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Bill, do you drive a Dodge RAM 4x4 with a gun rack and an NRA sticker in the window? Does it also have "socialism is for losers" stenciled across the length of the tailgate? Just curious.


Let me guess, Miss Mitocon: You drive a Subaru Outback that gets a whopping 23mpg city and have it nicely topped with a Thule Rack upon which is affixed bicycle, ski, kayak, canoe, and safari-crate attachments? The tailgate is, no doubt, stuffed with $10k worth of camping and climbing gear--and, oh yes, of course, a bumper sticker with a cute little spouting whale encouraging the rest of us to "Live Simply". :rolleyes:

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The U.S. actually had a leg up on the fledgling solar industry when Carter gave them some decent subsidies to get started and tax incentives. That all cratered when Regean came in and axed that program. The industry then went overseas to China, Germany, and Japan where the government saw the larger picture, the need for alternative energy, and the benefits of expanding manufacturing into new arenas. What a concept.


Don't forget about Synfuel!



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Bill, do you drive a Dodge RAM 4x4 with a gun rack and an NRA sticker in the window? Does it also have "socialism is for losers" stenciled across the length of the tailgate? Just curious.


Let me guess, Miss Mitocon: You drive a Subaru Outback that gets a whopping 23mpg city and have it nicely topped with a Thule Rack upon which is affixed bicycle, ski, kayak, canoe, and safari-crate attachments? The tailgate is, no doubt, stuffed with $10k worth of camping and climbing gear--and, oh yes, of course, a bumper sticker with a cute little spouting whale encouraging the rest of us to "Live Simply". :rolleyes:


Jeezus Fairweather, stay on message! Ann Coulter says liberals drive Prius'

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If you were smart you'd be sending them donations.


This is a point worth considering, though it's hard to tell right now which wackos have done more damage to the GOP: the religious ones or the economic ones.


Even if you (for the sake of argument)accept the premise that they're both equally wacko, the more pertinent question is which group will do more damage to the GOP in the next one or two election cycles - in which case, I think that the answer is clearly the former of the two.


Of course, if you really believe the statement that you made above, the optimal strategy is clearly to donate to both.


I'll get you started:



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And the question for you is how the GOP is to draw the numerical majorities it needs while simultaneously flamethrowering them with its economic policies without appealing to religion. I'm sure it's the hottest topic amongst the new vanguard. Keep us posted.


The odds of losing "values voters" to the likes of Frank, Pelosi, et al are miniscule enough that they should have no problem simultaneously marginalizing them and taking their money.


It's not like the Democrats had to adopt "9/11 was an inside job!" into their platform to capture the overwhelming majority of the "Truther" vote.

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It's not like the Democrats had to adopt "9/11 was an inside job!" into their platform to capture the overwhelming majority of the "Truther" vote.


On the other hand however, Republicans have had to adopt more extreme rhetoric and tactics (retrograde social policies, scaring the shit out of people from enemies without and within) in order to maintain the electoral support for economic policies which were clearly not in the nation's interests. At some point, the GOP will need to address this contradiction and it may just as likely jettison those Reaganite ideals you which you hold dear as its electoral base (see People of Walmart thread).

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Let me guess, Miss Mitocon: You drive a Subaru Outback that gets a whopping 23mpg city and have it nicely topped with a Thule Rack upon which is affixed bicycle, ski, kayak, canoe, and safari-crate attachments? The tailgate is, no doubt, stuffed with $10k worth of camping and climbing gear--and, oh yes, of course, a bumper sticker with a cute little spouting whale encouraging the rest of us to "Live Simply". :rolleyes:


A scooter with a mini-trailer: patent pending!

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Let me guess, Miss Mitocon: You drive a Subaru Outback that gets a whopping 23mpg city and have it nicely topped with a Thule Rack upon which is affixed bicycle, ski, kayak, canoe, and safari-crate attachments? The tailgate is, no doubt, stuffed with $10k worth of camping and climbing gear--and, oh yes, of course, a bumper sticker with a cute little spouting whale encouraging the rest of us to "Live Simply". :rolleyes:


A scooter with a mini-trailer: patent pending!


And he thought of his funny all by himself.

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All I can say here is the guy behind her must be very, very well endowed.


The euro indictment of the GOP's history of asset stripping and planetary raping as somehow being unnatural (my words) is completely off base. There is nothing more natural than a species consuming all it can while it can.


Edited by tvashtarkatena
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Rightwingers: Don't Count Out Coup-Option


Newsmax columnist: Military coup "to resolve the 'Obama problem' " is not "unrealistic"


September 29, 2009 5:57 pm ET - by Terry Krepel


From John L. Perry's September 29 Newsmax column:


There is a remote, although gaining, possibility America's military will intervene as a last resort to resolve the "Obama problem." Don't dismiss it as unrealistic.


America isn't the Third World. If a military coup does occur here it will be civilized. That it has never happened doesn't mean it wont. Describing what may be afoot is not to advocate it.




Will the day come when patriotic general and flag officers sit down with the president, or with those who control him, and work out the national equivalent of a "family intervention," with some form of limited, shared responsibility?


