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2nd Amendment restored in National Parks


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Hey Matt,


Why don't you just post our PM exchange and stop misrepresenting it? Oh wait, you get banned for posting PMs. Carry on, Mr/ Moderator, keep making shit up.


In addition, if you have a problem with something FW posted, deal with him. Leave me out of it, thanks.


What an utter douche.




You've asked me not to send private messages so you refuse that avenue of discussion yet come on the public thread to call me a douche and say I'm lying. Please feel free to say what it is if you honestly feel I've made something up. Or simply drop it. Your call.

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Fairweather you do need to state the reason to carry a weapon in the NPS. If you were to pull into a parking lot and see somebody doing something illegal would it not be better to report in to the rangers and let them confront the bad guy. If somebody has been breaking laws then there are probably a lot of reports on file and the law can tie the bad guy to them. In the end it's much better justice than you pulling up with a gun and plugging them.


You want to get into a debate about how you get out all the time. I'd just like to point out that given a personal injury I suffered not too long ago doctors are amazed that I'm even standing let alone getting out on a regular basis.


Think about it. There are a ton of soldiers that suffer similar injuries with long term effects (years). All as a result of the war you love brought to us by your favorite president the current asshole in chief.


I continue to wish you all the best with your recovery. Frankly, you seem to be back in perfect spray form and worthy of unchecked return fire. Don't shit on me and I won't shit you.

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Gunowners.org? Not exactly a sociologist's dream source for statistics.


It's not really a lib/cons thing. I know a few liberals, and I mean pretty extreme liberals, who own lots and lots of guns. I you polled the hunters out there, you might find a surprising number of Obama supporters among them. After all, hunters like habitat preservation...and the RNC doesn't.


Personally, I'm pretty neutral on guns. Target shooting is kind of fun, but not enough to get into it. As for the whole personal defense thing; I just don't see the need in my situation. I've killed stuff; I don't enjoy it, so hunting's out. Besides, who wants to carry all that extra shit?


I object to guns in NPs out of concern for the wildlife that will be inevitably shot by that minority of dumbshit yahoos who seem to always show up whenever the Guns Allowed sign goes up. In my view, NPs are FOR the wildlife; visitors who are too lazy to train themselves to go out there unarmed can rent the DVD.


I don't buy the whole "violation of the 2nd amendment" argument RE NPs. Visitation is completely voluntary and optional; if you don't like the rules, go to the Bahamas instead. There simply isn't any compelling threat to personal safety in our NPs that would outweigh the threat to public and wildlife safety from the copious bad judgement that gun owners show in quantity in this country. Maybe its just a few dumbshits, but boy do they make a lot of noise.


As for war; during my lifetime that's always been, every single fucking time, some blowhard politician with his own agenda trying to blow smoke up my ass. In the end its always a fucking disaster. No thanks.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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I've always thought the ban in National Parks was a bit antiquated and didn't make a lot of sense. In Washington I agree, no one needs them. But for the National Parks that are on the Mexican and Canadian borders where there is a lot of drug trafficking - there are a lot of pretty shady folks. You can make the argument that carrying for self defense is justified. The Everglades on the Southern tip of Florida ain't no Muir snowfield for example.


The restrictions that are eased are for folks who have concealed permits anyways. Guys who were poaching wildlife in National Parks have been doing so regardless if there was a ban or not. Hillbillies shooting up signs are the same way.

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One thing still stands:


"No guns at the table!"


Movie? Anyone? What movie?

sounds similiar to the chinaman in "true grit"


"outside is place for shooting!"


to which john wayne responds


"ain't no good fighting for rights for a rat"




I agree with FiggerEight. I never thought about those border parks, but he's probably right on that score.

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