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Barry Bonds


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ask why barry? ask why lance is getting a pass?


Why is it that people think that the winner is a cheater and the guy who got 2nd a loser? There is ABSOLUTELY no proof that Lance cheated. He was the most tested athlete in the world and he HARDLY raced! The French wanted his ass on a platter, and they still couldn't get him. Isn't it entirely possible that he was not only one of the most gifted cyclists ever up there with Big Mig and Eddy, but also one of the hardest working and that is why he dominated Le Tour?

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People who believe Lance never juiced are so cute!


Hey Lance haters, have any of you ever had cancer? Ever had your insides and outsides burned away by chemo and radiation? I think if you had you would understand why it's obvious that Lance was clean... Anyone who goes through that kind of hell would never put that shit their body, plain and simple. Just something to think about...

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I wish I could find the article that I read in CNN or NTY or somewhere that described how much more he would be making if he were not (supposedly) on 'roids. They broke down the value of different advertisers and how much other athletes are getting from them, and how much HE WOULD or COULD be getting from them, and it worked out to something like $28 million more if he were (supposedly) clean. Big companies don't want to touch him.

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ask why barry? ask why lance is getting a pass?


Why is it that people think that the winner is a cheater and the guy who got 2nd a loser? There is ABSOLUTELY no proof that Lance cheated. He was the most tested athlete in the world and he HARDLY raced! The French wanted his ass on a platter, and they still couldn't get him. Isn't it entirely possible that he was not only one of the most gifted cyclists ever up there with Big Mig and Eddy, but also one of the hardest working and that is why he dominated Le Tour?


most of that is true and so is the fact that he juiced! you cannot dominate a sport full of great athletes who juice up! you have to level the playing field, when winning is all that matters, the only 'place' that pays. 3rd pays dick all in most sports. the exact same can be said about barry; worked hardest,most talented,never failed, tested , bla bla bla.

the truth is WE DONT WANT THE TRUTH.because it demands that WE change.

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complete with rhoids


armstrong's benefits were much more pronounced because HIS sport is ALL about fitness. his records are more tainted. like body builders.


Except in professional bodybuilding its a level playingfield. Every single one of them is on roids and insulin.

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complete with rhoids


,.... like lance armstrong , barry is a great athlete who used aid to win at his sport. roids dont teach you to play ball like that! however.


armstrong's benefits were much more pronounced because HIS sport is ALL about fitness. his records are more tainted. like body builders.


ask why barry? ask why lance is getting a pass?


LOL right. Lance was tested every day during the tour. They still have his blood in labs for future test. Bike riders are th highest tested. Hell baseball player until recent were never tested.


Bonds is not only an ass, he and everyone he knows admits taking steriods. He would never had stayed health long enough to break the record with out them. Plain and simple he a cheat and him and others like Mark Mcgwire should have the records taken off.

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