t_rutl Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 or at least a wannabe... http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp-dyn/content/article/2009/09/15/AR2009091503930.html Quote Hopkins Student With Samurai Sword Kills Theft Suspect Baltimore Sun Wednesday, September 16, 2009 Hours earlier, someone had broken into John Pontolillo's home and taken two laptops and a video-game console. Now it was past midnight, and Pontolillo heard noises coming from the garage out back. The Johns Hopkins University undergraduate didn't run. He didn't call the police. He grabbed his samurai sword. With the 3- to 5-foot-long weapon in hand, Pontolillo crept toward the noise, police said. When a man inside lunged at him, police said, the confrontation was fatal. The student "was backed up against a corner, and either out of fear or out of panic, he just struck the sword with force," said city police spokesman Anthony Guglielmi. Pontolillo, who rents the off-campus home, nearly severed the man's left hand, inflicting what police called a "spear laceration." Donald D. Rice of Baltimore, 49, a repeat offender who had been released from jail Saturday, died at the scene. Guglielmi said the state's attorney's office will decide whether to charge Pontolillo, 20, of Wall, N.J. In a statement Tuesday, Hopkins officials told students that there had been more than a half-dozen recent burglaries in the area and that the police presence would be bolstered. Diego Ardila, a student who lived with Pontolillo in the home this summer, said, "From what little I know of him, he wasn't some guy going out to kill." University of Maryland law professor David Gray said prosecutors must weigh whether Pontolillo thought he was in danger or became the aggressor. If he thought he might be severely harmed, then he was within his rights to protect himself, Gray said. "It doesn't matter if he used a gun, a sword or a frying pan." Quote
ivan Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 nice. and never trust a junkie, either Quote
KaskadskyjKozak Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 Someone should have given this poor guy a hand... Quote
Mal_Con Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 What the heck is a 3 to 5 foot Samurai Sword? A telescoping one??? Quote
RuMR Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 sounds like the dead dude had it coming...the other guy is lucky the dumbass wasn't armed... good riddance... Quote
prole Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 (edited) That poor Johns Hopkins student. I sure hope that scabby 50 year old crackhead didn't infect him with anything while he was spraying blood all over the place like a kung-fu movie for rifling through some old comic-books in dude's garage. Edited September 16, 2009 by prole Quote
KaskadskyjKozak Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 prole said: That poor Johns Hopkins student. I sure hope that scabby 50 year old crackhead didn't infect him with anything while he was spraying blood all over the place like a kung-fu movie for rifling through some old comic-books in dude's garage. leave it to Prole's addled brain to sympathize with the criminal Quote
CollinWoods Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 Forget the right to own automatic weapons, jsut get a damn samurai sword... NOT! Quote
prole Posted September 16, 2009 Posted September 16, 2009 KaskadskyjKozak said: prole said: That poor Johns Hopkins student. I sure hope that scabby 50 year old crackhead didn't infect him with anything while he was spraying blood all over the place like a kung-fu movie for rifling through some old comic-books in dude's garage. leave it to Prole's addled brain to sympathize with the criminal Well I sure as hell ain't gonna get my jollies off on the shit like the rest of the internet! Sounds fishy anyway: kid creeping around with a sword despite "bolstered police presence", his word against chopped up dead guy's word, etc. He was diggin' it. So are you freaky vigilante, tough-on-crime types. Quote
ScottP Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 Quote University of Maryland law professor David Gray said prosecutors must weigh whether Pontolillo thought he was in danger or became the aggressor. "I was in fear for my life. I thought he had a gun." Quote
prole Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 "He had an armful of my old Dungeons and Dragons modules and he LUNGED at me". Quote
snugtop Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 Who are these freaks and sadists who are saying "good riddance"? Since when does stealing entitle someone to savagely butcher you? We not are living in Saudi. Anyone halfway normal would a) not have a samurai sword and b) get the f*ck out of the house if they heard noises and call 911. The guy is a serious sociopath fulfilling some bloodlust. Quote
snugtop Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 KaskadskyjKozak said: prole said: That poor Johns Hopkins student. I sure hope that scabby 50 year old crackhead didn't infect him with anything while he was spraying blood all over the place like a kung-fu movie for rifling through some old comic-books in dude's garage. leave it to Prole's addled brain to sympathize with the criminal Leave it to KK to sympathize with an impaler. Quote
dberdinka Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 Let a few more criminals get the chop like that and maybe the lowlifes and scumbags that seem to be propogating like bunnies in this country would be less inclined to screw with the rest of us who are minding our own business and just getting through the day. Quote
