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Well, the video does have a point (along with lots of dead bodies,) and at least Ron Paul is willing to state the honest truth about the way our effed up foreign policy/ military adventures turned around to bit us in the hinders. Rick Santorum's head looked like it was about to explode and spread a frothy mix of brains etc. all over the place. However, being less crazy than Rick Santorum is hardly a ringing endorsement of one's qualifications for POTUS.

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He can sum up his philosophy in a paragraph: "[The Washington Establishment] believes that if you have the freedom to keep what you earn and take care of yourself, you won't do it. They want to do it for you -- and they've been trying for the past 70 years, since the Great Depression. But we've learned that government can't do it, either."


On an even more basic level, it would be nice to believe that people can take care of themselves without government help, but it just hasn't proved true in the past: Programs like Social Security and Medicare -- programs which run directly against America's Jeffersonian/libertarian tradition -- were necessary because people couldn't take care of themselves. The elderly, especially, had trouble paying medical bills after their working days ended. The American people, through our government, decided to make a very rudimentary deal: to make sure that our parents didn't starve or sleep in the streets or were unable to get medical care. There was nothing unconstitutional about that -- just as there's nothing unconstitutional about requiring people to have medical insurance now. The deal was made with the consent of the governed. In the real world, these are the most popular programs the government offers -- about 80% of the American people are happy with them.



Cue racist charges and race baiting posts....3...2...1...

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I really liked the narrator. His accent made me want to listen to what he had to say.


Kevbone, how do you feel about Ron Paul's racist skeletons in his closet? He used to have some not very nice things to say abou the blacks.


I have read nothing to indicate he has racist skeletons. But I usually don't go on what people say (like Obama, he lost me along time ago)....only on what they do. Actions speak louder than words.

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I have read nothing to indicate he has racist skeletons. But I usually don't go on what people say (like Obama, he lost me along time ago)....only on what they do. Actions speak louder than words.


You must have not read much about him, then. Do you only get your news from youtube?


everyone else knows more about Paul than you do


Just in case you did not read my "entire" post. Actions speak louder than words.

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Here ya go, Bone. It's even in a reputable magazine:


Piece about Pauls racist newsletters in the Atlantic


It's fine to worship a candidate (naive, but do what ya need to), but it helps to know at least a little about them, too.


The 'racist remark' story is everywhere right now. Even Bubble Boy knows about it. Try reading a newspaper, any newspaper, sometime.

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I have read nothing to indicate he has racist skeletons. But I usually don't go on what people say (like Obama, he lost me along time ago)....only on what they do. Actions speak louder than words.


You must have not read much about him, then. Do you only get your news from youtube?


everyone else knows more about Paul than you do


Just in case you did not read my "entire" post. Actions speak louder than words.


You also said you hadn't even heard of this before. Don't you investigate your candidates? Holy shit.

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2008 – Mike Huckabee (34%), Mitt Romney (25%), Fred Thompson (13%), John McCain (13%), Ron Paul (10%), Rudy Giuliani (4%), and Duncan Hunter (1%)

2004 – George W. Bush (unopposed)

2000 – George W. Bush (41%)[citation needed], Steve Forbes (30%)[citation needed], Alan Keyes (14%), Gary Bauer (9%), John McCain (5%), and Orrin Hatch (1%)

1996 – Bob Dole (26%), Pat Buchanan (23%), Lamar Alexander (18%), Steve Forbes (10%), Phil Gramm (9%), Alan Keyes (7%), Richard Lugar (4%), and Morry Taylor (1%)

1992 – George H. W. Bush (unopposed)

1988 – Bob Dole (37%), Pat Robertson (25%), George H. W. Bush (19%), Jack Kemp (11%), and Pierre DuPont (7%)

1984 – Ronald Reagan (unopposed)

1980 – George H. W. Bush (32%), Ronald Reagan (30%), Howard Baker (15%), John Connally (9%), Phil Crane (7%), John B. Anderson (4%), and Bob Dole (2%)

1976 – Gerald Ford and Ronald Reagan

man, you sure you want yer boy to win iowa, kev? looks like the kiss of death to me :) past 9 caucuses there, the winner has either not won the nomination or lost in the general election 6 times :rawk:

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