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Thoughts on this site


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OK everyone, I've been a member of this site for quite awhile and over that time a number of thoughts have occurred to me regarding the site; some good and some bad.


I wonder if anyone has had similar thoughts. Though I have perused a lot of posts, I don't recall seeing any.


If this post should have been posted in spray, I would appreciate an admin moving it, and I apologize.


First, I should probably share my background, since it may explain my perspective: I am not a "climber." If anything, I guess I am more of a mountaineer. That is, I do enough rock to get to the top of some mountains, but it's not my preferred substance.


I've been to the summit of quite a few hills in this neck of the wods, but I don't have any formal training in crevasse rescue, or evn basic mountaineering for that matter. I have been fortunate enough to meet a few folks (one one this site) that have taught me a number of things that I believe make me a safe partner. Do I have a lot left to learn - sure.


One things that bothers me is this: I see a lot of posts on this site from folks who "want to climb Rainier and are looking for guide/partner." The responses are generally pretty darn varied - from "you're an idiot" to "go read a book" to "why are you posting here since you obviously have no experience."


My point, I guess, is this - there are very few people who are willing to take a N00b out in the hills, even on something relatively easy (not meaning Rainier). I realize that folks are not gonna trust someone with their lives until being around them a bit, but I'm willing to hike up Adams with just about anyone. I might even meet a good future partner that way.


I met a great partner because we decided to do a little scramble together. Since then, we have summited a good half dozen of the Cascade peaks.


But, I see the majority of the posts in "climbing partners" ignored, when they are perhaps deemed to be from a noob. I agree that it's not worth risking a life over, but is no one willing to help teach someone with less experience?


I have a number of hills in Washington to knock off: Olympus, Rainier, Baker, Shuksan and Glacier, and I was thinking of posting to the partners forum, but I am leery to given what I see to be a pretty damn poor hit ratio. I am certain I could team up with several other folks who have never been on these mountains, but it's great to learn from the experience of others.


I don't mean to make this post one to catch a lot of spray, though no doubt it will if it's not ignored. But, I am happy to lead folks up some of the hills that I've been on if they would do the same.








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waaay ahead of you bill - now if only i can stay awake until 10...


dinomyte - what can you do? it's the nature of the beast - i teach when i can, but w/ limited time, i spend most of my climbing oppotunities off trying to scare the holy shit out of myself, which is pretty much what i've been doing since the beginning when i got started w/ no help or guidance either - the board is just retards in action - vaguely useful for sure, but mostly for the simple joy of watchign simpletons humping doorknobs :)

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OK everyone, I've been a member of this site for quite awhile and over that time a number of thoughts have occurred to me regarding the site; some good and some bad.


I wonder if anyone has had similar thoughts. Though I have perused a lot of posts, I don't recall seeing any.


If this post should have been posted in spray, I would appreciate an admin moving it, and I apologize.


First, I should probably share my background, since it may explain my perspective: I am not a "climber." If anything, I guess I am more of a mountaineer. That is, I do enough rock to get to the top of some mountains, but it's not my preferred substance.


I've been to the summit of quite a few hills in this neck of the wods, but I don't have any formal training in crevasse rescue, or evn basic mountaineering for that matter. I have been fortunate enough to meet a few folks (one one this site) that have taught me a number of things that I believe make me a safe partner. Do I have a lot left to learn - sure.


One things that bothers me is this: I see a lot of posts on this site from folks who "want to climb Rainier and are looking for guide/partner." The responses are generally pretty darn varied - from "you're an idiot" to "go read a book" to "why are you posting here since you obviously have no experience."


My point, I guess, is this - there are very few people who are willing to take a N00b out in the hills, even on something relatively easy (not meaning Rainier). I realize that folks are not gonna trust someone with their lives until being around them a bit, but I'm willing to hike up Adams with just about anyone. I might even meet a good future partner that way.


I met a great partner because we decided to do a little scramble together. Since then, we have summited a good half dozen of the Cascade peaks.


But, I see the majority of the posts in "climbing partners" ignored, when they are perhaps deemed to be from a noob. I agree that it's not worth risking a life over, but is no one willing to help teach someone with less experience?


I have a number of hills in Washington to knock off: Olympus, Rainier, Baker, Shuksan and Glacier, and I was thinking of posting to the partners forum, but I am leery to given what I see to be a pretty damn poor hit ratio. I am certain I could team up with several other folks who have never been on these mountains, but it's great to learn from the experience of others.


I don't mean to make this post one to catch a lot of spray, though no doubt it will if it's not ignored. But, I am happy to lead folks up some of the hills that I've been on if they would do the same.









so what is your question?

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My question was "thoughts?" - as indicated by the question mark.


I appreciate the commetns by ivan, etc. I can also understand the "no time" excuse.


I'm a new father and the fact of the matter is that I don't have enough time myself, let alone hauling someone else up a hill.


Still, a lot of folks post that noobs should ask for advice and/or assistance on this board, and while "advice" is pretty easy to come by (though of questionable value) real assistance or training is tough.

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I came to this website for the trip reports and stayed for the spray. So, with that qualification...


I'm kind of with Ivan on this. I try to teach a little, climb a little, watch simpletons hump doorknobs (sometimes joining in), haven't trolled this site for partners (yet). Posting here, even in Newbies, requires a bit of a thick skin compared to other sites. Try and see it from the other side of things -- after the 1000th post of "I'm in town for three days, would like to climb rainier, help.", you'd get a little jaded in your responses.

