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lock your lockers at prg!

moira armen

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Sadly, someone stole my ipod from my locker on Monday night. I have never bothered locking it because I would never have thought any of my fellow prg-ers would be thieves, but apparently one is. I know lots of people (women anyway) don't bother with a lock, but you might want to start using one if there's anything of value in there.

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Sorry to hear but nowhere is safe. I've heard of gear theft at base of crags, parking lot smash and grabs, on and on. Thieves like gyms because they can hit quite a few lockers and usually score something quickly. Even if it is locked they can sneak in bolt cutters. I used to work at a health club and some kids kept hitting the lockers and it took a long time to finally catch them in the act since they had a lookout and signals to alert the thief. My wife thinks I'm paranoid for telling her to lock the cars doors at night in our sleepy little town but once you come out and find your vehicle ransacked, you will never feel the same about security. It's unfortunate but crime is everywhere and will hit you when you least expect it, even if you think you are doing the right things to avoid being a target. Bummer!

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Moira, I don't know this for sure, but I'm wondering if reporting the theft to Apple might at some point help? I know they keep your name and serial number on record if you have Apple care. My son had Apple care, and in secession broke like 8 of the 40 gb hard drive models, which they replaced no charge. (turns out that snowboarding and hard drives really are not a good combo!)


PS, I have lots of music if you didn't have a backup and need some.


Good luck.

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Sadly, someone stole my ipod from my locker on Monday night. I have never bothered locking it because I would never have thought any of my fellow prg-ers would be thieves, but apparently one is. I know lots of people (women anyway) don't bother with a lock, but you might want to start using one if there's anything of value in there.


Thats lame Moira......Question: Why did you bring a $300 item into that place? Not to be a dick, but I had to ask!


See you in there.....

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The thief was probably in the gym to work on their self-esteem issues and not making much progress. Climbing just can't cure all the world's ills, I guess. Must be a part of the cost of climbing's runaway growth and probably another sign climbing demographics now reflecting society at large to a degree. In that respect, inclusiveness can occasionally have it's downsides. Sorry to hear of such a theft among climbers, but it seems to be getting more commonplace these days.

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The thief was probably in the gym to work on their self-esteem issues and not making much progress. Climbing just can't cure all the world's ills, I guess. Must be a part of the cost of climbing's runaway growth and probably another sign climbing demographics now reflecting society at large to a degree. In that respect, inclusiveness can occasionally have it's downsides. Sorry to hear of such a theft among climbers, but it seems to be getting more commonplace these days.
Hmm, interesting theory. I've always thought climbing was a sport that often tended to attract some wiley characters. I've seen plenty of nice, "good" folks out there at the crags but have also seen as many "shady" characters living "outside the lines" of society "norms". Of course, we don't have any such types on cc.com.
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I used to think (like most special interest groups) that climbers were somehow special....someone's gear gets ripped off..oh, not a climber! "Brotherhood of the Rope!" It was once a small community and we more or less knew each other. With so many random people now calling themselves "climbers", I think quite the opposite. Gear gets ripped off? especially in a gym or a climbing area? Prime suspect = "climber".

Who else wants that crap? (ropes, quickdraws, etc.)

Welcome to the sad New Age of Climbing For The Masses.

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I used to think (like most special interest groups) that climbers were somehow special....someone's gear gets ripped off..oh, not a climber! "Brotherhood of the Rope!" It was once a small community and we more or less knew each other. With so many random people now calling themselves "climbers", I think quite the opposite. Gear gets ripped off? especially in a gym or a climbing area? Prime suspect = "climber".

Who else wants that crap? (ropes, quickdraws, etc.)

Welcome to the sad New Age of Climbing For The Masses.


There was less theft back in the day because there was less people. Most likely Moiras stuff got yanked by a meth head. They did catch a guy in PCC recently who walked into a secure area following a guy with a laptop, and he broke into the locker and yanked the laptop within a moment of the owner locking it. Caught it on film, arrested the guy, turns out same dude had been working the locker rooms at 3 of the high end gyms in town including the very secure Mac Club: could have easily been the guy, quite the pro (and a meth head).


In either case, climbers are not immune from the ills of society, we are part of the same club as the rest of humanity. Here's Ron Olvesky on Supertopo for instance on a Reinhard Karl thread:



Reinhard and Mugs Stump attempted the FA of the SW face of Angel's Landing in, I believe, 1981. They climbed four pitches to the top of a distinct finger or pinnacle some 120 or so meters up the 340m wall.



To my knowledge that side of the wall remains unclimbed. In '83 I did a route up the right side, Angeline, that (again to my knowledge) remains unrepeated.

Mugs had some criticisms of Angeline that were unfounded, as he assumed extensive bolt ladders that I never resorted to.


In '94 Dan Langmade and Keith Brown attempted Angeline but made the mistake of consulting Middendorf for info.

Rather than say he just didn't know and suggest they contact me, Deuce told them that they had already fixed rope on the "Lowe" route.

(The Lowe-Roghar is the first technical route on the Landing, and is on the East face. Two years ago the Zion "rescue" crew added 3 monstrous bolts to the top of this route (which was climbed WITHOUT bolts) as they apparently felt that the pine tree some 14" around was inadequate. At least four other routes now end with the same crap.)


When Brown and Langmade reached the top of a dihedral capped by a roof only 100m from the top they didn't know to look for my sneaky traverse (that, yes, used a few bolts) and as a result they retreated leaving numerous weird new bolts with hangers that had the inspiring message, "NO GUD".


Some years later Joe French and Kevin Reilly made a similar attempt, This time, however, I was working a line next to it from above and had left a rope that reached to near the same spot.

As they could not find the route they jumped my rope, using it to reach the top and my gear stash.


Then they helped themselves to everything.


For months Joe saw me around Springdale and said nothing. The gear was covered with my initials.


He knew whose it was.


Finally he approached me.

A significant amount was returned, but much was not.

Most interesting was the stuff with my initials that had been painted over.


When I met Reilly he offered no apology whatsoever








as far as I'm concerned the route remains unrepeated.

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