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Steven Seagal + UFC =

John Frieh

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You read those comments? LOL!


If Chael Sonnen is able to bring in Pat Morita to train with him, I am very sure he will win. Because Pat Morita is dead, and that means that Sonnen has control over death itself, while Anderson Silva merely controls the Matrix. :lmao:

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It's nancy boys like you that keep ultimate frisbee popular and dodge ball prohibited in public schools. Why dont you turn on some world cup and STFU :ass:
oh john, aren't you just the toughguy :rolleyes::poke:

and its frisbee golf that i want to keep popular - dodgeball should have its own professional league!

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"brings in washed up silver screen tough guy Steven Seagal to help him train in the deadly art of Aikido"


Some of the best Aikido masters are really old guys. It is a western thing being fat. Aikido is serious shit and Segal still has some very fast and heavy hands. It could only be boring if you don't know what you are looking at.


UFC? Segal as a human being? There is the rub.

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"brings in washed up silver screen tough guy Steven Seagal to help him train in the deadly art of Aikido"


Some of the best Aikido masters are really old guys. It is a western thing being fat. Aikido is serious shit and Segal still has some very fast and heavy hands. It could only be boring if you don't know what you are looking at.


UFC? Segal as a human being? There is the rub.


Aikido almost by definition is a sport for old folks since it consists in harnessing and redirecting the energy expanded by an attacker.

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Watching a good martial artist is about as boring at watching a good climber. So no disagreement from me. But watching either should give you and idea of their respective skills.
fair enough, dane, but its still one man throwing another man to the ground - with funny (yet probably traditional) pants on...


never did get the funny pants... yet another thing i don't understand about it. care to enlighten me? :)

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