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Wish me a fuq'n Happy Birthday, fer cryin' out loud. I'm always there fer you guys, giving out b-day props when I happen to notice your little berfday cakes over yer avatars.


I'm feeling lonely and a little older today. Hit the Big Five Oh and I ain't getting any younger.


PS: This is what happens if you leave your office for a day and your co-workers know that your birthday is coming up soon.


I don't know how long it took them to do this, but it took me an hour and a half to "unwrap" my office last Friday morning. No clients were billed for the unwrapping.





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Welcome to the club, Paul. I joined it just a couple of months ago. Hope you're learning what I am: keep those legs, shoulders and biceps strong, protect that back, and keep moving. At least if we still have it, we know how to use it--age and guile beats youth and naivete any day. Cheers!



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Wish me a fuq'n Happy Birthday, fer cryin' out loud. I'm always there fer you guys, giving out b-day props when I happen to notice your little berfday cakes over yer avatars.


I'm feeling lonely and a little older today. Hit the Big Five Oh and I ain't getting any younger.



Happy Birthday Sobo! have a great day and a great next year!!!!!

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Wish me a fuq'n Happy Birthday, fer cryin' out loud. I'm always there fer you guys, giving out b-day props when I happen to notice your little berfday cakes over yer avatars.


I'm feeling lonely and a little older today. Hit the Big Five Oh and I ain't getting any younger.


I'll have a drink with you :brew:


Now, when we gonna climb something, eh?


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Happy Birthday Sobo! Don't let all those candles skeer ya...they're just there to light the way to the long-overdue happiness awaiting you in the year to come. Nobody deserves it more than you, Sweetcakes! Big hugs to you and don't forget to put me on your dance card for spring climbing! I aint' getting any younger either, so we better get out there soon. :kisss:

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Thanks, you guys. You're the best friends a guy ever had... :hic:


Didn't even get drunk today. Spent the weekend with my kids. Did I tell y'all that I moved out of my house two months ago?

Ee-yup, 50 and kicking that bitch to the curb, finally. Shoulda done this years ago. Yay life!


Sherri and 5K, you're both on my dance card for 2010.

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I've been getting a lot of those old Hawaii 5-0 videos and sound clips sent to me.

I used to watch that damned show every week.


Now, regarding me deserving a vacation, you could not have been closer to the mark. Although, I'll be headed to the "ilons, mon" in the opposite direction from Hawaii. I'm taking two weeks off, and I've got two tickets to Paradise, and wheels up is in just 18 days. Wish me luck and bon voyage!

W00t w00t!!!1

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Thanks, you guys. You're the best friends a guy ever had... :hic:


Didn't even get drunk today. Spent the weekend with my kids. Did I tell y'all that I moved out of my house two months ago?

Ee-yup, 50 and kicking that bitch to the curb, finally. Shoulda done this years ago. Yay life!


Sherri and 5K, you're both on my dance card for 2010.


Sweet. My tick list is long, and I'll be up for spring cragging too.



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i hope yer recycling all that or yer gonna make the indians :cry:


are you old enough to remember that commercial?


I remember it. Crap. Now I feel old too.


Though, I must say, my mom taught us to throw the trash out of the car window ONLY when there weren't no one standing around. :whistle:




Looking forward to seeing those sexy legs of yours sailing up the rock this spring, Sobo! :wave:

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