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I remember when Rainier was brewed right here in Seattle, and Olympia in Olympia. Now they're both made somewhere in the Midwest when they aren't busy cranking out PBR.


Hell I even went to a couple AAC things at the Columbia Crest Room downstairs at the Rainier Brewery. They'd have 6 or 7 different varieties of Rainier, some of which were never sold in stores. :grlaf:

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That was fucking rad. At the time I was living on the east side and working in Seattle. I drove to West Mercer Island the day it happened and watched chunks of the bridge getting towed over towards the Stan Sayres Pits. After that I had to leave for work 2 hours early and drive to Seattle via Renton and Rainier Ave.


When they opened the new bridge they had the largest tug boat on the west coast tied to the new bridge and driving south to keep the new bridge from breaking up.

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i was working at Camp Parsons, the boyscout camp down by Brinnon one summer and one morning we found a big torpedo up on the shore. they cleared us out and some Navy boats came by and recovered it. you could almost see Bangor from the shore by the dining hall.

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Just over the hill from where I grew up was the Nike Missile base




They gave up the base after signing a treaty with the USSR. There's another Nike site just north of Kenmore. That was going to be our defence from the nukes. now it's gone. :cry: The launch site is still there. :tup:


There's also a bunch of old coal mines over there, scary things cut into soil at a 45 degree angle. You can still find them if you hunt around Cougar Mountain. Because of that the town of Newcastle got it's name. Not quite as big or full of coal as the one in England, but they had dreams.

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another memory was being unable to fall asleep due to fear that the russians would nuke us (what was that movie....the day after i believe)



My father was two miles from ground zero for the Yucca Flats atmospheric Hydrogen bomb test. They were in a 4 ft trench facing away. They were crouched down with their hands over their eyes and their hands and faces on their knees. When the "device" was detonated, he could breifly see the bones in his hands and legs and then he was blinded for about twenty seconds.

When he could see again, the outward impact had mostly passed and the mushroom cloud was far overhead. The random chemical reactions inside the cloud were creating a cacophany of crackles and pops and weird sounds of all sorts. And then the suction started. The reactions and the rising cloud created a wind so strong, grapefruit sized rocks were flying over the trench. They watched it for about 90 minutes before they were gathered into platoons and marched toward ground zero. They did not get very far before the ground was too hot for them to stand. They could see a lake of molten rock bubbling and popping. There was a guy with a little ticking box and another with him that kept writing down the time and the readings from the little box. The government still claims there were no geiger counters there.

I was four years old when he told this story. Then he told me that the Russians and the US had enough bombs like that to melt the entire continent. He went on to say that he wasn't sure which side was more insane and that they could blow us all up at any time. Thanks Dad. I spent the next 15 years living like it was my last day.

If Montana retained its nuclear weapons and split from the union, it would be the third largest nuclear power in the world.

So don't piss me off. They would let me back in.

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