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Lame Duck Obama


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I know it's like, bad taste or something, to suggest that America might even exist after tomorrow, much less entertain the notion that a politician might have any, you know, plans for governing beyond this farce of a horse race, but it might be good to wonder what BARACKOBAMA might actually do with his MANDATE once elected.

At any rate, Romney's probably right, we can't afford 4 more years of the Obama we've seen up to this point.

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"mandate" seems to be a stretch, no matter who wins.


honestly, hard to imagine anythign gets better - the best thing i can imagine is the dem's eventually get the whole congress back in '14 and firmly give up on being bipartisan, as it clearly backfired from '09-'10 - him not having to run for re-election might help give him some balls too, but still, what issue would he even but much ompfh into? no one gives that much of a shit about immigration - foreign policy bores every joe-schmoe and there's no real difference between the two parties there anyway - tax-reform? whatever. getting the debt under control is about all i can think of, but don't see how that goes anywhere w/ a republican house...

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i was younger during that era, so don't remember it as well, but what i do remember was that is was similiar to '09, w/ a buncha time spent trying to suck up to the lizards - DADT and a crappy assault weapons law - was there something else?

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Two supreme court justice appointments, leaving State level weed laws alone, continued focus on renewables, getting out of Afghanistan, a revision of the tax code, however minor, continued support for marital equality and a woman's right to choose, and an internationalist foreign policy, and reigning in a bit of military spending would be OK with me. Pretty much a continuation of what he's been doing all along. I don't see the need for much change in direction, personally. Seems like he had things pretty much on track.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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"At any rate, Romney's probably right, we can't afford 4 more years of the Obama we've seen up to this point."


Other than the stimulus (tax cuts and all) what massive unfunded expansion of Federal Spending did Obama enact that's resulted in the crazy ass deficits of the last few years?


oh yeah basically nothing


blame the deficits on the second worst economic crash of the century that he got handed from all those wonderful policies enacted by the president we do not mention. Oh and hey Republican Congress thanks so much for trying to help fix the mess!


As for a second term....


1)By doing nothing at all he'll allow ACA (Aka ObamaCare) to actually get fully implemented. That will be a huge achievement.


2)The "Fiscal Cliff" is apparently the only opportunity that's going to exist to get a bargain of some sort that will increase revenues and decrease spending. In theory decreasing at least the annual deficit. Though who knows, maybe the Dems will just capitulate like always.


3)Take away everyone's guns and microchip 'em.


After that a whole lot of nothing.....maybe a visit to WA to sample some kind stuff.

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i was younger during that era, so don't remember it as well, but what i do remember was that is was similiar to '09, w/ a buncha time spent trying to suck up to the lizards - DADT and a crappy assault weapons law - was there something else?


When Dems have the presidency and the congress in the modern era, they tend to overextend - a lot, and quickly. They then get bitch slapped by the public who basically says... "we know you said you'd do all this shit, but we did not believe it and just wanted something different from the R's".


I am predicting Virginia goes R this time, Ivan. Will your rend your garments and pull some hear in response to that outcome in your home state?


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The biggest challenge of our time, perhaps of the century, is finding a way to meet the world's growing energy needs in a sustainable fashion. I find it shocking that reps are urgently worried about leaving our kids and grandkids with a lot of national debt, but they don't seem motivated to make sure we leave them a healthy and habitable planet.


Although he's not saying anything during the election, perhaps because swing states have seen gold and jobs in fracking and preservation of coal industry jobs, Obama understands the monumental energy challenge we face and is prepared to do what he can do deal with it. He invested billions into renewable energy research via ARRA, raised fuel efficiency standards to unprecedented levels, tightened emissions regulations on coal plants, fought against the tar sands pipeline from Canada, and provided loan guarantees and other incentives to renewable startups. He will do more if elected, likely via the EPA if the legislature is still an incompetent and constipated body paralyzed by its own poisonous rhetoric and short-term thinking. So I'll add an important #4 to Darin's list:


4 - Deal with the reality of climate change and the energy challenge.


Mitt would have us burn copious amounts of fossil fuels of all flavors and shut down all hope the US will lead the renewable energy revolution. Clean coal is an oxymoron.

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I am predicting Virginia goes R this time, Ivan. Will your rend your garments and pull some hear in response to that outcome in your home state?

Oh my, you were so right fucking on- as usual.

meh, hard to go wrong predicting denizens of the old dominion gonna act like dicks :)

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yes, you predicted, two things- jack and shit ( and jack left town). The point is that Virginia changed and now it is an extended suburb of DC. Plus it is one of the fastest growing latino population. Which means that state was never even a contest.

With your anti-immigrant banter you republicans are fucking yourself up the ass without vaseline and don't even know it. There is 50K latinos turning 18 every day, by far this is the single fastest growing population. Do you think you'll even have a chance in 5-8 years?

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GGK, do you pretty much just like to fight with everyone? I can dig it, I guess. Seems exhausting, though.


With his mood, you'd think Romney won and the R's got a supermajority in the senate. Then again, some people just seem to revel in negativity and unhappiness.

I think presidential election was not as important as house and senate races.

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