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NYT: "No bias here!"


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The NYT endorsed McCain for GOP nominee in January. That is quite a bit different than an endorsement for President, but still.


Well they said this as well. "The potential upside of a great Obama presidency is enticing, but this country faces huge problems, and will no doubt be facing more that we can’t foresee. The next president needs to start immediately on challenges that will require concrete solutions, resolve, and the ability to make government work. Mrs. Clinton is more qualified, right now, to be president."




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Poll: Public split on satirical New Yorker cover of Obamas as terrorists


By Associated Press

12:47 PM PDT, July 24, 2008


WASHINGTON (AP) _ Add one more item to the long list of disagreements between Democrats and Republicans: Whether it was appropriate for The New Yorker magazine to publish a cover satirizing Democratic presidential candidate Barack Obama and his wife as fist-bumping radicals.


Among those who had seen it, nearly two of three Democrats said it wasn't right for the liberal-leaning publication to use the cartoon for its July 21 cover, roughly the same number of Republicans who said it was OK, according to a poll by the nonpartisan Pew Research Center.



Seven in 10 Democrats said the cover was offensive and just over half called it racist — sentiments with which majorities of Republicans disagreed. Only about a fifth of Democrats thought it was clever or funny, as did larger minorities from the GOP.


For each question, independents' views were more similar to Republicans than Democrats.


Overall, about half the public reported seeing the cover.


Obama, whose campaign has called the drawing "tasteless and offensive," is depicted wearing a turban and other traditional Muslim clothes. His wife, Michelle, sports an Angela Davis-like Afro, wears combat fatigue pants and carries an assault rifle. The American flag burns in a fire place, above which hangs a portrait of Osama bin Laden.


The survey was conducted from July 18-21 and involved telephone interviews with 1,000 adults. It had a margin of sampling error of plus or minus 3.5 percentage points.





at least the new yorker isn't biased. just it's readers.


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Obama, whose campaign has called the drawing "tasteless and offensive" ...


So the rest of the pack immediately rushed over to the McCain spokesperson like hounds on the scent and asked "What do you think about what the Obama spokesperson said, he said it was "tasteless and offensive" Whatda think whadaya think? HUH?


Dude said "I agree". End of quote.


Classy on everyones part except for the lowlifes at the publication IMO.

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i actually managed to see the humor in it. i don't see it so much as a satire of obama, or those who question obama's patriotism, more as a satire of the reactionism to 9/11 that's still gripping the nation and distorting our politics.





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i actually managed to see the humor in it. i don't see it so much as a satire of obama, or those who question obama's patriotism, more as a satire of the reactionism to 9/11 that's still gripping the nation and distorting our politics.


The New Yorker got edged into that by one of the Senators from New York I am betting. Obama didn't think it was funny, I didn't think it was funny, and I will bet Obamas wife didn't appreciate being made out to be the extremist American-Hating communist-loving Angela Davis either. Even McCain didn't appreciate it. It seems to me that kind of thing, if it was truly satire, should have been on the editorial page with the full explanation and something declaring it an "Editorial".


I'm sure Hillary, Senator from New York, got quite the chuckle out of it like you appeared to get. It was speculated that this kind of thing would be pitched underhandedly by the Hillary camp, and perhaps even continue throughout an Obama Presidency, I, for one, am sad to see it happen and believe it to be unfunny and mean-spirited bullshit of the highest (lowest) order.


Maybe this Porter thing below has some truth!



Can it be modified so that it's Obama laying there? Cause that would be hilarious! Especially if that Black crewmember is waving the New Yorker cover around as he jumps back! :lmao:

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for both parties.

there will be something.


Holy crap....I agree with KK on this.....



I think Bush will suspend the constitution just before he leaves office. He will suspend elections. He is a crazy sonofabitch and I dont put it past Chenney.

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