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  Kimmo said:
so latest poll in pakistan shows 11% think taliban is greatest threat to stability, 30% think india india is, and 59% think the US is.


one must understand that pakistan has an existential crisis (in an immediate sense of the word) with india.

  Kimmo said:
  JayB said:
  t_rutl said:
"drunk logic"




What's the official word on whether or not they get their 72 virgins?


i truly feel sorry for you.


Glad to hear it.


That was a serious question, though. I'm genuinely curious as to what the official doctrine specifies concerning the nature and the extent of the cosmic rewards that one accrues when one kills oneself while attempting to wage jihad in some fashion or another, but doesn't actually manage to slay any infidels in the process.


There's presumably a very well developed and precise jihad/martyrdom literature out there, so it's quite likely that there's a real answer to this question in the relevant texts.

  Kimmo said:
  Kimmo said:
so latest poll in pakistan shows 11% think taliban is greatest threat to stability, 30% think india india is, and 59% think the US is.


one must understand that pakistan has an existential crisis (in an immediate sense of the word) with india.


no shit....


The answer, if there is one, doesn't matter, because suicide bombers don't blow themselves up for back-of-the-matchbook rewards, virgins or otherwise. Detailed surveys of the writings and testimonials of real suicide bombers, both those who were caught before they went and those who actually carried out their missions, reveal somewhat less trite, propagandized (in the American conservative style...keep it simple!) reasons for taking their decision to attack the enemy in this manner.


Primary reasons center around the desire to make their lives count by doing something effective (as suicide bombing certainly is) against an enemy with overwhelming conventional military superiority.


Our side's the target, so we necessarily tend to de-humanize these people as buffoons, dupes, insane, pawns, even cowards (???), but the reality is quite different. We have failed to counter this hugely successful tactic in no small part because we refuse to face what really drives it. Suicide bombing may not be the most kosher or positive way to spend, or expend, in this case, one's life, but a fair number of Americans could stand to try to make a difference in there lives with even a fraction of the self sacrifice and heart these people demonstrate.

  Braydon said:

was that an apache or spectre gunship?

dude, have you like, not played call of duty 4? :) clearly a spectre - flies in big giant circles w/ lots of cameras and varying sizes of cannons


i wouldn't classify this as hilarious - these guys manage to get plenty in the ground w/o incident and are certainly getting their fair share of corpses piled up on our side - hear the story of our most recent medal of honor winner? was it funny when he died saving a guy who died just a few minutes later, along w/ a medic, when the cable on the rescue'copter parted 1000 feet off the ground?- what would be hilarious is to hear some fool explain what goal of ours in afghanistan is likely to be achievable, and how many americans should die in a quixotic crusade to stabilize a land that has proven itself ungovernable since before the time of alexander the great.

  tvashtarkatena said:
The answer, if there is one, doesn't matter, because suicide bombers don't blow themselves up for back-of-the-matchbook rewards, virgins or otherwise. Detailed surveys of the writings and testimonials of real suicide bombers, both those who were caught before they went and those who actually carried out their missions, reveal somewhat less trite, propagandized (in the American conservative style...keep it simple!) reasons for taking their decision to attack the enemy in this manner.


Primary reasons center around the desire to make their lives count by doing something effective (as suicide bombing certainly is) against an enemy with overwhelming conventional military superiority.


Our side's the target, so we necessarily tend to de-humanize these people as buffoons, dupes, insane, pawns, even cowards (???), but the reality is quite different. We have failed to counter this hugely successful tactic in no small part because we refuse to face what really drives it. Suicide bombing may not be the most kosher or positive way to spend, or expend, in this case, one's life, but a fair number of Americans could stand to try to make a difference in there lives with even a fraction of the self sacrifice and heart these people demonstrate.


Wow your right...civilian killing, radical islamic terrorists=good, big, bad imperialistic america=bad...everything makes sense now

  Braydon said:
  tvashtarkatena said:
The answer, if there is one, doesn't matter, because suicide bombers don't blow themselves up for back-of-the-matchbook rewards, virgins or otherwise. Detailed surveys of the writings and testimonials of real suicide bombers, both those who were caught before they went and those who actually carried out their missions, reveal somewhat less trite, propagandized (in the American conservative style...keep it simple!) reasons for taking their decision to attack the enemy in this manner.


Primary reasons center around the desire to make their lives count by doing something effective (as suicide bombing certainly is) against an enemy with overwhelming conventional military superiority.


Our side's the target, so we necessarily tend to de-humanize these people as buffoons, dupes, insane, pawns, even cowards (???), but the reality is quite different. We have failed to counter this hugely successful tactic in no small part because we refuse to face what really drives it. Suicide bombing may not be the most kosher or positive way to spend, or expend, in this case, one's life, but a fair number of Americans could stand to try to make a difference in there lives with even a fraction of the self sacrifice and heart these people demonstrate.


Wow your right...civilian killing, radical islamic terrorists=good, big, bad imperialistic america=bad...everything makes sense now

uh, waht? i may not have gotten a 800 on the verbal section of the sat, but i don't see how the former equals the later. your powers of perception maybe superior to my own though :)

Posted (edited)

Just for, you know, statistical accuracy, I'm gonna post a whole shitload of vids depicting EIDs killing our boyz. That should require about, what, 100 posts to get the ratio about right.


Absolutely hilarious! Eh JayB?


Edited by tvashtarkatena
  tvashtarkatena said:
... a fair number of Americans could stand to try to make a difference in there lives with even a fraction of the self sacrifice and heart these people demonstrate.

the sad thing is we DO have a fair # of such people, but we're wasting them on this bullshit - THEY are the ones who are dying. this war in afghanistan is not making us a bit safer, but rather sapping a strength that would better be saved for more worthwhile things.

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