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The United States appears to be in a state of rapid collapse: economically, culturally, militarily, environmentally, and morally.


Historically, a situation like ours often results in dissolution into more manageable, regional entities.


Culturally and politically, the Left Coast is completely isolated from its geographic neighbors - and for the most part, provides the bulk of the West's economic engine. It's the most energy self sufficient region in the country.


If we were to break off from the Union, could we make it on our own? In what form? HI, CA, OR, and WA? Should AK be allowed to tag along?

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I'm not sure anyone today could argue that our federal government is now actively working against the interests of the bulk of its citizens in favor of wealth concentration and environmentally unsustainable asset stripping by national and multi-national corporations. Seems like its time to make it go away, along with our country's more dysfunctional states, which would be most of them.


Yes, the South East would likely regress back into a destitute, oppressive shit hole. Texas would likely go it alone, it's population kept entertained by periodic invasions of Mexico and Cowboy v Ranger games. The Midwest would probably beg Canada to shelter them from the cold, only to be denied. The people of Arizona, as federally subsidized as a Venusian colony, would be begging for anyone to let them in...Mexico might, just for revenge.


Cascadia is defined by water and forests: it encompasses all of the watersheds whose rivers flow through the temperate rainforests

on the northwest Pacific coast.


  j_b said:
Cascadia is defined by water and forests: it encompasses all of the watersheds whose rivers flow through the temperate rainforests

on the northwest Pacific coast.


Thank you. Thank you so much, j_b.



  tvashtarkatena said:
The United States appears to be in a state of rapid collapse: economically, culturally, militarily, environmentally, and morally. Historically, a situation like ours often results in dissolution into more manageable, regional entities. Culturally and politically, the Left Coast is completely isolated from its geographic neighbors - and for the most part, provides the bulk of the West's economic engine. It's the most energy self sufficient region in the country. If we were to break off from the Union, could we make it on our own? In what form? HI, CA, OR, and WA? Should AK be allowed to tag along?


I'm not sure anyone today could argue that our federal government is now actively working against the interests of the bulk of its citizens in favor of wealth concentration and environmentally unsustainable asset stripping by national and multi-national corporations. Seems like its time to make it go away, along with our country's more dysfunctional states, which would be most of them.


Yes, the South East would likely regress back into a destitute, oppressive shit hole. Texas would likely go it alone, it's population kept entertained by periodic invasions of Mexico and Cowboy v Ranger games. The Midwest would probably beg Canada to shelter them from the cold, only to be denied. The people of Arizona, as federally subsidized as a Venusian colony, would be begging for anyone to let them in...Mexico might, just for revenge.


I think we all agree that we'd encourage you and you alone to start and conduct our own personal secessionist movement as long as it meant you went off, lived alone and left the rest of us normal people the fuck alone. :lmao: Hey, we could have a little election right here on CC.com to confirm that you should do this. "SHOULD TRASH SECEDE FROM THE UNION AND LEAVE US all THE F* ALONE". YES OR NO The election would win in a landslide. You could lock yourself in your house and play with your dolls or whatever you do, promote yourself to Emperor of the house for life: little Napoleon or Hitler. You could sit around all day and call yourself these nasty little names like you usually do around here. They would still make you feel clever and you'd still just be a total bitch but to yourself instead of to others. You could conduct straw polls on how you are feeling or when you should go take a dump, those kind of things - or whatever. The key thing is that although you are still being a nasty little bitch like always :grin: , this time it is but to yourself and yourself alone. Woot! It certainly is the best idea you've ever had and I support it 100%.


It would be awesome.


Goodby! :wave:

  j_b said:
Cascadia is defined by water and forests: it encompasses all of the watersheds whose rivers flow through the temperate rainforests

on the northwest Pacific coast.



Is the capital city going to be Chilliwack? :rolleyes:

  Nitrox said:
If you seceded you wouldn't have the tax base to fund most of your newage "rights".


Don't worry, with the number of native peoples represented in the map above, there probably wouldn't be much "negotiating" for equal protections.

  Hugh Conway said:
  wadelyj said:
Only problem with the Cascadia idea is that you would have to get BC to go along with it... and why would they do that?!?


oh they will after the real estate collapse


that's like pre schoolers and kindergarten forming their own country sickie does anybody here have a fuckin job? or do employers not care anymore?

  tvashtarkatena said:
The United States appears to be in a state of rapid collapse: economically, culturally, militarily, environmentally, and morally.


Historically, a situation like ours often results in dissolution into more manageable, regional entities.


Culturally and politically, the Left Coast is completely isolated from its geographic neighbors - and for the most part, provides the bulk of the West's economic engine. It's the most energy self sufficient region in the country.


If we were to break off from the Union, could we make it on our own? In what form? HI, CA, OR, and WA? Should AK be allowed to tag along?



isn't that like running away from home? and having wally, the beave, lumpy and maybe larry mondello come along :lmao::lmao::lmao::lmao:


:lmao: Pink.



  prole said:
You couldn't stop a toilet.

OMG, that's hilarious Prole.


