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if anyone needed further proof


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of the collusion between libertarian billionaires, corporations, media, GOP, tea parties and other astro-turfs/front groups. Media Matters got the memo and the guest list of their last meeting during which they planned the 2010 midterm elections:


MEMO: Health Insurance, Banking, Oil Industries Met With Koch, Chamber, Glenn Beck To Plot 2010 Election


In 2006, Koch Industries owner Charles Koch revealed to the Wall Street Journal’s Stephen Moore that he coordinates the funding of the conservative infrastructure of front groups, political campaigns, think tanks, media outlets and other anti-government efforts through a twice annual meeting of wealthy right-wing donors. He also confided to Moore, who is funded through several of Koch’s ventures, that his true goal is to strengthen the “culture of prosperity” by eliminating “90%” of all laws and government regulations. Although it is difficult to quantify the exact amount Koch alone has funneled to right-wing fronts, some studies have pointed toward $50 million he has given alone to anti-environmental groups. Recently, fronts funded by Charles and his brother David have received scrutiny because they have played a pivotal role in the organizing of the anti-Obama Tea Parties and the promotion of virulent far right lawmakers like Sen. Jim DeMint (R-SC). (David Koch praised DeMint and gave him a “Washington Award” shortly after the senator promised to “break” Obama by making health reform his “Waterloo.”)


While the Koch brothers — each worth over $21.5 billion — have certainly underwritten much of the right, their hidden coordination with other big business money has gone largely unnoticed. ThinkProgress has obtained a memo outlining the details of the last Koch gathering held in June of this year. The memo, along with an attendee list of about 210 people, shows the titans of industry — from health insurance companies, oil executives, Wall Street investors, and real estate tycoons — working together with conservative journalists and Republican operatives to plan the 2010 election, as well as ongoing conservative efforts through 2012. According to the memo, David Chavern, the number two at the U.S. Chamber of Commerce and Fox News hate-talker Glenn Beck also met with these representatives of the corporate elite. In an election season with the most undisclosed secret corporate giving since the Watergate-era, the memo sheds light on the symbiotic relationship between extremely profitable, multi-billion dollar corporations and much of the conservative infrastructure. The memo describes the prospective corporate donors as “investors,” and it makes clear that many of the Republican operatives managing shadowy, undisclosed fronts running attack ads against Democrats were involved in the Koch’s election-planning event:


here for more



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I don't think it is your imagination. They are officially part of the Kochtopus CABAL now. Those who tend to think that conspiracies are never more than theories should take a good look.


How do you know that Koch Industries, Inc haven't implanted you with a thought control device that has compelled you to destroy the credibility of conspiracy theories involving Koch Industries, Inc by personally vouching for them...?


I've heard that you can detect Koch Industries, Inc thought control devices (planted directly behind the retina by completely noiseless nano-scale insect-drones) by taking a household laser-pointer, shining it directly into your eye for 4.328 minutes, and then turning off the lights and asking a friend, partner, etc whether or not they can detect a faint glow at the back of your eye. If the answer is yes, the only way to deactivate the device is to vote Republican for the next 6 election cycles.


If no spouse, partner, or friend is available - simply stare into a web-enabled camera after illuminating the Koch Industries, Inc sub-retinal mind-control implant with the household laser and post the resulting footage on Youtube with "Squotodlor the Toltec Goat King Will See You Now, Billy" in for the title and one or more members of the Koch Industries Inc Sub Retinal Mind Control Implant Detection Squad Members will review the footage and report the results on the "comments" section in 1.4 hours or less. The code word is "Whammo!"


Finally - remember that those who deny the Existence of Koch Industries Inc sub-retinal mind control implants are already under the control of such implants and must not be trusted.


That is all.

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It's just like you to deny that many of the wealthy and corporations are conspiring to finance a network of propaganda and fake-grass root activism to buy elections and take greater control of government in order to achieve unfettered capitalism.