Imagine a bloodless coup to restore and defend the Constitution through an interim administration that would do the serious business of governing and defending the nation. Skilled, military-trained, nation-builders would replace accountability-challenged, radical-left commissars. Having bonded with his twin teleprompters, the president would be detailed for ceremonial speech-making.


Military intervention is what Obama's exponentially accelerating agenda for "fundamental change" toward a Marxist state is inviting upon America. A coup is not an ideal option, but Obama's radical ideal is not acceptable or reversible.


Unthinkable? Then think up an alternative, non-violent solution to the Obama problem. Just don't shrug and say, "We can always worry about that later."


In the 2008 election, that was the wistful, self-indulgent, indifferent reliance on abnegation of personal responsibility that has sunk the nation into this morass.

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While I think Stack's comments are far too much of a confused, incoherent, contradictory potpourri of bile to assign any particular ideological bent to, many on the Right are not so hesitant; they're hailing him as a hero. Guess you can add "suicide bomber" to your laundry list, Fairweather.


Pilot's alleged role in Austin plane crash launches online debate


By Garance Franke-Ruta

Washington Post Staff Writer

Friday, February 19, 2010; 6:08 PM


As some Texas lawmakers condemned Thursday's attack on an Internal Revenue Service building in Austin as an act of domestic terrorism, online partisans sought to portray alleged attacker A. Joseph Stack as an adherent of their opponents' political views and some, of indeterminate perspective, even hailed the pilot who crashed his Piper Cherokee into the edifice as a hero and a patriot.


Rep. Lloyd Doggett (D-Tex.) compared the fatal attack to the 1995 bombing of a federal building in Oklahoma City. "This was a cowardly act of domestic terrorism," he said Thursday. Asked in Austin if the plane crash had been an act of terrorism, Rep. Michael McCaul (R-Tex.) said, "It sounds like it to me."


Praise for Stack appeared to be largely anonymous, but because it appeared online so rapidly it quickly threaded itself into his Google cache -- popping up on right- and left-wing sites that tried to bat it down, as well as white-supremacist ones that did not take such pains.


"God bless Joe Stack an american hero" a person writing as "summit02," posted on the blog of Tea Party Patriots, an umbrella group for the conservative movement. "Thank you Joe for your heroism in the fight aganist the evil elites. that are destroying america," the person wrote.


On the Web site of the Young Turks, a liberal radio program, "MitchmanTX" proclaimed: "Joe Stack Fallen Patriot - Rest In Peace."


On Thursday, a "True American Hero" Facebook group hailing Stack was quickly deleted. On Friday, the message persisted with the fan page "There should be more people like Joseph Stack" and the group "Joseph Stack: the Patriot." Countering them are the groups "Joseph Andrew Stack is a Terrorist" and "Joseph Andrew Stack is NOT a Hero." Each had fewer than 100 members -- proof of the maxim that online you can find supporters for almost anything, but not necessarily many of them.


An anonymous poster took to the Houston Craiglist Rants & Raves pages with white supremacist and Nazi images along with the message: "JOE STACK DID WHAT MANY OF US DREAM ABOUT BUT NEVER ACT ON! . . . I only wish he had gotten every last one of those low life scum!"


Similar messages appeared on Craigslist in other cities.


Based on postings on white supremacy sites, the Southern Poverty Law Center concluded Friday, "In the hours since a man enraged at the government slammed his small plane into an Austin, Tex., IRS building, white supremacists and their fellow travelers have elevated Joseph Andrew Stack into an icon of resistance to tyranny."


At the site PodBlanc, Stack was praised as a "White American Patriot."


Tea Party supporters seemed particularly aggrieved at the suggestion the anti-tax, anti-big government movement might have created a climate that encouraged Stack's alleged actions. "He is a terrorist. End of story," the leader of the Waco, Tex., chapter of the Tea Party, Toby Marie Walker, told conservative Web site InfoWars. The site is run by Alex Jones, a conservative Austin-based radio host.


Commenters at InfoWars argued that Stack was not a conservative, and may not even have been behind the attack. He "was apparently a very good musician -- who played jazz and Steely Dan music. Doesn't fit the 'white redneck beer-drinkin' rightwing conservative' -- does it? No," wrote "Manipulation media."


"It is always a battle between anarchy and tyranny. Always has been," Texas Gov. Rick Perry told MSNBC on Thursday. He said security measures might be implemented because of the attack.


Some in the Tea Party condemned Stack as an anarchist.


"After reading Mr. Stack's February 18, 2010 statement, it is evident he supported anarchy," said Heather Liggett of the Austin Tea Party in a statement to InfoWars. "The Tea Party movement does not advocate anarchy. The Tea Party movement believes in our founding principles so eloquently written in our Constitution."

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Sorry Prole, but this guy was clearly one of yours. Probably spent time in Bellingham, even!


From his own rant: (Which, by the way, sounds a lot like yours.)


"The communist creed: From each according to his ability, to each according to his need.


The capitalist creed: From each according to his gullibility, to each according to his greed.


Joe Stack (1956-2010)



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