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I totally agree. I just looked at the "climbing partners" thread again. It's a little scary, as pretty much all the posts are as you describe.


Still, I learn better when I'm out with someone, on something relatively "safe", sharing knowledge, as opposed to reading a book.


I met one guy on this site, that I certainly trust with my life, and he's shared a lot of his knowledge with me. That has helped. I wish that were more common, but I realize that it may be expecting too much.



After all, how many people do you trust with your life!?

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I totally agree. I just looked at the "climbing partners" thread again. It's a little scary, as pretty much all the posts are as you describe.


Still, I learn better when I'm out with someone, on something relatively "safe", sharing knowledge, as opposed to reading a book.


I met one guy on this site, that I certainly trust with my life, and he's shared a lot of his knowledge with me. That has helped. I wish that were more common, but I realize that it may be expecting too much.



After all, how many people do you trust with your life!?


Are you looking for partners? This may not be the best place for it.

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I think it is a great place to find partners. I have hooked up with dozens and havent had a bad trip yet. I am a known quantity though and enjoy teaching etc. Give it a chance, beats sitting at home.

Since we are on the subject, I am looking for a partner for 2 days this weekend at Tieton. From Seattle sat and sun, Wayne

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I only count one thought there but that's OK.

I have three.

1. Be careful agreeing with Ivan. We don't want to enourage him too much.

2. I used to post for noobs to climb Rainier and got several responses every year. Funny thing. They all bailed at the last minute. I gave up on internet noobs.

3. Now I find noobs through word of mouth and get people who are serious about going. I'll stick with that.


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cool folks i met/climbed w/ through this board (that i can recall off the top of my head)









kevbone (hey, he's less retard in person!)





carl (ban him!)

mike layton

wallawalla ken




probably some more, but i'm toasted and thinking i've made some point that hpefully i'll be able to recall and articulate 2morrow :)

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I've met and climbed with lot of good partners here as well. Some bad, but in fact VERY few. I think you have to take the good with the bad, and you should exercise the same degree of caution you would show at a bulletin board at your neighborhood grocery store (and I hope that is significant).



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I have had numerous good experiences with partners from this site. I have had no bad experiences.


I think that the reason so many of us have attitude problems with beginners seeking to climb Rainier is that we don't perceive them as serious about climbing. Most of them have no interest in learning about climbing. They want to tick Rainier off their list and then move on to skydiving or bungee jumping.


I would much rather show someone how to do an ice axe arrest or how to belay than drag someone up Rainier. People who are sincere about becoming climbers are the one's I am willing to invest my time on.

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Thanks, guys. It's actually good to hear thoughts on the matter.


I certainly agree about the folks looking to tick Rainier off the list, even though I need to do it myself!


I actually am looking to pick up some skills, though.


It's good to know that folks are actually meeting others on the site and having some good times. That's something I have not read much about.

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MattP and Catbird are generous in sharing their time with stranger noobs, and I'm sure many others are too. In addition to rolling the dice in the partners forum, you can attend group outings and events and meet people that way. It's a bit more of a test drive before you buckle in for 5 pitches of Dierdre.


Generally, you get what you give. I think of the cheesy church sign on Lake City: "Want a friend? Be one"


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I have had numerous good experiences with partners from this site. I have had no bad experiences.


I think that the reason so many of us have attitude problems with beginners seeking to climb Rainier is that we don't perceive them as serious about climbing. Most of them have no interest in learning about climbing. They want to tick Rainier off their list and then move on to skydiving or bungee jumping.


I would much rather show someone how to do an ice axe arrest or how to belay than drag someone up Rainier. People who are sincere about becoming climbers are the one's I am willing to invest my time on.


I feel exactly the same way. Every now and then, somebody comes along who is earnest and actually wants to climb and, in my experience, they've always had plenty of people willing to help out on this board. It's the, "I want to climb rainier, will anyone take me?" that don't get responses.


Incidentally, I've met nearly all of my climbing "mentors" through this site, or through people I've met on this site. CC.com has made me a better climber, without a doubt. I love you guys sickie

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I've met a lot of good people on this site over the years and had some really good times. Also a couple bad ones, but I think that's normal. There is really nothing to complain about. You post looking for a partner and you get lucky or not. Speaking of which, I'll be coming back this summer looking to climb! Anyone up for the Bugaboos....ha, ha,ha,ha,ha,

Edited by TimL
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Post in the partners section. Be honest about your ability. If your experience is negative, let me know.


I think much of the negativity you mention is a factor of the original poster's query. Some people just come off like they have a helmet with the words "Crash" written on it. You don't come off as such a person.


You should be able to post as a newbie (or experienced) glacier climber or peak grabber and not get grief.


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A partner is a member of a partnership. A partnership is a relationship whereby each partner helps and complements the other. Posting for a partner is one thing; posting for a free guide/rope gun to drag someone's ass up something is another. If n00bs posted for a mentor and were willing to learn the art of climbing rather than asking for someone to short line them to the summit of Rainier right off, they would probably have more luck.

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I think it realistic to say beginner looking for someone to tech them. A couple weeks ago I did a hard alpine rock route with a buddy of mine who has more motivation than experience. We had a great time. Both parties just have to make it clear where they stand.

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