This weekend will be good for being on the slopes!
  23. I think its the Passenger that BB put up between the South Arete and E Butt? It looks really good!
  24. In my opinion, please note its just that with no specific approach to choosing the better climbs besides my experience, I thought both E Butt of SEWS and NW Corners of NEWS were both super good routes in the same classic category as Lib Crack. Very fun with good climbing. But I bet there are some other good ones out there. Specialed, we'll have to search for them this summer!
  25. I've only climbed Lib Crack once using the standard route. I thought there were a couple good pitches and a couple bad in the second hlaf but I was a little dissapointed as well in comparing it to the first half of the route. If you compare it to your typical mountain route, then yes it has many good pitches in comparision to bad. Nevertheless, its a good route. True there are better routes in the area but we should all be glad there is not a line up on those as Liberty Crack. PMS - Sounds like I'll have to do the direct this summer. Whats different then the regular route?
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