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10,000 year old tree


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Here's the latest find on the oldest known living tree.





Swedish Spruce



Swedish scientists say they have discovered a tree that is nearly 10,000 years old, making it the oldest living tree ever discovered on the planet.


Leif Kullman, professor of physical geography at Umea University, said the 9,950-year-old spruce on Fulu Mountain is one of three trees determined to be older than the “Methuselah” tree in Southern California, which had previously been believed to be the world’s oldest at between 4,500 and 5,000 years in age.


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That makes this tree the oldest living thing on earth. Previously, that title was held by a 9,000 year lichen, although one could argue that a lichen is not a single organism but successive generations of symbiotic organisms and therefore should be in a different category.


Close, but no cigar. This was the previously oldest living thing:



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Here's the latest find on the oldest known living tree.





Swedish Spruce



Swedish scientists say they have discovered a tree that is nearly 10,000 years old, making it the oldest living tree ever discovered on the planet.


Leif Kullman, professor of physical geography at Umea University, said the 9,950-year-old spruce on Fulu Mountain is one of three trees determined to be older than the “Methuselah” tree in Southern California, which had previously been believed to be the world’s oldest at between 4,500 and 5,000 years in age.




These guys say "fuck that shit". Sweden used to have the oldest living thing, now they got the worlds oldest toilet paper.



Bring it, Olaf

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That makes this tree the oldest living thing on earth. Previously, that title was held by a 9,000 year lichen, although one could argue that a lichen is not a single organism but successive generations of symbiotic organisms and therefore should be in a different category.


Close, but no cigar. This was the previously oldest living thing:




Unlike McCain, this tree can still sprout wood

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