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Worst Partner you ever climbed with


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Mine was Dennis Harmon.


Got Fred and Matt's tent stolen because he was too lazy to put in the car like I asked.


Never offered any gas money on a 2 week trip.


Took pocket change from center console of my car to buy smokes and booze without asking.


Not interested in leading anything. Even if it was easy it seemed.


Only interested in routes that are on pointed or well defined summits. (weird)


I offered to buy him breakfast in Golden and he declined. But asked for booze and cigarrette money.


Seemed unable to climb a mountain without stopping me for a smoke break every other pitch.


Downright non social.


Ok Ok some of you dont want to hear this but I dont care. Anyone else got some stories?

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I was trying a FA once with this American fellow and he made us bail from 6 piches up some route because he had a cold [Mad][Mad][Wink]


No seriously I climbed with a seriously mental weirdo ex-army cop named Don once. Don suddenly realized while leading a 5.9 that he had "forgot to take the pills that help him remember things". I'm sitting there thinking "Like how to belay" [Eek!]

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Originally posted by Figger Eight:

I was wondering how that trip went.

My highlight was deciding for Fred and I to helo into the Niuts the night after he bragged he would not use helos ever. [big Grin]


Then he hitchiked back to my house from Kamloops. Hasta Luego. C-ya.


I wonder how Fred and MSR made out on that tent deal. It was a loaner tent and he was pissed about it. They guy does not care if it aint his.

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Originally posted by Cpt.Caveman:

My highlight was deciding for Fred and I to helo into the Niuts the night after he bragged he would not use helos ever. . .

This reminded me of the time I watched Fred plead with Paul Roderick of TAT to drop him off by Motorcycle Hill on the West Butt route of Denali. "I'm too old to make that slog."


Paul declined due to concerns over his license to land on the glacier.

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I don't want anyone to take this the wrong way, cause I totaly love this woman... but the woman that taught me to climb became my worst climbing partner. She started not showing for climbing apointments and one morning I road my bike to her house at 6 am (because she wanted to climb before work) and not only did she not want to get up and climb, she wouldn't even let me in the house to pee. [Frown] she told me later that she forgot, and just didn't wake up [Roll Eyes][Roll Eyes][Roll Eyes]

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Back during my glacier slogging days, I once hooked up with this fella to do Glacier peak (Frostbite ridge). This fella was a safety inspector at Boeing. During the whole three day trip, this fella just rattled on non-stop about how important safety is. It wasn't about climbing safety that he rattled on about either. It was how to safely walk down the street or how to safely take a shower without slipping or how to safely take a shit without blowing a hemorhoid or how to safely pick your nose. You get the idea. To make matters worse, this guy had the stinkiest feet known to mankind and he farted non-stop. I admit, I've been guilty of farting while climbing but this guy farted constantly and I'm talking about those wet sounding farts that leave skid marks in the undies and stink to high heaven. Uuuug, I'm ready to head for the bathroom right now and wretch just thinking about it.



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I went climbing with 3 people last Sunday and one of them refused to carry the rope even though he only had slippers and a harness in his pack. And then when I blew out the sole of my shoe no-one else would put a rope on anything so we went and ate ice-cream instead. At least I didn't have to pay for that too. What a bunch of losers [Razz]

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I once had a partner who took almost two hours to lead the first pitch of Saber and then he backed off of the move before the ledge because he ran out of gear. This was the same guy that had previously climbed the Nose twice! I've waited for him to get his shit together way too many times.

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Originally posted by fern:

I went climbing with 3 people last Sunday and one of them refused to carry the rope even though he only had slippers and a harness in his pack. And then when I blew out the sole of my shoe no-one else would put a rope on anything so we went and ate ice-cream instead. At least I didn't have to pay for that too. What a bunch of losers

I went climbing with this chick once and all she did was constantly dis everyone else she knew yada yada yada too bad we're not all perfect like her [laf]

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My worst partner ever was Rick Sylvester( the semi famous one) He dropped me 30' on an A3 pitch half way up the Liberty Cap in YV. I hit the ledge he had just taken a shit on and almost landed in it.After severly spraining my ankle he bitches that I didnt carry all the weight down I should have . As if that wasnt enough he strands me in the valley and I have to hitchhike out bareley able to walk.I have heard of many epics with this guy.

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Originally posted by ivan:

never climb w/ orangutangs (or try to spell them either)...all the hair, plus they climb better than me, don't protect long traverses and throw excrement at you the whole time you're seconding

LMAO!!! Plus having to carry all those bananas.

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Originally posted by Peter Puget:

I went climbing with someone once and all they would talk about was how full of idiots this site was!
[Roll Eyes]
Good thing PP was going incognito that day!

Petey, I once went climbing with one of the idiots who started this site if you can believe that!

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