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Caught some details on the early morning. It comes down to just two emails. That's it? And not one word of which meets any factual legal standard that defines threat or malice, yet the recipient is able to manipulatively compel the FBI to action that takes down a popular and celebrated director of the CIA?


Truly, more than just a senior commander of the United States military is proven here utterly defenseless against even the most subtle wrath of woman: we're talking about the entire law enforcement and intelligence apparatus of the nation here, both foreign and domestic!


If an entity such as Al Qaeda or the Taliban ever comes to grasp this fatal vulnerability we now reveal to the world, and at once renounces its sexist ways and come to love the woman, you know, as Dr. Strangelove the bomb, we are then surely doomed!

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The FBI interviewed Broadwell and discovered classified documents on her computer but were unable to prove they came from Petraeus. The agency concluded no crime had been committed and was apparently content to let the matter drop. Agent Shirtless was not.


The FBI agent was himself under investigation over his conduct and warned to stay away from the case altogether after the topless picture incident was discovered. So he turned rogue and went elsewhere.


The agent's motives are not entirely clear, but he was described by officials as having a particular "world view" which appears to have been hostile to Obama. He apparently saw an opportunity to embarrass the president shortly before the election and approached a Republican member of Congress, David Reichert, who passed the information to the Republican majority leader, Eric Cantor. Cantor spoke to the agent and then contacted the FBI director, Robert Mueller.


From the Guardian



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who the FUCK cares about this story still. So tired of reading the TMZ-style headlines in my morning news.

how could it not blow up w/ fox still asking THE IMPORTANT QUESTIONS about benghazi and reeling from getting their sweet-heart mittens swamp-fucked? they NEEDED this!

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Booohooo. Petraus will retire as a 4-star general. They make more in retirement than I can imagine one might be payed to 'sit-on-ass.'


In the Army, infidelity is a crime. Guess GMAIL was NOT the preferred technique for a clandestine (fuck, head of the CIA) to use for something so capable of travesty.


Book will be a best seller, he got his rocks off and he will retire rich as shit. Sounds like he won out after all.



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I just read an article in the Atlantic that a lot of our generals really suck and should be fire a lot more often than they are. Tommy Franks was spotlighted as an especially chowderheaded, not my job kinda guy, uninterested in the little things like cultural savvy and local politics. The premise was that we could have done a lot better in both wars with some more diligent ass kicking at the top.


The inevitable comparison was made to WWII, of course.


Regarding Petraeus, I've noticed that the narrative seems to be that its all the whore's doing. Petraeus' legendary narcissism, which would make a hot 40 year old sycophant a primary target of conquest, gets nary a mention.


Other than her little turfishness issue, the chick sounds pretty regular, even if her writing style, according to critics anyway, isn't exactly top drawer. It wasn't like she was driving across the country in a diaper or anything.


The whole thing sounds like some 13 year olds who could benefit from 3 days suspension and a trip to the school counselor.


Except that it involves the head of the CIA.



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So, let me see if I have this straight:


General has fling with married writer working on book called All In 8D


Writer is jealous of General's friend and sends emails saying back off bitch :battlecage:


General's friend goes to FBI friend, who had sent pics of self shirtless to her previously :kisss:


FBI guy starts investigation though no crime involved :poke:


General resigns :wave:


Other General investigated because of email flirting with first general's friend :)...


That's it......for now :lmao:

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It appears this revolves around the Central Command's economic contribution to Tampa to some extent and in the creation of an interesting local military brass / high-society culture. This sort of intermingling happens on a fairly broad scale up in D.C. but egos are at least somewhat kept in check by the sheer numbers of the power players. In Tampa's isolation, however, it seems to have all spun out of control in some fairly odd and incestuous ways.

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These two superficial morons and the aging mindless fucking boners that chase them around who are supposedly our best and brightest are at the core of whats wrong with this country. The constant and unquestioned hero worship of our military is goddamn ridiculous after multiple failed wars.


However it makes for some pretty awesome news...


ABC Affiliate: ‘All Up In My Snatch’ Petraeus Book Graphic A ‘Mistake’



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Petraeus's inability to keep his Johnson stowed seems to be the least of the man's shortcomings. Recall that he was the architect and chief cheerleader for the Afghan Surge. It doesn't seem to have worked out all that well.


Summary results of The Surge


Will Petraeus be remembered as our modern day Westmoreland, albeit a much more preening version?

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Do you see? Do you see what happens when you give a Whoop too much responsibility?


Seems as though WASP Point hasn't birthed a high ranking winner since Stormin' Norman. By all accounts there seems to be plenty of talent in the junior ranks - perhaps a more battlefield promotion style is in order, cuz the filtering process doesn't seem to be working out too well.



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Puritans and power - ridiculous.


Sun tzu and the Khans knew that in a world at war, high stress on leaders just isn't a good thing and someone needs to be giving the presidential and four star blow jobs. They get this in the EU where affairs are the norm and are definitely not a crime under their UCMJs; that it is under ours is a problem because - formally or informally - you just aren't going to decouple power and pussy.

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Start fewer wars and we won't need so many generals to fire.




On that subject - what now in Syria, gentlemen? Any suggestions? My opinion currently follows Hilary's lead - she seems to be one of the few competent, ethical people in high office these days.


Not to be a fear monger, but...


Pakistan, Afghanistan, Taliban, Syria, Iran, Israel, Turkey, Iraq...is WWIII brewing, or is it all gonna be OK?

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Will Petraeus be remembered as our modern day Westmoreland, albeit a much more preening version?

far more likely he won't hardly be remembered at all ("old soldiers don't die, they blooooooooow away :) ") - more b/c the national attention span can't begin to hold a 13 year war on the other side of the earth that has affected so relatively few in it's view for more than a few seconds before being distracted by so much more shiny shit


korea might have "the forgotten war" but i think when it's all said and done it'll blow afghanistan out of the water.

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Unable to maintain abstinence from tippling the news, I learn this morning the so-called shirtless FBI agent might actually be a decent guy. (See headline story in Seattle Times.) But then, what's he doing sniffing out the intelligence equivalent of day-old panties and whining to House Leader Eric Cantor ® with organoleptic outrage in respect to the lingerie linkage to General "Drip-Dick" Dreedle, aka, uh, aka, what the fuck is his name?


Le sigh. I swear. Never again. No...more...news. Ever.

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