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It was 1987! At a lecture the other day

they were playing an old news video of

Lt.Col. Oliver North testifying at the Iran-

Contra hearings during the Reagan



There was Ollie in front of God and country

getting the third degree, but what he said

was stunning!


He was being drilled by a senator; "Did you

not recently spend close to $60,000 for a

home security system?"


Ollie replied, "Yes, I did, Sir."


The senator continued, trying to get a

laugh out of the audience, "Isn't that just

a little excessive?"


"No, sir," continued Ollie.


"No? And why not?" the senator asked.


"Because the lives of my family and I were

threatened, sir."


"Threatened? By whom?" the senator



"By a terrorist, sir" Ollie answered.


"Terrorist? What terrorist could possibly

scare you that much?"


"His name is Osama bin Laden, sir" Ollie



At this point the senator tried to repeat

the name, but couldn't pronounce it, which

most people back then probably couldn't. A

couple of people laughed at the attempt.

Then the senator continued. Why are you

so afraid of this man?" the senator asked.


"Because, sir, he is the most evil person

alive that I know of", Ollie answered.


"And what do you recommend we do about

him?" asked the senator.


"Well, sir, if it was up to me, I would

recommend that an assassin team be

formed to eliminate him and his men from

the face of the earth."


The senator disagreed with this approach,

and that was all that was shown of the




By the way, that senator was Al Gore




Terrorist pilot Mohammad Atta blew up a

bus in Israel in 1986. The Israelis

captured, tried and imprisoned him. As part

of the Oslo agreement with the Palestinians

in 1993, Israel had to agree to release so-

called "political prisoners."


However, the Israelis would not release any

with blood on their hands, The American

President at the time, Bill Clinton, and his

Secretary of State, Warren Christopher,

"insisted" that all prisoners be released.


Thus Mohammad Atta was freed and

eventually thanked the US by flying an

airplane into Tower One of the World

Trade Center. This was reported by many

of the American TV networks at the time

that the terrorists were first identified. It

was censored in the US from all later




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Here's one that ain't a myth.


Bush Sr. was business partners with Osama's father. Daddy bin Laden invested heavily in the Carlyle Group, Bush Sr.'s arms dealing business. Daddy bin Laden pulled out of the Carlyle Group shortly after 9/11 because it "looked inappropriate."


Hmmm ... Bush Sr. and Osama Sr. sell weapons together ... and Bush Jr. and Osama Jr. are shooting 'em at each other. The Bushes are rich and powerful and the bin Ladens are rich and powereful. EVERYONE WINS!!



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Aside from the details of covers ups of who shot at who first, and who sold what to whom, and who was detained by whom, what amazes me most is the sparsity of coverage on WHY terrorists would do what they do, much less recognizing that there is more than one reason. According to the Webster's definition, a lot of US foreign policy is terrorism. I am not even going to come close to claiming that I know all of the reasons or can offer an informed treatment, but "Because they're envious of our SUV's" seems, at best, like a wad of bullshit. What reading I have done, makes it seem much like people who don't like their countries being treated like colonies.


Any informed opinions out there, or suggestions for good reading on the topic? Especially from differing points of view!

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I put this search into Google...

"oliver north" "osama bin laden"

9 of the 10 hits on the first page were for urban legend and internet hoax sites that report the story as being bullshit. The 10th was a 404.

I also found this..."I was at a UNC lecture the other day where they played a video of Oliver North during the Iran-Contra deals during the Reagan administration."

Trask needs to show Johnny Bitchen some cut and paste camoflage skills.





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Glen -

There was an interesting article in the PI this Sunday, about a guy named Gold who had been a leading writer in a conservative think tank but decided to quit because he thinks the conservatives have lost their way. He says he is against the war because he can't see how we are going to solve anything by it. He says that America, as a nation should not be flexing its' military might so much because "you don't get greatness by pusshing people around. You get it by doing great things. " He also says, however, that the "peace movement" does not interest him because the voices against the war all seem to say that the whole mess is OUR fault and the take too much of a "blame America first" approach without voicing any recognition of all the good that we have done for the world. He says that the conservatives, who say they distrust big government, are forgetting their principles when they promote new laws that allow for increased domestic spying. He notes that "old-line" conservatives like Dick Armey have joined up with the ACLU on this issue.


I don't know if he's written any books or anything, but you ought to check out that article. I thought I was a liberal but I agreed with just about everything he was quoted there as saying. It was quite interesting.

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