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Fucked up...


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Every major religion has splinter groups. Mormons sometimes have some fucked up issues with inbreeding. I forget the christian sect, but one group went off and started Jonestown in Guiana. Catholics can have problems with molesting young boys...


I imagine there's more trash talk about Christians since it is a lot closer to home for most of the people who post on this board.

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FW. If you do not trust Islam that is fine with me. I don’t trust most religions myself.


But why stop there? IMO all organized religion is a bunch of hypocritical nonsense.






Islam is hardly organized at all which may, or may not be part of the problem. I'm not a big fan of Catholics either--the world's largest cult, IMO. I have no problem with your mistrust of organized religion, but I haven't read about Catholics, Lutherans, Buddhists, Scientologists, Seventh Day Adventists, Baptists, Presbyterians, killing en mass lately. Have you? Not true Islam, right? Hell, even Mormons haven't put on a good massacre since 1857.



Wow.....something we agree on.

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its seem strange that, after an act of terrorism, so many folks would spend their time bitching about and blaming the act on people other than those who ACTUALLY planned and carried out the attack



Because the religion that spawns these idiots will continue to do so until it is forced to reform from within or until sufficient pressure is brought to bear upon its more civilized adherents to stand up and be counted.

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But it is OK for a Christian country to invade a Muslim country and occupy it indefinately (100 years by McSame), for what reason?


Oh WMD? Uh, the dude that blew the whistle on that lie had his CIA wife outed by VP Cheney who was protected by Bush, and so forth.

We have killed thousands and thousands of Iraqis for what?


To get rid of Sadam? Why not go after Mugabe? Oh yeah, no oil.


The US represents itself as a christian country. Our war in Iraq, illegal by UN law that we helped write, kills way more people every month than were killed in 9/11.

Argue with me all you want. Its the rest of the world you have to convince that we, the USA, has not become the primary terrorist in the world today.

It reminds me of the first time I went to the principal's office for fighting in first grade. The biggest kid in the class pushed me so I pushed him back. When the principal asked him what he did then, he said, "I punched him so he would be nice."

And we are not even punching the people who pushed us first.


As you said "Because the religion that spawns these idiots will continue to do so until it is forced to reform from within or until sufficient pressure is brought to bear upon its more civilized adherents to stand up and be counted." Hopefully Obama represents that "reform from within".


If you cannot rise above them, you ARE one of them.



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its seem strange that, after an act of terrorism, so many folks would spend their time bitching about and blaming the act on people other than those who ACTUALLY planned and carried out the attack



Because the religion that spawns these idiots will continue to do so until it is forced to reform from within or until sufficient pressure is brought to bear upon its more civilized adherents to stand up and be counted.

yet, during ww2, we castigated hitler and his nazis for their acts of terror, not the christian religion they came from and to a substantial extent used as the justification for their actions? nor did we merely pass it off as the inevitable result of european civilization?


attacking the religion of islam only sprouts more heads on the hydra - the more every-day muslims feel their religion is under attack, the more they will join the ranks of terrorist organizations


at any rate, doesn't this discussion of terrorist motivations seem a bit one dimensional? there are no doubt many other motivations at work - nationalism, desire for power, resentment of power, etc. comparing indian terrorists to saudi terrorists to afghan terrorists misses the unique nature of each of their beefs, and the religion of islam is merely a tool used to achieve thier political desires, no? (just like every western terrorist organization makes appeals to christianity, such as the kkk or ira?)

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Anyone ever played Call of Duty 4: Modern Warfare? Its a pretty fun game - you get to use all of the newest weapons being used in Iraq and Afghanistan.


Also, can someone clear me up here about Obama's intentions? So he wants to end the war in Iraq by 2010 but what about Afghanistan? When, if he does, does he want to pull out?

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In an interview with Barbara Walters last night, Obama said that there are still al Quaida training camps in parts of Afganistan and Pakistan. He would focus on those and on finding Osama Bin Laden. It was not much more than a sound bite.


Fuck! I knew it. Obama is a terrorist! After all, the US is the REAL terrorist, and these ILLEGAL wars are really terrorist operations, and Obama is just going to continue them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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My proud white bruhthuhs..


Was it muslims that invented intentionally slaughtering innocents?


Terrorism sucks, war sucks, and if you want to get past it you have to inform and educate the ignorant masses/classes- including the "wealthy and prideful Ayran Christians" of the northern hemesphere - and you have to get past the unfair and unjust distribution of health, wealth and education around the globe.


If the world economy continues to fold like the house of cards it apparently is/was it means that global wealth will stay in the hands of the few that now hold it and that means large populations of desperation which breads what? anyone? - then we aint seen nothin yet as far as violence, war and "terrorism' goes.



comrade dmuja


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I think are govermemt has more deeper problems then religion,and its fucked up past,theres no way to satisfy all the poeple in america and their personal believes! I was rasied to have tolerance and not to be judgemental of others who look,talk or think different then me.


For thanksgiving i was in invited to my neighbors who are Native american,i was the only white in a house full of Yakama Indians witch is ironic since the halliday is based on lies and broken treaties,but even though they are pissed over these issues of the last 400 years of white mens abuses and so am i,we formed a circle and held hands gave thanks for the great feast,some thanked god,some gave thanks to the great provider,i was just glad to have good friends.


