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This is the best stuff around, Banana Blitz GU.

Top 10 reasons:

10) It doesn't freeze period!

9) It tastes great even at high alt.

8) It isn't heavy!

7) Doesn't turn into a tent stake when cold!

6) Doesn't need much water to wash down.

5) No after taste

4) Easy to consume

3) You look cool eating it

2) You can put a bunch in an old tooth paste tube

1) My climbing partner hates the flavor!


Anyone know how to get a sponsorship from the makers of GU? [smile]

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I recall recently getting a little taste of some strawberry GU from a buddy, just enough to moisten my whistle, so to speak. This was out in the woods where food actually tastes better than it is. He said, "what do you think of it?" To which I replied, "ewww, tastes like artificiaaly flavored...spunk."


Rather reluctantly, he finished the packet of, well, whatever, and the topic did not come up again.


Yucky. Whatever happened to the low- tech [HORSECOCK] ?

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I recall recently getting a little taste of some strawberry GU from a buddy, just enough to moisten my whistle, so to speak. This was out in the woods where food actually tastes better than it is. He said, "what do you think of it?" To which I replied, "ewww, tastes like artificiaaly flavored...spunk."


Rather reluctantly, he finished the packet of, well, whatever, and the topic did not come up again.


That is so soft porn. [Razz]

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To which I replied, "ewww, tastes like artificiaaly flavored...spunk."

I just heard about a new restaurant that opened downtown and it's supposed to be great. Reservations are had to get but I could probably work that out. Then maybe take in a show after a couple refreshers. What do you say, pick you up Saturday around 8ish? [smile]

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good question. Yet I think at least what I understood was that if you took spunk(anyones spunk) and added an artifical flavor to it, say strawberry, than GU would be what you ended up with. do they have sour apple? sour apple can make anything taste good [big Grin]

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Originally posted by allison:

I recall recently getting a little taste of some strawberry GU from a buddy, just enough to moisten my whistle, so to speak. This was out in the woods where food actually tastes better than it is. He said, "what do you think of it?" To which I replied, "ewww, tastes like artificiaaly flavored...spunk."


Rather reluctantly, he finished the packet of, well, whatever, and the topic did not come up again.


Yucky. Whatever happened to the low- tech

i was going to offer up some trask spunk for you to sample, and also comment on your obvious fondness for said item, but I'm much to courteous and polite to ever say something like that to a lady, so i won't

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