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KKKKK's even worse; he includes blacks as his targets (B-Ho). Don't worry, I read your treatise on the worth of the various races over on the White Supremacy climbing site. It's ugly, dude.


Pat Gallagher, making shit up about a subject like racism isn't cool. When I next see you in person you're going to be asked to account for this lie.


You shouldn't have posted it if you didn't want people to read it. Don't blame me, amigo. Look in the mirror; he's your problem.


Posted what? Muslim bashing? That's not racism--nor is it any worse than the constant Christian bashing you are guilty of. The only difference is that my distaste for Islam is grounded in fact. I think you have issues that can only be resolved with your mouth and left nostril immersed in a mud puddle, your right elbow secured snugly behind your back.

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Our president is a Christian extremist.

So are FW and KKKK.

You are either with them or against them.

There is no middle ground.


Fuck you, Bug. Seriously, not just spray. You are an asshole.

Your attacks have been consistant and abusive. Either take what you dish out like an adult or take your ball and go home. This is just a game or a virtual world. Most people here will not hold your posts against you in the real world.


If you stay and continue to spew venom, just remember that verse, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

You are not a nice person on this board and I continue to be dissappointed with your finger pointing as though you are somehow above it all and being victimized.

Seriously, read your last 100 posts in spray, or your last ten replies to something I have posted, and tell me you are proud of your Christian demeanor.

Or point out in a respectful way where I am wrong and I will reply with equal respect. The opportunities are many as you well know.


Better yet give up this cesspool and direct your energies more productively. Your anger is getting the best of you here and I know how bad that feels.

Regardless of what you do, I have met you and see good in you.

I hope you let that overshadow your persona on this board.




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Our president is a Christian extremist.

So are FW and KKKK.

You are either with them or against them.

There is no middle ground.


Fuck you, Bug. Seriously, not just spray. You are an asshole.

Your attacks have been consistant and abusive. Either take what you dish out like an adult or take your ball and go home. This is just a game or a virtual world. Most people here will not hold your posts against you in the real world.


If you stay and continue to spew venom, just remember that verse, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

You are not a nice person on this board and I continue to be dissappointed with your finger pointing as though you are somehow above it all and being victimized.

Seriously, read your last 100 posts in spray, or your last ten replies to something I have posted, and tell me you are proud of your Christian demeanor.

Or point out in a respectful way where I am wrong and I will reply with equal respect. The opportunities are many as you well know.


Better yet give up this cesspool and direct your energies more productively. Your anger is getting the best of you here and I know how bad that feels.

Regardless of what you do, I have met you and see good in you.

I hope you let that overshadow your persona on this board.




There are a few assholes on this board to whom I consistently dish back what shit they fling my way.


There are a quite a few people who are pretty cool, and I have had no problem with them, and have been consistently respectful to them, unlike your BS claim above.


I once thought you were in the latter group. If you want to be in the former than so be it.


You don't think I'm nice? Well, right back at you buddy. We've met in person, and I expect a different level of respect from someone I have met. I post very infrequently these days. And yet, you fling my name out at random in a personal attack. You are just as disrespectful, divisive, and unpleasant as you have recently claimed I am. You are disappointed in me? The feeling is mutual.


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KKKKK's even worse; he includes blacks as his targets (B-Ho). Don't worry, I read your treatise on the worth of the various races over on the White Supremacy climbing site. It's ugly, dude.


Pat Gallagher, making shit up about a subject like racism isn't cool. When I next see you in person you're going to be asked to account for this lie.


You shouldn't have posted it if you didn't want people to read it. Don't blame me, amigo. Look in the mirror; he's your problem.


Posted what? Muslim bashing? That's not racism--nor is it any worse than the constant Christian bashing you are guilty of. The only difference is that my distaste for Islam is grounded in fact. I think you have issues that can only be resolved with your mouth and left nostril immersed in a mud puddle, your right elbow secured snugly behind your back.

FW, I am a Christian and have traveled in Muslim countries during times of war. While the soldiers were hostile, the civilians I met were, without exception, amoung the nicest and most hospitible I have met anywhere. "Muslim bashing" by you or anybody else is no different than the "Christian bashing" we have seen on this board. Not all of us Christians are alike. Lying and war-mongering are not fundamental values of Christ yet, "MY PRESIDENT" has done just that. You and I will be held accountable for that if we travel abroad. We will be seen as Bushite/Christians (even Tvash will be seen this way), and feared by reasonable people in much the same way that our people have feared al Quaida.

