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Are You Better Off Now?


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I am worse off than I was under Clinton.
We all are!


Wages are not going up, but the cost of living is.


Well spoken.


hey weren't you supposta get shot in a forest or sumthing?


KBoner: blaming Bush and doing the partisan R vs. D thing is pointless. If there is a cost of living crunch right now (which I think there is), the question is why, and then what to do about it. Bush is gone in 10 months or so, and the next person needs to focus on solutions not lame, simplistic recriminations.


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Am I personally better off? Sure, does that mean most folks or the country is? In no way. The average American has taken it in the shorts economically again and again for this administration. That's why pay day loan places are now as common as dandelions. Add the subprime, credit card, and student loan scandals to the mix and you've f#cked most folks. Then throw in gutted agencies and eroded constitutional, environmental, consumer, banking, and insurance protections and it pretty well sums things up.


And are you more secure? Definitely not - domestically you are no more secure than on 9/10 and foreign security is now a disaster and our military savaged. Overall security on every front is far worse than it was before 9/11. So sorry, but those are some pretty short-sighted and self-interested yes's from where I sit. I personally would rather not see a sequel to these felons and traitors any time soon.


We should turn tail and run away. We're just a bunch of wooped American bitches! Decline and fall of our civilization is nigh! The end is near, head east on I-90!!! The sky is falling!!


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Am I personally better off? Sure, does that mean most folks or the country is? In no way. The average American has taken it in the shorts economically again and again for this administration. That's why pay day loan places are now as common as dandelions. Add the subprime, credit card, and student loan scandals to the mix and you've f#cked most folks. Then throw in gutted agencies and eroded constitutional, environmental, consumer, banking, and insurance protections and it pretty well sums things up.


And are you more secure? Definitely not - domestically you are no more secure than on 9/10 and foreign security is now a disaster and our military savaged. Overall security on every front is far worse than it was before 9/11. So sorry, but those are some pretty short-sighted and self-interested yes's from where I sit. I personally would rather not see a sequel to these felons and traitors any time soon.


We should turn tail and run away. We're just a bunch of wooped American bitches! Decline and fall of our civilization is nigh! The end is near, head east on I-90!!! The sky is falling!!


Well fuck that. If the sky is falling, I sure as hell won't head east towards Montana...that's BIG SKY country!

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Am I personally better off? Sure, does that mean most folks or the country is? In no way. The average American has taken it in the shorts economically again and again for this administration. That's why pay day loan places are now as common as dandelions. Add the subprime, credit card, and student loan scandals to the mix and you've f#cked most folks. Then throw in gutted agencies and eroded constitutional, environmental, consumer, banking, and insurance protections and it pretty well sums things up.


And are you more secure? Definitely not - domestically you are no more secure than on 9/10 and foreign security is now a disaster and our military savaged. Overall security on every front is far worse than it was before 9/11. So sorry, but those are some pretty short-sighted and self-interested yes's from where I sit. I personally would rather not see a sequel to these felons and traitors any time soon.


We should turn tail and run away. We're just a bunch of wooped American bitches! Decline and fall of our civilization is nigh! The end is near, head east on I-90!!! The sky is falling!!


Well fuck that. If the sky is falling, I sure as hell won't head east towards Montana...that's BIG SKY country!


'Scuse me while I kiss the sky

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"Don't forget about me."

---The Rest of the World


The United Nations warned yesterday that it no longer has enough money to keep global malnutrition at bay this year in the face of a dramatic upward surge in world commodity prices, which have created a "new face of hunger".


"We will have a problem in coming months," said Josette Sheeran, the head of the UN's World Food Programme (WFP). "We will have a significant gap if commodity prices remain this high, and we will need an extra half billion dollars just to meet existing assessed needs."


With voluntary contributions from the world's wealthy nations, the WFP feeds 73 million people in 78 countries, less than a 10th of the total number of the world's undernourished. Its agreed budget for 2008 was $2.9bn (£1.5bn). But with annual food price increases around the world of up to 40% and dramatic hikes in fuel costs, that budget is no longer enough even to maintain current food deliveries.


The shortfall is all the more worrying as it comes at a time when populations, many in urban areas, who had thought themselves secure in their food supply are now unable to afford basic foodstuffs. Afghanistan has recently added an extra 2.5 million people to the number it says are at risk of malnutrition


"This is the new face of hunger," Sheeran said. "There is food on shelves but people are priced out of the market. There is vulnerability in urban areas we have not seen before. There are food riots in countries where we have not seen them before." ---from the Guardian 2/26/08


Oh, and an 8oz. block of Tillamook Cheddar is now over $5.00. Holy supply/demand curve!

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With 60% of Americans in the obese category and our country producing 25% of the worlds greenhouse gases with only 5% of the world's population, I'd say that both food and gas prices have been kept artificially low through unsustainable practices for way, way too long. The prices for these commodities will and should go up as we're forced to adopt more sustainable ways of getting calories and energy, and we (us and the rest of the world) will be better off for it through improved health and a better environment.


judging by you, i'd say you are really into your fair share of the chow, buddy...

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The United Nations warned yesterday that it no longer has enough money to keep global malnutrition at bay this year





Yeah, like they've really been keeping global malnutrition at bay all these past years -- nobody's been starving at all! :rolleyes: Good job, U.N. Keep it up.


Maybe a security council resolution will fix the problem. It always has before. :tup:

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The Village Idiot Weighs In


On one issue particularly worrisome to American consumers, there are indications that paying $4 for a gallon of gasoline is not out of the question once the summer driving season arrives. Asked about that, Bush said "That's interesting. I hadn't heard that. ... I know it's high now."


I'm guessing he "hadn't heard that" because he's been too busy watching the profit side of things...

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I make more money, but have less disposable income. I've really noticed in the last year or so. Cost of stuff feels like it's gone way up, and in some cases, HAS gone way up.


Same with me.


However, I would like to point out I am thankful for food and the roof that is over my head, my wife, and my children. I don't think I should complain about being worse off with those types of benefits.


I just want the war to end.

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Think biofuels and corn prices.


Rather, think increased demand for grain and grain-fed meat from by China and India as they are definitely better off now.


Check out www.fieldsoffuel.com - awesome documentary about the biofuel (and fuel sources in general) situation coming to a theatre near you soon (just won the audience award at Sundance). My brother co-produced so I'm inundated with this stuff right now. The Seattle area has 41 biofuel stations in a 10 mile radius right now! Check out http://findbiodiesel.org/US/WA/

That is so huge - there is no reason everyone shouldn't be driving a diesel run on biodiesel right now. Even Wenatchee has a biodiesel station! We have to get off foreign fuel sources for good. Biodiesel seems to be the best solution.

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Well, by fall all those rural red staters, who have to drive a piece to get anywhere, are likely to be just tad testy after a summer of gas at $4.17 a gallon. And shoot, if that just won't get a passle of Republicans elected for doing such hot damn good job fighting for our oil. Oh well, maybe democracy will be taking root and those darned Iraqis will be voting in free and fair elections by November and you know that will really make up for all the pain here at home.

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