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It's just like you to deny that many of the wealthy and corporations are conspiring to finance a network of propaganda and fake-grass root activism to buy elections and take greater control of government in order to achieve unfettered capitalism.



right, and don't forget they're also after our precious bodily fluids



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I don't think it is your imagination. They are officially part of the Kochtopus CABAL now. Those who tend to think that conspiracies are never more than theories should take a good look.


How do you know that Koch Industries, Inc haven't implanted you with a thought control device that has compelled you to destroy the credibility of conspiracy theories involving Koch Industries, Inc by personally vouching for them...?


I've heard that you can detect Koch Industries, Inc thought control devices (planted directly behind the retina by completely noiseless nano-scale insect-drones) by taking a household laser-pointer, shining it directly into your eye for 4.328 minutes, and then turning off the lights and asking a friend, partner, etc whether or not they can detect a faint glow at the back of your eye. If the answer is yes, the only way to deactivate the device is to vote Republican for the next 6 election cycles.


If no spouse, partner, or friend is available - simply stare into a web-enabled camera after illuminating the Koch Industries, Inc sub-retinal mind-control implant with the household laser and post the resulting footage on Youtube with "Squotodlor the Toltec Goat King Will See You Now, Billy" in for the title and one or more members of the Koch Industries Inc Sub Retinal Mind Control Implant Detection Squad Members will review the footage and report the results on the "comments" section in 1.4 hours or less. The code word is "Whammo!"


Finally - remember that those who deny the Existence of Koch Industries Inc sub-retinal mind control implants are already under the control of such implants and must not be trusted.


That is all.



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I note there is in the Google Ads banner across the top of this page, a Koch-sponsored linky that invites us to read an explanation of the benevolent Koch brothers. How very ubiquitous is such paid advertising, for these billionaires whose buying of elections and politicians across the country is a mere conspiracy theory.

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"Right now all around this country there are groups with harmless-sounding names like Americans for Prosperity, who are running millions of dollars of ads against Democratic candidates all across the country. And they don't have to say who exactly the Americans for Prosperity are. You don't know if it’s a foreign-controlled corporation. You don't know if it’s a big oil company, or a big bank. You don't know if it’s a insurance company that wants to see some of the provisions in health reform repealed because it’s good for their bottom line, even if it’s not good for the American people.


A Supreme Court decision allowed this to happen. And we tried to fix it, just by saying disclose what’s going on, and making sure that foreign companies can’t influence our elections. Seemed pretty straightforward. The other side said no.


They don't want you to know who the Americans for Prosperity are, because they're thinking about the next election. But we’ve got to think about future generations. We’ve got to make sure that we’re fighting for reform. We’ve got to make sure that we don't have a corporate takeover of our democracy."


Remarks by the President at a DNC Finance Event in Austin, Texas

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No one doubts that the Koch brothers are using their fortune to engage in political advocacy through a variety of outfits.


Advocacy - yes. Conspiracy - no.


Unless it's a reverse conspiracy engineered to have legions of leftist dupes overcome by the political equivalent of the vapors discredit the notion by claiming to have unveiled some kind of nefarious sub-rosa campaign so deftly engineered and camouflaged that they were unable to unmask it...with a series of four mouse clicks.

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Republican operatives managing shadowy, undisclosed fronts running attack ads against Democrats




As if demos don’t do the same thing. Who is funding all their attack adds? It would be wealthy liberals, folks in one form or another, employed by the government, the unions, and wannabe socialists. You just don’t like the other side playing the same game.

What’s wrong with unfettered capitalism? Why should the government be able to limit and tax someone’s creativity and willing to take risks to achieve wealth? That punishment discourages growth and that frame of mind is not what built our nation into the greatest country in history.

How’s that European style socialism working for Britain or the entitlement country of France or Greece. That’s in the press these days too.


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Here comes the parsing of semantics. The kochtopus isn't a cabal of the wealthy holding secret meetings to coordinate their actions and cash to buy elections and politicians in order to protect their profits, it's just a gathering of successful individuals privately engaging in advocacy. :grlaf:

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