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And just a tiny note of an ugly reality:

Most forms of birth control are not 100%. So please don't jump to the conclusion that every unplanned pregnancy is a direct result of irresponsible behavior. (And please don't say that is a justification for abortion blah blah blah--I am only pointing out that accidents do happen-even to responsible adults).




Sorry, Arch. For a very, very small percentage of women/couples your point may hold true. But there are options available when others fail or are ignored. Some of those to the right of me are against even these types of contraception - after all, the pill doesn't prevent conception, only implantation - to whom I say: get a fucking life! Sex is fun. Not just for procreation. People are horny. Accidents happen. Options are available for up to 72 hours that don't involve killing. And even then, there's always...adoption.


Here's the odd thing....Plan B is available OTC if you are over 18, but the same hormones taken in smaller regular doses proactively as "the pill" require a prescription....seems a bit inconsistent to me.


True, that!...Yet more hypocrisy brought to you by militant activists.


Oh...and while were at it, while most retailers get to choose what they stock based on economics, in Washington they are forced by law to stock Plan B.....they have to sue to not carry it.

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I can go back and find it, I called someone a name (tops) not even the f' word like some people here call others. Warlord went overboard you want my opinion but only his mattered so he did it, not like it mattered anyways becuase who wants to be on here during a weekend.


It wasn't for calling someone a name, and it wasn't about politics, you were just being an asshole about a missing hiker and that shit irritated me.

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But how do you know these evil zygotes don't deserve to die? Certainly we don't understand God's will, and maybe abortion is around for a reason. Maybe this is one way to thin out the herd.


Substitute the words "murderers are" for your use of the words "abortion is" and see if you get another perspective.

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Not only does KKK contribute to the discussion but he actually thinks about his "incendiary" remarks and doesn't dish them out completely undeserved.


I totally disagree....why is one thought better than the other....because one can articulate it better? More hypocrisy. It never ends…….Seahawks may not know how to spell and have bad grammar…..(like I am one to talk)…..but I have never read Seahawks blatantly telling random posters to F off and STFU. Which is worse?

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But how do you know these evil zygotes don't deserve to die? Certainly we don't understand God's will, and maybe abortion is around for a reason. Maybe this is one way to thin out the herd.


Substitute the words "murderers are" for your use of the words "abortion is" and see if you get another perspective.



Dwyaner.....do you support the troops? Do you support this occupation?



You need a refresher on definition. Remember….”just war”. Why is your “just” better than my “just”. Because the bible told you so? Dude?



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If that is the criteria they would have to ban everyone here. Its all garbage in spray.


Holy crap....I agree with Seahawks.....


He is on the money on this one. Its all crap....




I love it when I prove a point.....




PS....please put me back on your "ignore" list.....KKK



Of course you won’t....because you can’t handle it without me. Where would you be today without MY thread? You would be spraying about shit you know nothing about.....talking about bourbon.


You get the award for “most hypocritical”…….






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but they don't live up to their responsibilities and their kids end up suffering the consequences


that's a pretty big assumption there.

an assumption, i'll grant you - but how far fetched is it to assume that someone who could give a shit about whether or not they had a kid would give a shit about that kid when they had it?


i hope i'm a decent parent, but my daughter was an "accident," and i'm quite certain that my own selfish, stupid hangups and feelings about having to accept those new crushing responsibilites did effect her over the first year or two of her life - i do think she'll be fine in the end b/c i mostly got over those issues, but then i'm a professional, (mostly) happily married, employed, had a good father/mother role-model, etc.


i'd imagine a statistical survey of prisons would show a greater tendency amongst the inmates then the population at large to come from broken, fucked up homes - i know for sure poverty is a major risk factor for anti-social behavior, and clearly poor folks have less control over their reproduction

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1.abortion is not a solution. it's a cop-out (some exceptions apply.(rape,medical)


2. it is very hard on the 'mother'.


3' next day pill? maybe.


4; should not be legislated. personal choice.


RE: point 4: murdering those darn inconvenient babies should be a personal choice? Seems to me that murderers of pregnant women often also get charged with the death of the developing child.

Why is it acceptable for mothers/parents to end the life of their children because they had their fun and don't want to deal with the consequences?

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because we dont live in a fundamentalist/religious state.


freedom . (not just to do what the morality police thinks.)



So, it should be O.K. to murder whoever is inconvenient in your life, eh? Murder ("unjust death"), a moral issue, has been illegal in this country since the get-go.

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I can go back and find it, I called someone a name (tops) not even the f' word like some people here call others. Warlord went overboard you want my opinion but only his mattered so he did it, not like it mattered anyways becuase who wants to be on here during a weekend.


It wasn't for calling someone a name, and it wasn't about politics, you were just being an asshole about a missing hiker and that shit irritated me.


If it makes you feel better Seahawks you were a subject of discussion between moderators. None of us had a problem with giving you a time out.

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I can go back and find it, I called someone a name (tops) not even the f' word like some people here call others. Warlord went overboard you want my opinion but only his mattered so he did it, not like it mattered anyways becuase who wants to be on here during a weekend.


It wasn't for calling someone a name, and it wasn't about politics, you were just being an asshole about a missing hiker and that shit irritated me.


If it makes you feel better Seahawks you were a subject of discussion between moderators. None of us had a problem with giving you a time out.


seriously, you're such a whiner Seahawks. if it was up to the general populace, you'd have been perma-banned after your first 5 posts.

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because we dont live in a fundamentalist/religious state.


freedom . (not just to do what the morality police thinks.)



So, it should be O.K. to murder whoever is inconvenient in your life, eh? Murder ("unjust death"), a moral issue, has been illegal in this country since the get-go.


spirituality trumps morality. god trumps his Own laws. there are some things that are to be decided solely between god and a person's soul.

are you going to monitor all the tummies and step in with your morality and be the 'decider'.

a foetus without a soul is not a human life and that insertion usually occur in the last 2 months of pregnancy and sometimes at the very last minute.

are you gonna be able to tell when it has happened????

morality seems the obvious choice when one looks only at the surface.


i say, lets stay out of it and trust women to make the right choices.

Edited by virendra7
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what a bunch of crazy shit.. here some more.


one: 4 yrs before bush goes to iraq clinton makes a speach but if you actually lesen to it he states that the inspectors were doing a good job on finding and distroying the wmd. whos to say they didn't suceed in thier efforts, since the inspectors wrote that they didn't have prof of wmd's before bush went to war, its not to hard to belive that maybe they did. and since STILL NO WMD HAVE BEEN FOUND, how the fuck does a 4 yr old speach about a topic that was aperently resolved have to do with anything at all

LET ALONE JUSTIFY A WAR. lets dig up some stuff on the cold war with russia so we can attack them next, or wtf lets go bomb japan again because they attacked pearl harbor.



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If I remember correctly, nearly 50% of Washington pregnancies are "terminated". That's ridiculous...and it just goes to show that humans too often exploit (because it's convenient) options which should only be employed in very special cases.


Don't want a child? You can:

1. Cross your legs.

2. Use contraceptives.

3. Enjoy the "brown starfish" or the "cake hole".


When all else fails, you've got 72 hours. With all of these options, we can be "pro choice" without killing babies.



And who needs abortion when we've got sport climbing?







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