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Are anyone else's friends a little too snobbish about beer? I love my microbrews, but in an effort to save money this past summer while not having a job, I began to turn more to the cheap stuff. Usually Ronyay. Was met with dirty looks and comments. WTF? Is there something about living in the NW that makes it not OK to break out a can rather than a bottle? I happen to like Rainier, and the stuff is more thirst quenching than the triple hop destroyer atomic death nectar such and such anyway.

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Hmm, we must run in different crowds. Cheap, canned beer (Rainier, for example) is super hipster right now. Also anything in cans. Have you seen Churchkey beer? Old steel cans and the six pack comes with an old Churchkey opener (for like 9 bucks a sixer lol)


Anyway, maybe we should trade friends, mine are all drinking PBR and Hamms because it's so ironic or whatever.


Anyway, tell your friends that cheap beer is cool now.

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Full-blown hipsterism has not taken hold in Whatcom county like it has in Seattle or Portland. Mustaches by and large are hipster, but beards are still old-school hippie, college student, homeless, or winter apparel for Mt. Baker.


As far as the cool factor, I'm pretty sure PBR is currently the only cool cheap beer right now.



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Germany practically gives this stuff away. A great bier, and true value at ,74 Eur/.5 liter... Their Unions successfully negotiate lunchtime beer drinking rights into their contracts... Now THAT'S havin' your shit together...




Nothin wrong with PBR but I prefer Kokanee by the case from costco @ $17 as an alternative to some of the great IPA's I enjoy from time to time...



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beer makes you fucking blow-ass, burgundy on the other hand...
Gives me a headache and is for girls or fruity men.


I used to be a total beer snob, only drinking highly hopped IPAs. Now I much prefer a decent lager, aka, Modello, PBR, Rolling Rock, Ranjay or Stella. The real beer is just too much for an old fart like me.


speaking of farts, the "bigger" the beer, the bigger the farts.


I still like a "good" beer, but not nearly as often.


I'll still pass on the Miller, Keystone, Bush, Black Label, Steel Reserve, etc. Gotta hang on to what little pride I have left. Not to mention, whatever I've eaten earlier.

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remember Rainier Ale (aka green death) and milwaukee beast?


both those atrocious beverages are currently in my fridge, maybe next time I'll just cut to the chase and mix isopropyl alcohol with club soda.

For such recipes you should read "Moscow-Pietushki"


"At the start of the story, he has just been fired from his job as foreman of a telephone cable-laying crew for drawing charts of the amount of alcohol he and his colleagues were consuming over time. These graphs showed a clear correlation with personal characters. For example, for a Komsomol member, the graph is like the Kremlin Wall, that of a "shagged-out old creep" is like "a breeze on the river Kama", and Venya's chart simply shows his inability to draw a straight line because of the amount he has drunk. Venichka spends the last of his money on liquor and food for the journey. While on the train, he engages in lengthy monologues about history, philosophy and politics. He also befriends many of his fellow travellers and discusses life in the Soviet Union with them over multiple bottles of alcohol. Eventually Venichka oversleeps his station and somehow ends up on the train headed back for Moscow. Still drunk, half-conscious and tormented by fantastic visions, he wanders aimlessly the night city streets, happens upon a gang of thugs, and is promptly chased and murdered by them."

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When I was a boy, my uncles all drank this. Then they would give me the empty bottle and challenge me to find all the rabbits and/or crows on the label. Good memories. How many can you find?


edit: I wouldn't drink this horse piss now if you paid me; gives me heartburn

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