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Observations on gaining Middle Age


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Thought I'd share some observations since spray has been so quiet lately.


Went to the Head and the Heart concert at the Paramount Friday night. Music was way too loud, flashing spotlights were annoying. I made the mistake of asking my wife and daughter if it would've detracted from the concert experience if the volume had been reduced 25%. Apparently these guys aren't even considered rock and roll.


Super high speed violent double ejection ski wreck at Mission on Saturday. I haven't wrecked that spectacularly in 20 years but I don't remember it being so painful and embarrassing to get the wind knocked out of me, once I regained consciousness. GAUHHHHHHH! GAUHHHHHH! "Dad, are you going to be OK?" Sure, just give me a second, GAUHHHHHH! "Dad, if you get knocked out so easy, I may have to disown you." My witty retort - GAUHHH!


Sunday had its issues with people driving faster than me over Stevens Pass. Anyone driving faster than me has no idea how to drive in the snow.

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I'm 44 and that was the year I realized I will never be as strong as I once was. Still pretty "fit" compared to most my age but nothing like the good ole days. But, older is better than alternative. Most days anyway. Now I'm dealing with gout, which really sucks when it flares up. No beer for me. :cry:

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Now I'm dealing with gout, which really sucks when it flares up. No beer for me. :cry:


I turn 60 later this year, with a little luck. My wife and I recently discovered the medicinal benefits of tart cherry juice. When I went to the store to score some, the young woman I asked about it said "do you have gout?". We take it for a touch of arthritis. It also helps us sleep through the night...


You should try it for the gout Dave.


I aint gonna say nothin about getting on in years. I can still do most of the fun stuff I want to do and I wouldn't wanna get called a bitch by kkk...



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Interesting. I think I was simultaneously having a middle-age/midlife-crisis moment at Crystal.


There's a drop to the skier's left of the High Campbell chair that I'd been fantasizing about pulling a superman front-flip off of since 1987. I can't even remember why, other than it was something that we'd occasionally work into powder days back in junior high. Pretty lame as skiing fantasies go, and the drop itself is not the least bit impressive, but for some reason it was hard to shake.


I was looking at the telemetry reports the night before, started mulling things over, and decided that I wasn't getting any younger so tomorrow would be the day. High time to get that monkey off of my back and put it to rest so that I could finally start focusing on this whole "soul skiing" thing that I'd been hearing middle age guys carry-on about for the past 30 years.


The snow was bottomless, the time had come, and I duly set the rotation at the edge. My first thought was. "Hey - I think I might pull this off!" The next was "I have no idea what I'm doing in the air, or if I'm looking at sky or snow." That was followed by "Well....this won't be so bad. I hope." Landing flat on my back didn't seem so bad, and the three days of whiplash that ensued seemed like a small price to pay for checking that box and moving on.


Except that I hadn't. As soon as the last dose of Aleve wore off I found myself wondering why I had made such a big deal out of such a silly milepost, and venturing back into the past to berate the 18 year-old version of myself for holding back too much and not getting after it when the potential physical consequences were much lower, and my ability to ponder them was much less developed.


Hopefully when I get old I'll just be happy to skiing, and not looking back thinking "I really should have gotten more out of that whole "Soul Skiing" phase.



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The snow was bottomless, the time had come, and I duly set the rotation at the edge. My first thought was. "Hey - I think I might pull this off!" The next was "I have no idea what I'm doing in the air, or if I'm looking at sky or snow." That was followed by "Well....this won't be so bad. I hope." Landing flat on my back didn't seem so bad, and the three days of whiplash that ensued seemed like a small price to pay for checking that box and moving on.


Except that I hadn't. As soon as the last dose of Aleve wore off I found myself wondering why I had made such a big deal out of such a silly milepost, and venturing back into the past to berate the 18 year-old version of myself for holding back too much and not getting after it when the potential physical consequences were much lower, and my ability to ponder them was much less developed.


Nice Jay, I hope there is some video or at least photographic evidence. Aleve is all you could get your hands on? :laf:

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The snow was bottomless, the time had come, and I duly set the rotation at the edge. My first thought was. "Hey - I think I might pull this off!" The next was "I have no idea what I'm doing in the air, or if I'm looking at sky or snow." That was followed by "Well....this won't be so bad. I hope." Landing flat on my back didn't seem so bad, and the three days of whiplash that ensued seemed like a small price to pay for checking that box and moving on.


Except that I hadn't. As soon as the last dose of Aleve wore off I found myself wondering why I had made such a big deal out of such a silly milepost, and venturing back into the past to berate the 18 year-old version of myself for holding back too much and not getting after it when the potential physical consequences were much lower, and my ability to ponder them was much less developed.


Nice Jay, I hope there is some video or at least photographic evidence. Aleve is all you could get your hands on? :laf:


None by anyone that I was skiing eith, but I think there's a reasonably good chance that the whole episode was captured and simulstreamed on some social media site that I'm too old and lame to be aware of under the heading "#GAPERDADHUCKFAILLOLLOLOL!!"

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