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Everything posted by TimL

  1. I’ve owned the Garmont towers for about a year. I bet the Ferrata’s would be better. The shoe came highly recommended to me and I for one thought is was a let down. I’ve had the stitches blow out 3 times on the toe box section that connects the gore-tex to the leather. Also, the gore-tex does not keep your feet dry for long and wears quickly. I paid $220 for these boots and if I had to do it again I wouldn’t give over a hundred bucks. They are just not worth it.
  2. So what are everyone's favorite approach shoes? I need to pick up a new pair cause my old ones are rags. Looking for low tops in which I can rig crampons. Saw some made by La Sportiva a couple weeks ago. They were pretty new but I forgot what they were called. Thanks.
  3. Has anyone bought hydration packs? If so which ones? What features are better than others? If so do they work well for other sports? thanks.
  4. I'm looking into buying either a small hydration pack or a hydration system. I've seen Nalgine and Camelbak stuff before but what would you guys reccomend? Are there any other companies? What features do you like and dislike about the different packs/systems. Any information is good information. Thanks. Tim
  5. MVS - Did you do it over 2 or 3 days? Thanks.
  6. No wonder SB it felt soft for the grade. If someone from Index put it up it would be rated 11c or easier. Same thing with the Daily Planet.
  7. Ray and Greg W were supposed to shoot me a jungle top rope with directionals on that hill so i could put up a 5.13, M11 tr bushwack with a dyno to a tree hugging finish near the top!
  8. I bought a Camp Numbat at PMS a couple of years ago. Best harness I've ever owned. Durable and light weight but enough of a harness that your able to comfortable climb alpine, ice, walls or take huge cragging wippers. too bad it is so frayed now that I'm afraid to take huge falls on it. Its still a good glacier/alpine harness.
  9. Sweet. I'm trying to make the most out of a possible 3 day trip so we won't be bring any rock pro and not much rope. Looks like Sentinel, Spire Point, Le Conte & Dome would be possibly reasonable. Any beta on the quickest way up and down these guys? Thanks.
  10. For those out there that have actually done the traverse, what were you favorite summits? Of course Dome looks the best but for a quick trip what would be the quickest peaks to climb and keep moving. Thanks.
  11. TimL


    Lame. I've left webbing on Iron Horse and have come back latter only to find it missing. Totally pisses me off. It really helps when your fee climbing the thing. My opinion is leave the friggin webbing in place. Double lame to the idiot who pulled the pins. I know they are super bomber cause I've whipped on them plenty of times. Don't be surpised if you find a couple new ones, but I have yet to look at the gear on the upper part. If you were going to pull any pins I would pull the lower ones. They are not as good. I hate Mundaze.
  12. What type of rack would your reccomend for the SE Buttress route? Thanks.
  13. Cave, bring the whiskey cause I'nm drunk at work now and want to stay that way the rest of the weekend.
  14. Get well soon ML. Chicago...I'm in Chicago right now till Friday. Why in the hell would you want to come here? Its friggin flat.
  15. Your so right. the top out is one of the best. ****
  16. Right on jrb. We were the party of 3 that topped out after you guys on the Stanley/Burgner SF route.. What a stellar climb. We brought a set of nuts, singles to 4 and doubles in .75, 1, 2. If you brought a 3.5 and 4.5 you could use it, but IMO it would be extra weight. Our group in no way was running out pitches and we had plenty of pro for each pitch and belay. Just some general things about the route that might be interesting to others. The route is set up to bail from the last pitch. You can pretty much find natural anchors for each pitch. The descent off the back is still snow covered. At the start of the 3rd pitch start up a corner and go right across chicken heads into a shallow gulley/chimney. I can see were people can get off route here. I thought all the pitches were supper good except the last. Nothing was particularly strenuous or hard for the grade, but I would like to add it is fairly serious for a 5.9. I thought the first 130 feet last pitch sucked. Basically, you climb up this corner with an 8-10 inch crack with a bunch of loose blocks wedged in it. And of course, you use the blocks for hand hold, some foot holds and pro so use your imagination. The Last 20 feet had the good climbing. Great steep jamming, good stemming and even a place to milk a good rest before the final moves. Glad I finally did the route with good company. I'll definitely climb it again.
  17. Matt - Looking over to the general area of CBR from the top of Prusik it looked like there was still a fair amount of snow in the area. I know there was still a fair amount of snow around Prusik. Good thing is it was all soft last weekend.
  18. RuMR - that was funny watch you lead upper Sag. You sent!
  19. Thanks all the Prusssik beta. scotty, thats for teaching me how to spell prusssssik peak. I learn raanier next.
  20. Anybody climb Prussik last weekend or hike in the area? Wondering if the SF has any snow on it. Any and all info will be greatly appreciated!
  21. Anybody been in to do the Mt. Maude NF this year? Any beta on the approach or conditions would be much appreciated.
  22. Blight - If its the 2 cats I'm thinking of, of course they finished it thru Hyperspace. I think for one its his 2nd time getting punished on the route!
  23. gimme the dirty beta how long of a hike is it up to the wall o' dirt
  24. Does anyone have beta on any of the routes on the Bridge Creek Wall in Leavenworth? Anything at all would be good. Erik – I know you did something up there with Peter. Whats the haps? You FFA’ed something right?
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