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Originally posted by Dr Flash Amazing:

Speaking of dreads, the Doctor has gotten a good laugh a couple of times lately on his way home from work, as he has passed a rather white and scruffy looking kid rockin' the dreads and driving ... a brand new Land Rover with leather interior
! You always hear the term "trustafarian," but how often do you actually get to see a combo like that? Priceless.

I guess the car you drive is now required to fit into your fashion ensemble? What car do you drive Doc when you're listening to NOFX? Which one for Tito Puente?

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Yeah, yeah, we shouldn't judge others by their music, fashion, or automotive tastes or the apparent juxtapositions of those tastes.


But hippies are fun to make fun of, and as a subculture commonly regarded for its dirtbagness and embracing of the simple life, it's funny to see one behind the wheel of such a posh automobile.


NOFX is middle-class, suburban southern California punk rock, which goes along just fine with DFA's middle-class Subaru, thank you very much.



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Everyone is fun to make fun of if they're different from you. It's not like DFA automatically hates anyone whose tastes and income or fashion don't match up; you get judged on what kind of person you are, and fuck all that other crap. Making fun of people is an enjoyable and usually harmless pastime, however, and not to be discarded. [big Grin]

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Why don't we call you punker-than-thou, and call DFA stoked on new-school punk rock. We can call Green Day pop, though.


While you're chilling at home with your bullet belt, listening to Christ: the Bootleg (on vinyl, presumably -- CDs are definitely not punk enough) and wishing CRASS would do a reunion tour, Dr. Flash Amazing will be going apeshit in the circle pit at the next NOFX show and having a shitload of fun. Ain't that what it's all about anyway?




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Oh heck, don't get all ruffled now, good doctor.


You enjoy the music you like. I'd want nothing less for you.


You just have a habit of bandying about certain terms very loosely. "Hippy" is another one that comes to mind. I suppose your use of that term mirrors your use of "punk": general, unspecific, perfectly suitable for stereotype.

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DFA's not too ruffled, don't worry.


Anyway, the Doctor is of the opinion that terms like "punk" and "hippie" aren't all that pigeonholeable. Confining "punk" to only mean one thing is pretty limiting and un-punk, no?


For the sake of continuing a totally futile and yet not climbing-related discussion, where do you draw the line for what music qualifies as punk and what doesn't? What defines where you draw that line? Is it the era in which the music was made? Politics? Background of the band members? Record label? Musical style?


Inquiring Doctors want to know!

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To me, punk embodied just the opposite of the "don't give a fuck" attitude. The bands I mentioned did give a fuck, and it showed through their music (X comes to mind just now, another punk band).


To me, the spirit of punk is a "don't give a fuck" attitude about reactionary norms, "fitting in", conservative effetism, or any other form of suffocation and fear. It has nothing to do with style, or the nihilistic generalized pessimism that it came to be understood as in some circles. So in this sense, J. Krishnamurti was punk, Jesus was punk, Nietzsche certainly was punk. Thelonius Monk was punk, Coltrane was punk. Fucking Johnny Cash was (is?) punk. Some dated dried fruit plucking chords that make a similar sound to a musical genre classified as "punk" twenty five years ago is NOT punk, in my view at least.


Jeez, you guys take things so seriously, it's hard to have a conversation with you! [laf]

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Originally posted by sexual chocolate:

To me, punk embodied just the opposite of the "don't give a fuck" attitude. The bands I mentioned did give a fuck, and it showed through their music (X comes to mind just now, another punk band).


To me, the spirit of punk is a "don't give a fuck" attitude about reactionary norms, "fitting in", conservative effetism, or any other form of suffocation and fear. It has nothing to do with style, or the nihilistic generalized pessimism that it came to be understood as in some circles. So in this sense, J. Krishnamurti was punk, Jesus was punk, Nietzsche certainly was punk. Thelonius Monk was punk, Coltrane was punk. Fucking Johnny Cash was (is?) punk. Some dated dried fruit plucking chords that make a similar sound to a musical genre classified as "punk" twenty five years ago is NOT punk, in my view at least.


Jeez, you guys take things so seriously, it's hard to have a conversation with you!

Fuck off, no one gives a fuck anymore! [laf]

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Punk like everything else is another way to seperate humanity so that someone may think for a minute that they might have an individual thought or emotion [Roll Eyes][Roll Eyes][sleep][sleep][sleep]


They use old punk tunes in comercials now as much as they use classic rock. it all boring and stupid [Mad]


listen to what turns you on,makes you happy or sad..brings you some kind of emotion or experience... labels are stupid...


especialy "not punk enough" [Mad]

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There is always something new punk rockers try to call punk rock.


I have pics of me with a huge blue mohawk in the 80s and early 90s. So what? It's all about the lifestyle some say...


I think not. Punk Rock is more about the attitude.


Die Die Die my darling................................................

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