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To all of you ungrateful curs


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To the whinny people around here who continually bitch about our country all the time. Here's how much of the rest of the real world sadly is. This gentleman only told the truth of how he was (mis)treated at the hands of the police. Bye-bye Jigme.


"Jane Macartney in Beijing


A Tibetan monk who is one of a very few to speak openly of his mistreatment by Chinese police after demonstrations against Beijing in March was arrested today when he emerged from two months in hiding.


More than 70 police, including members of the paramilitary People’s Armed Police, raided the dormitory of the Labrang monastery in western China that was Jigme’s home, sources told The Times.


Police vehicles, their sirens wailing, drew up outside the monastery just after midday. Armed officers poured out and entered Jigme’s cell near the front of the ancient edifice that sprawls up a hillside in Gansu province.


A source said: “We don’t believe they gave any reason for his arrest. They came at lunchtime when most of the monks were in their rooms and there were fewer people around.”

Related Links


* China relaxes decades-old restrictions on media


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* Famous Tibetan blogger held by police


Jigme, who only uses one name, had been in hiding, moving from safe house to safe house on the vast Tibetan plateau, ever since he made a video in late August - later posted on Youtube - in which he described two months of interrogation and abuse by police.


Friends told The Times that he decided to return to his monastery after police, who had visited his family, said he would be safe from arrest if he returned to his monastery. With the onset of winter, he decided to believe the authorities.


He is one of the few Tibetans to speak openly of his experiences at the hands of the security forces since 22 people were killed in violent anti-Chinese demonstrations in the Tibetan capital, Lhasa, in early March. The demonstration quickly spread to other Tibetan regions of China.


In his video, in which he shows his face, Jigme described how he had been dragged off the street while waiting for his shoes to be mended by four uniformed guards who pulled him into a white van. He was driven to a guest-house run by local paramilitary police and held even though he insists he took no part in the anti-Chinese unrest that swept Tibetan regions of China in March.


He was taken to a prison in a town near the monastery. He told the Associated Press: “They demanded to know if I was a leader of the protest and what contact I had with the Dalai Lama. They hung me up by my hands and beat my hard all over with their fists.” He said similar treatment was meted out to other Tibetan prisoners, and family members were refused permission to bring them additional food and warm clothing.


He was twice taken to hospital. The second time, after lying unconscious for six days, he was handed over to his family who took him to another hospital where he recovered after 20 days of treatment and a rest. He returned in May to the monastery where he his a member of the Gyuto Dratsang, or Upper Tantric College, one of its six institutes of learning.


He told one interviewer: “I’m not afraid of being taken in. I have no regrets. I am not guilty of anything."

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"To all of you ungrateful curs"??


What is that Bill? A justification for Bush's mistakes?

"It could be worse" so vote for another republican to find out?

Are you saying we should shut up if we do not agree with everything our government does?


Not sure what your connection is here.

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billcoe, if you are such a great believer in how wonderful our country is, why do you nevertheless feel that you have to own some guns to protect your "freedoms" from that very same country? seems to me that gun fanciers such as yourself actually don't believe in the united states and its way of life, otherwise you wouldn't feel it necessary to be ready to take up arms against it.

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what happened to this guy truly sucks


not to excuse china for its abuses, but haven't we lately done the same thing to a number of innocent folks, albeit perhaps a smaller #?


would the monk have been any better off if he had had a gun (and temporary amnesia enough to forget his pacifist ways)?

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Google this and quit being such an clueless ignoramus:


The Tipton Three. Khaled Al Masri. There are more than 400 others from Quantanamo alone, but these have gotten a great deal of press.


OH, and BTW, they were held and tortured for quite a bit longer than 2 months.


Do you ever, like, read a regular newspaper? Try it sometime.

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All of us ungrateful curs have the opportunity to express ourselves and vote for change in leaders and policy in our country. Therefore we talk about it a lot.


I agree that things are truly fucked up in Tibet, Western China, North Korea, a bunch of African countries....... We may talk about it a bit, but we lack control of any legitimate kind.


All we can do is vote for changes in our leadership that will try to benefit others in far off places.

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haven't we lately done the same thing to a number of innocent folks


Name 3 and provide links. What innocent people have we tied up and beat for 2 months, then arrested when they went public with the story?


Bill, bush administrations' rendering "suspects" to foriegn countries where torture is administered with regularity is widely known and specific cases most probably could be researched easily on the internet. Do your own work if you're really interested in finding out.


Quit being so obnoxious, and lazy.



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There's even a Hollywood film called "Rendition", dude. This shit has only been headline news for, like, 4 years now. Where the fuck have you been? It's precisely ignorance like yours that is responsible for the last 8 years of hell.


Tomorrow morning, I want you to get out of bed and be a different person. Leave the Drudge Report behind, start reading the WSJ, NYT, and other reputable international newspapers, and stop being part of the problem. FW is a lost cause. You're not.

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OK, I'm sorry, Bill, I told you I wouldn't give you any more shit cuz you're an Obama man now, but damn, you hit the exact wrong button. That rendition/Quantanamo shit drives me nutz.


The cool thing is that with Obama, this disgraceful shit that stains our national honor and destroys innocent lives is OVER.


Gotta finish my armoured suit....

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billcoe, if you are such a great believer in how wonderful our country is, why do you nevertheless feel that you have to own some guns to protect your "freedoms" from that very same country?


Hear hear!


So, our new motto should be: "The United States: not quite as fucked up as China." Yeah, Americans stand proud! Bill, I hope you expect more from your children than you seem to expect from your country.

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