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Faking injuries


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Yes. Evacuating your bowl could lead you to lose your boots in a river.


Seeing as no names were provided initially, a good "You're a fucking douche bag and if I ever see you again I'm going to beat the living fuck out of you" PM retort and empty threat may have sufficed, but that course of action would not have provided as much entertainment for the internet-based "Whiny Bitch Slapfight" enthusiasts out there.

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Ivan, you are a bastard for posting that. :o



ha! says the man who briefly tried claiming "illness" until i browbeat him up goode (dude!) :P:grin:


Hours of emergency bowl evacuations and the loss of a new pair of boots in a raging river had indeed sapped my will to climb. I commend you for the brow beating that i well deserved. :) Those trusty trail runners are still going strong.

that night you spent tp-less and w/o hope, knee deep in the n fork of bridge creek puking out of your cornhole was quite possibly the sweetest night of sleep i've ever had in the n cascades - i seem to recall dreamign of bears eating everything in camp and not caring in the least - occasionally you'd crawl back into the tent and moan "duuuuuude" and i'd just come to for a second, attempt to give a shit, then, utterly failing, descend back into a golden, preternaturally perfect slumber :)

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Hey, my bad knees are real. I had real blood ya know. Besides, I can still belay to 5.12



pfft...I still got up the route after that pic was taken, and so I left a tad early. Good day to you SIR!


I remember that day on Wounded Knee... You took quite a tumble, Bill - so I heard.

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I not only "heard" that as well (the crying, wailing and nashing of teeth emanating from my lips) but I have photographic evidence that you were in fact there! LOL ! But it turns out, this thread wasn't about me after all:-) It's why I like to see folks real names. Not only that, but everyone knows I CAN'T belay up to 5.12 anymore. 5.10+ on a good day. Maybe 5.10B. :) I was jus' sayin is all.... opps, just outed myself.




You young pups are always so damn fun to hang with, but I curiously forgot what was so funny anyway? I don't see you laughing....I do remember Kyle offering to carry my backpack out at least 3 times and I'm still grateful to him for offering. The leg didn't cease to hold body weight until later that day until once I was apparently finally through with it it though.


Strange how that works. Take care all!



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Thanks Jay. I needed to step away for a few days to cool off on this. For the permanent record, here are two pictures of my injury. The third one shows blood pooling in my junk so I'm going to abstain from posting that one, you're welcome. :o)


Hmmm... not sure if they are going to show up. Added them as attachments. Let's see.





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Thanks Jay. I needed to step away for a few days to cool off on this. For the permanent record, here are two pictures of my injury. The third one shows blood pooling in my junk so I'm going to abstain from posting that one, you're welcome. :o)


Hmmm... not sure if they are going to show up. Added them as attachments. Let's see.



walk it off man, walk it off! :)



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