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Some bigfoot have the ability to transcend geometric space, time and even probe into your mind. The real puzzle of the essence of Sasquatch's elusiveness will be solved by physicists, not biologists.




I've only had an encounter with a Bigfoot faker. When I worked for the Forest Service there was a guy who had casts of footprints which he used to keep on the window sill of the store he worked at. I later saw him in the papers claiming a "sighting". It would be cool if someone found a real one with conclusive proof.

  Jake Porter said:
If someone will finance my trip to the Queen Charlotte Islands I am willing to go look for them.


I encountered several large, hairy, bipedal hominids in the Queen Charlottes. Those girls ain't never heard of Lululemon up there.


We have managed to kill, at some point, at least one of every animal that lives in North America, and either stuff it, eat it, or put it's decapitated head on a wall, yet, somehow, we missed a giant mammalian biped? Sounds plausible...

  Choada_Boy said:
We have managed to kill, at some point, at least one of every animal that lives in North America, and either stuff it, eat it, or put it's decapitated head on a wall, yet, somehow, we missed a giant mammalian biped? Sounds plausible...


But don't you see that's just EVIDENCE that these creatures are some sort of shapeshifting extradimensional entities?! :rolleyes:


"The night I shot this video, I have no memory of, I only discovered the video recently. Obviously there is no Sasquatch in it, but there are these lights which to me look like reality being ripped open. If you observe the flickering lights in the trees, the way the lights vibrate or spread little rays out, its something I think is significant. I have never seen anything like it. plus my memory was erased after filming it which is the really weird part."


Fucking hilarious. All those hippies on ST probably believe everything this dude says.



What the cock is this shit?


Taken directly from the big-foot forum Where this dude claimed to be "interdimensional":

"LEB I am glad you asked.


The term dimension is a good one, but I think it has been inadeqautely assigned it's defintition. The current defintion is purely spatial.


I would call the first dimension a geometric one. Where you are in physical space.


The next one would of course be time.


A third is one which I believe to be purely a mental state realm, which enables telepathy, out of body experiences, a medium for just the soul.


Let me also add telekineiss to the mix, I have observed rocks dropping out of the sky in slow motion during a Bigfoot contact.


Lastly there is this issue of invisibility, which is a big factor. I actually have video evidence of that on video too. If you are invisible you cannot see because you do not recieve light. In order to see you must poke two holes in your shield to observe the geometric world. An observer would just see a pair of eyes, or eye like signatures.


i am told that bigfoot can go to another version of reality, which they (bigfoot) call the "sometime place". Wierd huh ?


This year the major research breakthru was made by a US military crypotolinguist, Scott Nelson, whom analyzed the Sierra tapes, of bigfoot chatter, using military software and found all the components of a complex language."


There's a huge and healthy population of cougars in Washington. I've seen extactly one in 35 years and it fully intended to be see. While plenty of people see cougars (when allowed too) when was the last time someone found the remains of one? Large predators don't leave a lot of evidence behind it seems.

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