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After watching last night debate I am convinced Romney will say anything, just so he can get elected. By now, he pretty much changed his opinion about 3 to 5 times on EVERY subject. Like he now likes teachers, but wants to dismantle department of education and cut funding to schools? WTF? Looks to me he was coached by Gromyko. And why is it, that republicans claim they are anticommunists, but sound exactly like them?

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After watching last night debate I am convinced Romney will say anything, just so he can get elected. By now, he pretty much changed his opinion about 3 to 5 times on EVERY subject. Like he now likes teachers, but wants to dismantle department of education and cut funding to schools? WTF? Looks to me he was coached by Gromyko. And why is it, that republicans claim they are anticommunists, but sound exactly like them?

Sure, Romney will say anything, depending on whatever he thinks will be the most effective tactic for manipulating his target audience. As a financier, his targets were business owners that he used to bilk hundreds of $millions out of the American economy once the laws that defined his practices as felonious were repealed. Moreover, not only does what he says change with the proverbial wind, but his actual beliefs seem to change just as readily, as though he were a man with no real convictions. As such, he can say and believe whatever is most convenient to best serve the self-seeking ends to which he is beholden. This leaves us with one stark question: As he is man thus beholden, to whom will Romney give his allegiance as president?


On domestic issues, Romney has actually made pretty clear what he'll do. Privatize profits. Externalize losses. Money in the pocket and the bill to the taxpayer. He's maybe the most successful American carpetbagger of modern times, and will continue being that as long as he can.


In the area of foreign affairs, the answer to the question of who will own Romney is obvious. Our old friends from the Bush administration--the Neocons--will be back calling the shots, literally. The appointments are already made. Bona-fide nutjob fascists at the trigger, that will be just great. Which brings up another point:


Regarding the similarity you see between Republicans and communists, I think the commonality you're perceiving is the outcome of totalitarianism. The Republican party has become the party of fascism, really a different ideology compared to communism. That said, both might remind you of totalitarianism, understandably, as both have historically delivered to their respective constituents that same end--and, if I'm not mistaken, you were one of those constituents at one time. All that said, I'd be comparatively comfortable with Republicans in power if they were communists. Seriously. Maybe that's because I'm a liberal, and communists are just people farther to the left, maybe a lot farther to the left, but not all communist leaders or governments prove disastrous. I don't know we can say the same of fascism, an ideology so remarkably disposed to committing immense acts of brutality to most anybody, include its own people, that some intellectuals actually equivocate fascism with brutality, rather than defining it as social-economic model. Anyway, when you consider what fascism is -- the merger of oligarchic corporate power with that of the state -- then the outcome seems obvious, so long as you are one to agree that absolute power will corrupt absolutely.


So yeah, considering your experience with a totalitarian regime, I'm not surprised if today's Republican party reminds you of that.

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Burn your TV.


This is extremely environmentally toxic. But I suppose Ron Paul DOES want to abolish environmental regulations, so....


And Obama has kept Gitmo open so I guess its all relevant.


Kev, you know what they did before Gitmo, right?

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Burn your TV.


This is extremely environmentally toxic. But I suppose Ron Paul DOES want to abolish environmental regulations, so....


And Obama has kept Gitmo open so I guess its all relevant.


Kev, you know what they did before Gitmo, right?


If that does not float your boat about how bad Obama is then how about this?



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Burn your TV.


This is extremely environmentally toxic. But I suppose Ron Paul DOES want to abolish environmental regulations, so....


And Obama has kept Gitmo open so I guess its all relevant.

and how is it that he hasn't hauled you off there yet, freedom-hater! (or ron paul, for that matter) :)

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