To get back to the serious part of Pats thread, interesting in that the Russians (based an a professors predictions) have believed that for some time that the breakup of the country will be right about now, actually, we just missed the date. Here's a 2008 Wall Street Journal piece on it. http://online.wsj.com/article/SB123051100709638419.html




That Emmanuel Todd, the mercantilist Frenchman who predicted the collapse of the USSR 12 years in advance has also predicted the US collapse is un-nerving.

http://www.guardian.co.uk/theobserver/2004/feb/08/society.politics Towards the end of this snippit from the review he explains that it's partially the typical self-centered entitlement attitude embodied by jb and his ilk's fault, who will son show up trying to blame the elites and anyone else and just further prove Todds point:


From the book "After the Empire: The Breakdown of the American Order

by Emmanuel Todd



Lind describes Todd's argument as 'a powerful antidote to hysterical exaggeration of American power and potential by American triumphalists and anti-American polemicists alike'. The author, he says, understands 'as the American political elite evidently does not, that military power cannot be understood apart from economic performance. For decades the US, while exporting soldiers, has helped to promote global economic growth by importing manufactured goods and immigrants'. In other words, the US is living on borrowed time. It depends on sweatshop labour, both within its borders and abroad, to sustain its wealth.


Nowhere is the mutual dependency greater than between Wal-Mart and the People's Republic of China. America's largest (and soon to be Britain's largest) retail monster now accounts for a significant chunk of the GDP of the world's fastest-growing economy. I am told that even those stars and stripes flags Americans like to hang outside their houses, bought naturally from Wal-Mart stores, are now made in China.


'Today's Americans, so dynamic and so capable of accepting the insecurity of a deregulated work world, have become en masse the planet's non-productive, ever-consuming government employees. An excess of individual responsibility has only generated a collective irresponsibility."


Of course, of any work of that scope, folks can point out the many flaws, but were they not the same ones pointing out the flaws in his USSR breakup analysis?


that's the best you could do serenity-now? whatever fires you were annealed in still left you interwbe laaaaaaaaaame!


america won't be breaking up anytime soon i'd wager - i'm sure we'll be more like the ottoman empire, classicly lamer and lamer generations on end for as many more centuries the world of man can go limping along - maybe we'll get some furniture named after too?

  billcoe said:
  tvashtarkatena said:
The United States appears to be in a state of rapid collapse: economically, culturally, militarily, environmentally, and morally. Historically, a situation like ours often results in dissolution into more manageable, regional entities. Culturally and politically, the Left Coast is completely isolated from its geographic neighbors - and for the most part, provides the bulk of the West's economic engine. It's the most energy self sufficient region in the country. If we were to break off from the Union, could we make it on our own? In what form? HI, CA, OR, and WA? Should AK be allowed to tag along?


I'm not sure anyone today could argue that our federal government is now actively working against the interests of the bulk of its citizens in favor of wealth concentration and environmentally unsustainable asset stripping by national and multi-national corporations. Seems like its time to make it go away, along with our country's more dysfunctional states, which would be most of them.


Yes, the South East would likely regress back into a destitute, oppressive shit hole. Texas would likely go it alone, it's population kept entertained by periodic invasions of Mexico and Cowboy v Ranger games. The Midwest would probably beg Canada to shelter them from the cold, only to be denied. The people of Arizona, as federally subsidized as a Venusian colony, would be begging for anyone to let them in...Mexico might, just for revenge.


I think we all agree that we'd encourage you and you alone to start and conduct our own personal secessionist movement as long as it meant you went off, lived alone and left the rest of us normal people the fuck alone. :lmao: Hey, we could have a little election right here on CC.com to confirm that you should do this. "SHOULD TRASH SECEDE FROM THE UNION AND LEAVE US all THE F* ALONE". YES OR NO The election would win in a landslide. You could lock yourself in your house and play with your dolls or whatever you do, promote yourself to Emperor of the house for life: little Napoleon or Hitler. You could sit around all day and call yourself these nasty little names like you usually do around here. They would still make you feel clever and you'd still just be a total bitch but to yourself instead of to others. You could conduct straw polls on how you are feeling or when you should go take a dump, those kind of things - or whatever. The key thing is that although you are still being a nasty little bitch like always :grin: , this time it is but to yourself and yourself alone. Woot! It certainly is the best idea you've ever had and I support it 100%.


It would be awesome.


Goodby! :wave:


Are you and Klenke taking a creative writing course together?

  ivan said:
that's the best you could do serenity-now? whatever fires you were annealed in still left you interwbe laaaaaaaaaame!


america won't be breaking up anytime soon i'd wager - i'm sure we'll be more like the ottoman empire, classicly lamer and lamer generations on end for as many more centuries the world of man can go limping along - maybe we'll get some furniture named after too?


He's the spray equivalent of a guy who sucks cock on occasion but 'sure as hell isn't gay'.


So, could the five states of the west coast make it on their own economically? I'd wager we'd do a lot better without the Federal monkey, essentially a totalitarian entity nowadays, on our backs.


A substantial national security threat would remain, though...from the remainder of our own country, and just about no where else.

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