Islam is just not as violent as you make it out to be. It rose out of Saudi Arabia in 644 AD. Most of the Medditteranian basin was Muslim within 50 years. Some of it was taken by the sword which had a rich tradition of skill and honour in the desert. The reaction by the Christians of the time was violent to the same degree.

The honour of battle in the desert does not translate into blowing up a train full of civilians. I would hazard an educated guess that those terrorists are in for a large dissappointment when they die. But mostly, it will be the people who led them there who meet with negative consequences.

This will not be unlike the deaths of many Christians over the ages and into today. Those who would not recognize Unconditional Love as the primary teaching of Christ may well be amoung them.

I hope you do not take this board so seriously that it would ruin your day.

To you and all who post here, HAPPY THANKSGIVING!!!!

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Our president is a Christian extremist.

So are FW and KKKK.

You are either with them or against them.

There is no middle ground.


Fuck you, Bug. Seriously, not just spray. You are an asshole.

Your attacks have been consistant and abusive. Either take what you dish out like an adult or take your ball and go home. This is just a game or a virtual world. Most people here will not hold your posts against you in the real world.


If you stay and continue to spew venom, just remember that verse, "Do unto others as you would have them do unto you."

You are not a nice person on this board and I continue to be dissappointed with your finger pointing as though you are somehow above it all and being victimized.

Seriously, read your last 100 posts in spray, or your last ten replies to something I have posted, and tell me you are proud of your Christian demeanor.

Or point out in a respectful way where I am wrong and I will reply with equal respect. The opportunities are many as you well know.


Better yet give up this cesspool and direct your energies more productively. Your anger is getting the best of you here and I know how bad that feels.

Regardless of what you do, I have met you and see good in you.

I hope you let that overshadow your persona on this board.




There are a few assholes on this board to whom I consistently dish back what shit they fling my way.


There are a quite a few people who are pretty cool, and I have had no problem with them, and have been consistently respectful to them, unlike your BS claim above.


I once thought you were in the latter group. If you want to be in the former than so be it.


You don't think I'm nice? Well, right back at you buddy. We've met in person, and I expect a different level of respect from someone I have met. I post very infrequently these days. And yet, you fling my name out at random in a personal attack. You are just as disrespectful, divisive, and unpleasant as you have recently claimed I am. You are disappointed in me? The feeling is mutual.


When you post something that I dissagree with, I reserve the right to reply. We all post here to everybody who reads this board. These are not private discussions we are having. When you viciously attack one person for their stand on an issue, you attack those who agree with that poster by implication.

I have come out vehemently against the prevalent viciousness on this board. I was vehemently attacked even by you for bringing up this point of discussion.


And that is all this board is. A place for us to discuss our ideas and beliefs. Who you CHOSE to become here is your responsibility.


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Happy Thanksgiving everybody! Let's go eat!


Agreed. Bills are paid and checkbook is balanced. Now it's time to log off, and go hang with the inlaws.


Happy Thanksgiving to Everyone.


Over and Out.


:tup: I'll raise a glass of fine wine to all you sprayers this afternoon. Now go get some turkey...

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Obama will meet with these folks without preconditions.


Which is why I voted for him.


Which is why you're an ankle-grabbing moron like the rest of your crew here.


You're a racist, man, and you're actually serious about being one. There's no satire, humor, or any of the other common components of this forum that your brain doesn't seem to be able to process in your anti-Muslim/arab postings. KKKKK's even worse; he includes blacks as his targets (B-Ho). Don't worry, I read your treatise on the worth of the various races over on the White Supremacy climbing site. It's ugly, dude.


Whats the difference betweeen being racist towards arabs or blacks. Jesus, so much for equality...

Edited by Braydon
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I think Islam has big problems. But it is a religion, not a race of peoples. Apparently, in their typical knee-jerk stampede to label those with whom they disagree racist, everyone here is willing to believe/claim that all Arabs are Muslims and all Muslims are Arabs. (?) Seriously; you guys are the dumbest bunch of bricks on the web.

