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...The Rapture. Seriously.




"I just had a terrible thought flash through my mind. I imagined how it would feel for maybe a few people on this board who come here for comfort after the rapture, to assure themselves that it really wasn't the rapture they missed but some other freak thing where people disappeared. Upon their first post, which may only be answered by 1 or 2 others, an overwhelming sense of aloneness will set in. The post will sit there, crickets chirping, night falling, and hope will be slipping..... I suddenly feel such sadness for these few. Please, everybody, talk to God, be sure you've submitted yourselves to Him fully, hold onto nothing of your self, but grasp for Him with every cell of your being. Don't be the one lonely poster at the end. "




"Hello, Im kinda new, been reading posts for awhile.


I know that people have been saying The Rapture is near for years and years. Almost every year someone will say..ITS THIS YEAR...


!!!!WARNING!!!!!!And I also DO NOTwant to get peoples hopes up..or set a brother or sister up to get discouraged if it is years from now.


But, I hope its ok to ask, has anyone else sensed that his RETURN is anyday or week? That we are closer then we even know?


I know we do not go by feelings, and it could be 20 years away, I just cant shake the feeling that we are days away.


is anyone else sensing this?


And that its time to really focus, read the word, seek him, spend time in worship and prayer.


and again, it could be something I ate, for goodness sake, but the only thing on my mind lately is his return, and a general sense that we are days -weeks-maybe months away?


Anyone else?"



"Isn't it simply an AMAZING feeling thinking that literally any second we could hear the Trumpet, begin rising and be face to face with Jesus???


And yes, I too, believe that we are VERY, VERY CLOSE!!!"

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Such a goldmine....


" As to believing The Rapture will happen any day. YES! YES! and YES!

I do not think it will be 10 or 20 years down the road.

We are told we will not know the DAY or the HOUR, but we will know the season and we are in that season.

I get like a young child on Christmas night, YOU know something good is waiting down stairs under the tree. You know as soon as its light out you get to go down those stairs and open your gifts.

You know they will be the greatest gifts just for you.

You know you will love them.

You know the morning is a LOOOOOOOOOOOng ways off, you have been laying in bed just counting the minutes or maybe its still 2 hours or 1 hour away. You do not have a clock in your room so it could be just 30 minutes or even 10 minutes. BUT you do know it will not be long now because you have been waiting and looking at the sky. You see the signs in the sky and its tuning the right shades for the dawn.

Thats how I feel about the Rapture I know the signs are all in place. We do not have to wait on anything else to take place. I know He promised He would be coming back for us. I know the season is here and now. NOT years away.

Wow did not know I was going to go on and on."


And it's just a single thread....

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People who think they can predict the Rapture are an interesting group. The Rapture is not mentioned by any of the early Church fathers. Orthodox churches don't teach it. Most people don't believe it. But it is still an interesting concept.


That's one way to put. I prefer "a cultish and scary" concept. Fundamentalists of ever sort of scary people. Kind of like bears they're usually not very bright and awfully fun to poke with a long stick.

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