snugtop Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 Perhaps you should move to Saudi, DD. unfortunately for you most Americans would not agree with you. Quote
dberdinka Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 (edited) yes, yes let us all wring our hands and shed a tear for this simple criminal. In all likelyhood he was probably just trying to support his addiction to meth or whatever, and hey! that's a disease right! Certainly we can't hold that against him nor the actions it led him too. Cause really if we just gave him a 2nd or 122nd chance I'm sure he'd have a lot to contribute to society. Sorry there's just a certain element of this society that gets (or should get) what they deserve. Maybe you are still young enough not to be jaded but at a certain point you get fed up with....the heroin addicts in the rental down the street who dumped a box of used needles where the neighbors kids could have gotten into them....or the methheads who put up shop across the alley from where your kid went to daycare. If this guy wanted to avoid getting hurt or killed maybe be shouldn't have been stealing peoples shit. Plenty of reasons not to live in Saudi Arabia but say what you will I bet they have a ridiculously low crime rate! Edited September 17, 2009 by dberdinka Quote
prole Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 dberdinka said: yes, yes let us all wring our hands and shed a tear for this simple criminal. In all likelyhood he was probably just trying to support his addiction to meth or whatever, and hey! that's a disease right! Certainly we can't hold that against him nor the actions it led him too. Cause really if we just gave him a 2nd or 122nd chance I'm sure he'd have a lot to contribute to society. Sorry there's just a certain element of this society that gets (or should get) what they deserve. Maybe you are still young enough not to be jaded but at a certain point you get fed up with....the heroin addicts in the rental down the street who dumped a box of used needles where the neighbors kids could have gotten into them....or the methheads who put up shop across the alley from where your kid went to daycare. If this guy wanted to avoid getting hurt or killed maybe be shouldn't have been stealing peoples shit. Plenty of reasons not to live in Saudi Arabia but say what you will I bet they have a ridiculously low crime rate! Good points all. Making these gruesome extralegal executions public would probably be the next logical step. Get some reality show scriptwriters on the horn! You don't get voted off the island anymore, you get chopped the fuck up! Mature gamers only, of course. Good news is there's no shortage of talent from Baltimore, Tacoma, or wherever, they just keep coming. You nailed it, bro. I can't believe nobody's thought of this before. Quote
olyclimber Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 remember the sword guy in downtown seattle a while ago? http://zapatopi.net/blog/?post=200804144659.a_look_back_the_seattle_street_samurais_defensive_stand Quote
ivan Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 i've never had shit stolen from me and not felt like killing the motherfucker who did it this dude won't be missed, but it's not exactly like it'll be a better world if we're all stalking the perimeter each night w/ our kitanas this story is in the news b/c it's an oddity, really nothing else - we're agreed as a general society that, if threatened in our own homes, we have a right to use deadly force - right or wrong, the thief put himself in a stupid position that justly cost him his life - let's move on, shall we? Quote
prole Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 ivan said: ...we're agreed as a general society that, if threatened in our own homes, we have a right to use deadly force... Or when we hear rustling in the detached garages of our rented flophouses. Quote
ivan Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 prole said: ivan said: ...we're agreed as a general society that, if threatened in our own homes, we have a right to use deadly force... Or when we hear rustling in the detached garages of our rented flophouses. the psychology is the same - our brains are hardwired to defend our shit - the caveman brain percieves his shitty rental house no different from his neandertahl home - i don't have enough details to have a meaningful opinon, but what little i do have doesn't make 8ball sound like he's not too different from your standard red-meat eating honkey Quote
prole Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 So now we have the Saudi Arabian and the Caveman perspective... Anybody want to try for something later than the 8th century? Quote
Fairweather Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 Did he have time take a trophy scalp before calling 911? An ear, finger, or foreskin at least? Quote
ivan Posted September 17, 2009 Posted September 17, 2009 prole said: So now we have the Saudi Arabian and the Caveman perspective... Anybody want to try for something later than the 8th century? evolution is reaaaaaal slow, esse - it will be thousands of years before the instinct to kill trespassers goes away - some of us evolve slower than others i'll warrant - congrats on ascending to the 9th level of nirvana already! Quote
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