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I think Islam has big problems. But it is a religion, not a race of peoples. Apparently, in their typical knee-jerk stampede to label those with whom they disagree racist, everyone here is willing to believe/claim that all Arabs are Muslims and all Muslims are Arabs. (?) Seriously; you guys are the dumbest bunch of bricks on the web.


Exactly, You can have Indonesian Muslims and Arab Jews. While a majority of Arabs are Muslim, these are two completely different group classifications.

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I think Islam has big problems. But it is a religion, not a race of peoples. Apparently, in their typical knee-jerk stampede to label those with whom they disagree racist, everyone here is willing to believe/claim that all Arabs are Muslims and all Muslims are Arabs. (?) Seriously; you guys are the dumbest bunch of bricks on the web.


Exactly, You can have Indonesian Muslims and Arab Jews. While a majority of Arabs are Muslim, these are two completely different group classifications.


Did you get some turkey Braydon,happy thanksgiving!


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I think Islam has big problems. But it is a religion, not a race of peoples. Apparently, in their typical knee-jerk stampede to label those with whom they disagree racist, everyone here is willing to believe/claim that all Arabs are Muslims and all Muslims are Arabs. (?) Seriously; you guys are the dumbest bunch of bricks on the web.


"How dare you call me a racist! I sir, am a bigot."



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I think Islam has big problems. But it is a religion, not a race of peoples. Apparently, in their typical knee-jerk stampede to label those with whom they disagree racist, everyone here is willing to believe/claim that all Arabs are Muslims and all Muslims are Arabs. (?) Seriously; you guys are the dumbest bunch of bricks on the web.


"How dare you call me a racist! I sir, am a bigot."




Bigotry covers only race, ethnicity, and class. Sorry, but my dislike/distrust of Islam isn't covered under that definition either. Neither, apparently, is your hatred of Christians. Your oft-expressed hatred of Jews is another matter however, as they are covered by all three.

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I think Islam has big problems. But it is a religion, not a race of peoples. Apparently, in their typical knee-jerk stampede to label those with whom they disagree racist, everyone here is willing to believe/claim that all Arabs are Muslims and all Muslims are Arabs. (?) Seriously; you guys are the dumbest bunch of bricks on the web.


"How dare you call me a racist! I sir, am a bigot."




Bigotry covers only race, ethnicity, and class. Sorry, but my dislike/distrust of Islam isn't covered under that definition either. Neither, apparently, is your hatred of Christians. Your oft-expressed hatred of Jews is another matter however, as they are covered by all three.



FW. If you do not trust Islam that is fine with me. I don’t trust most religions myself.


But why stop there? IMO all organized religion is a bunch of hypocritical nonsense.



Hope everyone had a good turkey day. I drew the short straw on my team at work and have to work today…..lame.



Hey KKKKK…..just some advice to you since you are back from your hiatus. Learn the difference between smack talk/spray and personal insults.


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I don't understand how people can be so hypocritical, you guys are almost as bad as Al Gore taking his private jet to his global bullshit presentations.


You can harrass Christians without guilt but its soooo horrible to say something about the nice peaceful Muslims and just because they're a minority? WTF?

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FW. If you do not trust Islam that is fine with me. I don’t trust most religions myself.


But why stop there? IMO all organized religion is a bunch of hypocritical nonsense.






Islam is hardly organized at all which may, or may not be part of the problem. I'm not a big fan of Catholics either--the world's largest cult, IMO. I have no problem with your mistrust of organized religion, but I haven't read about Catholics, Lutherans, Buddhists, Scientologists, Seventh Day Adventists, Baptists, Presbyterians, killing en mass lately. Have you? Not true Islam, right? Hell, even Mormons haven't put on a good massacre since 1857.

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I don't understand how people can be so hypocritical, you guys are almost as bad as Al Gore taking his private jet to his global bullshit presentations.


You can harrass Christians without guilt but its soooo horrible to say something about the nice peaceful Muslims and just because they're a minority? WTF?

hey asswipe...i harrass Christians, and Muslims, etc...basically, any organized religion is whacked, IMO...they (religions) are half the cause (or more) of most conflict in human history...you're all fuckers...

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