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Back to Old-School Memories


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I loved getting ready for back-to-school! :nurd:


I remember shopping for pairs of painters' pants and chukka boots at the department store and watching the clerk carefully tuck them into the big box at the layaway counter. (We usually didn't have enough $$ to pick them up but the shopping was fun :whistle:.)


And there was something magical about new school supplies. They seemed to hold such promise. Pencils with perfect points and tall erasers, bright purple Trapper Keeper binder(yeah!) that would eventually become a canvas for between-class doodling, and stacks of plain paper grocery bags ready to be transformed by a few folds and pieces Scotch tape into sturdy book covers.


I'm sure the shopping list is quite different these days with little Ashley and Ayden packing laptops, ipods, cell phones, and Blackberries to preschool.


I think the fanciest thing we had was a digital watch about the size of a dinner plate. And mood rings, of course. :crazy:


Old-school rules!



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I loved getting ready for back-to-school! :nurd:


I remember shopping for pairs of painters' pants and chukka boots at the department store and watching the clerk carefully tuck them into the big box at the layaway counter. (We usually didn't have enough $$ to pick them up but the shopping was fun :whistle:.)


And there was something magical about new school supplies. They seemed to hold such promise. Pencils with perfect points and tall erasers, bright purple Trapper Keeper binder(yeah!) that would eventually become a canvas for between-class doodling, and stacks of plain paper grocery bags ready to be transformed by a few folds and pieces Scotch tape into sturdy book covers.


I'm sure the shopping list is quite different these days with little Ashley and Ayden packing laptops, ipods, cell phones, and Blackberries to preschool.


I think the fanciest thing we had was a digital watch about the size of a dinner plate. And mood rings, of course. :crazy:


Old-school rules!



After spending 10 1/2 years in college as a student/grad student/instructor I really miss going back to campus in the fall. I like my job a whole bunch but there's something magic about going back to school :tup: as a student or a teacher

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HS brings back such unhappy memories that if I had to repeat the f*en bullshit I'd off myself first.


Still waiting for my diploma the MF assholes never gave me: 33 years later.


F* them


F* school


F* assholes


I show up F*en with a rifle and cookem good this go round.




Pricks and bitches.

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HS brings back such unhappy memories that if I had to repeat the f*en bullshit I'd off myself first.


Still waiting for my diploma the MF assholes never gave me: 33 years later.


F* them


F* school


F* assholes


I show up F*en with a rifle and cookem good this go round.




Pricks and bitches.


your diatribe has single-handledly convinced me that we do indeed need more gun control

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At our high school, dance lessons were part of our gym curriculum :eek:. I wish we'd had a shooting range. "Dance" as an activity may sound they were being soft on us, but I can assure you that polka-ing with an equally unwilling pre-pubescent partner was way more painful than being pummelled by a dodgeball, or a bullet. I still have scars.

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That was just the teachers. Dont get me started about some of those other asswipes, hell, there isn't enough ammo in the city.

damn bill...that's some serious hate goin' on...


eek....my Junior High and Highschool experience was certainly forgettable, but I blame my genes....puberty eluded me for quite some time

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