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Faking injuries


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This is where I draw line. A 2 day climbing trip turned into 1 day where "I'll belay you all day but I don't think I can lead anything." Thank god I was born yesterday. After a remark from me of "5.6/5.7?" The injury occurred shortly thereafter. Following the top ropes I set up "problems" were occurring. But while jumping on his own projects for "gear practice" (time to scuff them cams up!), all pain and suffering vanished amidst the widest stemming and highstepping a man could do. Hmmm... Have a good day sir.

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beware: Drives a gun metal grey 4runner and answers to "Chris" He isn't much fun to be around and will lie and bullshit you to the best of his abilities.


Whew, well I drive a CR-V....for a moment there..... :lmao:


Thanks for the heads up BTW! I'll bet perhaps Chris just needs some more mileage. Probably newer climber yet and very nervous or something like that.


Billcoe: Your bad knees aren't "real". Your knees are "real" bad.


Yowza, I feel like an old man and I'm only 54.

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Thanks Dave!~ Hola Sir! Been a long time since I've seen you too.....15 years? Yosemite? You're probably the same age as you were them but Jim's 65 now, probably time for him to quit smoking unfiltered cigs (currently American Spirits). I've been urging ....... Here's what you missed out on (the trip report for moving party at Jims) 2 days ago. http://cascadeclimbers.com/forum/ubbthreads.php/topics/880797/all/Beacon_Opdycke_Moving_Party I understand he'll be without a phone for a couple of weeks while he waits to get it installed. I might bump into him this weekend and I'll tell him you said hi, he's always happy to hear you are well.


Warm regards



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I went to ER after climbing with you for six hours yesterday and I have a groin tear in 3 places with an abdominal hematoma. I climbed on it for 6 hours with you just to not be a dick and go home as opposed to you, who was a complete dick the whole time, from the minute I approached you at your car, said hello and you didn't answer. Converse with humans much?


You said about 5 sentences to me the entire day. I tried to make friendly conversation and you'd either flat out not answer or grunt in response. It was like talking to a wall, and it started at the car before I "faked" my injury. I point out the trail to the crag but you're too cool for that huh? No land stewardship in your climbing manual I guess. Too cool to use a helmet, despite the fact that you were complaining about the loose mess on top of Goose Egg the last time you were up there. Learn much? And what kind of genius says "pay" for slack on lead? Voice signals on the rope, virtually nonexistent. Hell, voice nonexistent, period.


So I had a real injury and I was tentative about falling on it on lead. Perhaps you WERE born yesterday if you think people follow at the same level they lead at, even when they're not injured. You answered my post and agreed to meet me when it was clear that you were a much better climber than I was. So what exactly is your complaint, hard man? You agreed to meet me out when I stated that I was 4 grades inferior to you. Here's the exact text from the post:



P.S. Looking to get on a bunch of .10's maybe some low .11's



My lead limit is probably around 10a/b these days. I can probably finish high tens but I don't want to keep a brotha down if you know what I mean! ;O)



More specifically, I don't have any prob lead belaying you on harder single pitch stuff, and even trying to follow myself, but multi-pitch high tens and low elevens on Goose Egg is probably out for me from a safety perspective. Don't want to get stuck halfway up unable to follow.



Cool! Let's do it. Sounds perfect. Tell me where and when you want to meet up in the Tieton and I'll be there.



Right on. Why don't we meet at the Oak Creek Wildlife Area that accesses the Royal Columns. Say around 10am? It's my first outside for the season and I could use to warm up on some moderate stuff with gear. Then Friday we can go over to Goose Egg for some multi-pitch if we're both cool with it.


So you led what, 4 pitches? 3 at 5.9 which is 4 grades below the level you said you wanted to "work" in your post and one at 5.10b. I led two 5.7s with adjacent harder routes that you could have top roped because I had a 3" tear in my fucking groin. As opposed to you who bragged how you wanted to get on 5.10d and 5.11 on the post and barely made it up a 10b. I followed you on your 10b and I set up top ropes for the 11a next to one of the 5.7s I led so you could work the route. But you we're "done". Done when YOU had to do something hard for YOU I guess.


Sorry if I'm not cool enough for you. Sorry if I was not up to my ability to lead 10a with a triple groin tear. You're a real nice friendly guy Geoff. Enjoy being a legend in your own mind. There's plenty of space in there for you.


As for everyone else out there, if you want to climb with an ape who snorts and grunts at you with an occasional "dude" thrown in, doesn't use voice signals, doesn't put safety in practice, doesn't respect the land, and leaves you at the crag when you have a real injury, then DirtyFace is your man!


Good riddance.



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Thanks for the clarification. Its just hard to tell with some people. As to being a dick: It really does take one to know one...Chris. And it is true, I resemble a wild animal of some sort and my face is really dirty. Heal Up! Your claim of "not respecting the land" is inane and fatuous and is a remark only a pissant would make. A Good Day To YOU SIR!!

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Need to get a link to that classic pissfest on here several years ago, the "chuck moran" incident...anyone have a link to it?


Too bad you both couldnt work it out civilly and not in an interweb dramarena.


Actually it was the dirtyleaf whiner that started the post...so most of the uncivil drivel belongs to him/her/it I guess



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