We watch football games and out of 15 poeple only me and one other person were sipping wine,and no talk of religion or politics.So much for the drunk Indian stereo type!


In my life ive been to alot of get togethers were i was the only white ass in the crowd and as it is a custom in most parts of the world have been treated as a guest of honnor,for the world may seem vast,most poeple on the thrird rock from the sun are kind and will help stangers in need and share a smile!


In a perfect world there would be no wars,no trust issues,no big government backed companies robbing the poor and the under class!


But thats not going to happen in me life,so i'll set back read your spary and hope the koolaid effects wears off soon so we can get back to solving the world issues. I hope for best,but i allways am looking over my shoulder for the next storm.

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In an interview with Barbara Walters last night, Obama said that there are still al Quaida training camps in parts of Afganistan and Pakistan. He would focus on those and on finding Osama Bin Laden. It was not much more than a sound bite.


Fuck! I knew it. Obama is a terrorist! After all, the US is the REAL terrorist, and these ILLEGAL wars are really terrorist operations, and Obama is just going to continue them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Obviously, you were sleeping through that part of history as most good republicans did.

al Quaida attacked us on 9/11. Their leaders were in Afganistan.

Iraq did not attack us. al Quaida leaders were not in Iraq when we attacked.


Get it now?


Of course not. Because then you would have to admit that you fell for a big lie and were as wrong as you could be.

But you do not have the huevos to admit that.


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In an interview with Barbara Walters last night, Obama said that there are still al Quaida training camps in parts of Afganistan and Pakistan. He would focus on those and on finding Osama Bin Laden. It was not much more than a sound bite.


Fuck! I knew it. Obama is a terrorist! After all, the US is the REAL terrorist, and these ILLEGAL wars are really terrorist operations, and Obama is just going to continue them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Obviously, you were sleeping through that part of history as most good republicans did.

al Quaida attacked us on 9/11. Their leaders were in Afganistan.

Iraq did not attack us. al Quaida leaders were not in Iraq when we attacked.


Get it now?


Of course not. Because then you would have to admit that you fell for a big lie and were as wrong as you could be.

But you do not have the huevos to admit that.


We are occupying parts of Afghanistan, conducting military operations there, killing people, including innocents. Considering these activities, we are the REAL terrorists according to your previous statements. And Obama is supporting these operations, so he is a terrorist, and all you who voted for him are terrorist sympathizers.

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Something we as North Americans agree on, Pam Anderson should be encouraged to continue to dress, act and look like this.




Something most Muslims agree on (Arab and Persian Muslims) is that this whore should be taken out into a public square and horsewhipped till she bleeds and collapses in a heap. In fact, a few years ago an American woman who's skirt was above her knees received that very punishment in Iran. In fact in the kingdom, women canot drive and face that kind of punishment if they violate Gods law and do so.


So it's true what they say: "different strokes for different folks".


Here's a picture of a guy who had reportedly drank 2 beers and got caught doing it in Iran. Iran%20Whipping.jpg 2 beers = 130 lashes in public (they say).

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We are occupying parts of Afghanistan, conducting military operations there, killing people, including innocents. Considering these activities, we are the REAL terrorists according to your previous statements. And Obama is supporting these operations, so he is a terrorist, and all you who voted for him are terrorist sympathizers.


Wrong. He is the terrorist-elect.

Edited by prole
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Rudy's post title was "Fucked up". What is happening in Mombay is. God forbid it come over here to our shores and to our loved ones.





The Iranian PM's pronouncement was met with derision when he stated that Iran has no homosexuals while touring a US college campus a year ago.


Here's what they do to gays for just being homosexual: hangingPA_468x481.jpg


2 gay teenagers.




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They do this shit to all kinds of people, including for thought crime. They will execute you for lots of reasons.


The former Cat Stevens had a Fatwas proclaimed by some Saudi Arabian Asshat(later revoked) for chanting and recording the Koran (forbidden).


The writer Salmon Rushdie may still have a fatwa issued by the Ayatola asshat on his ass. It was the duty of any Muslim who comes across Rushdie to kill him immediately for his writing which was claimed by said asshat to have offended Islam.

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at any rate, doesn't this discussion of terrorist motivations seem a bit one dimensional? there are no doubt many other motivations at work - nationalism, desire for power, resentment of power, etc. comparing indian terrorists to saudi terrorists to afghan terrorists misses the unique nature of each of their beefs, and the religion of islam is merely a tool used to achieve thier political desires, no? (just like every western terrorist organization makes appeals to christianity, such as the kkk or ira?)


I agree with the first part of your post, but you lost me at addressing their "beefs". For the most part, their beefs seem to be based simply on 'convert to Islam or die', their rage vented regularly upon atheist, Christian, Jew, and Hindu alike. At least Christians seem content to leave the non-believer alone to face their fate in the afterlife--Muslims seem intent on helping them get there sooner.

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Actually, Islam in general, despite a spotty record here and there, is often fairly good at leaving other religions alone. There have been strong Jewish and Christian communities in many middle eastern countries for centuries. Once you commit to Islam, it is a death sentence to renounce it.

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