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how much are you willing to pay?


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F*ck Starbucks. Go to a local shop instead.
How about this idea, learn to think for yourself and ignore the trendy 'f*ck Starbucks' BS.


1. Starbucks pays their employees benefits. How many local shops do?


2. In my neighborhood, there are 3 shops; two 'local' independants and a Starbucks. When I'm up at 5am, heading out for a climb, ski trip, or whatever, Starbucks is the only one open.


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F*ck Starbucks. Go to a local shop instead.
How about this idea, learn to think for yourself and ignore the trendy 'f*ck Starbucks' BS.


How about this idea; don't assume shit about people you don't know.


About half of my friends have worked at Starbucks at some time or another. None were very excited about the benefits recieved.


Buying Starbucks makes the strongest player even stronger, making it more difficult for small business owners to gain a foothold in the market.


Every time I go into a small shop I recieve better coffee, better service and a better overall experience. It is usually cheaper too.


If you want the latest Paul McCartney record forced down your throat, you know where to go.

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Independant Coffee


Depends on which way you go. Seattle Waterfront Coffee


Cafe Ladro is good stuff.


None of those are close to my work. Zeitgeist would be doable if I am in Pioneer Square for some reason (doubtful).


Do you have hot water at your work? If so this freedom press works great! :P;)




Seriously though... french press + local fair trade coffee that has been roasted < week and ground right before you are ready to add the hot water is the way to go

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I buy one drink there every 3-4 weeks. Either the novelty has worn off, or the quality has gone way down though, because I don't enjoy it like I did 10 years ago.


And no, I don't get those long lines, especially in the morning when you are in a hurry to get to work.

This is exactly where I am too. And my buy is usually b/c I am waiting for someone or for an appt and I have nothing else to do or else I am in a social situation.

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F*ck Starbucks. Go to a local shop instead.


Like? I'm near Pier 66 in Seattle.



When I worked at P69 (our dev center was at P66, so I would sometimes be there too) I walked north to that coffee shop that is at the end of the piers right next to the park and go there. I don't remember the name of the place though...

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I buy one drink there every 3-4 weeks. Either the novelty has worn off, or the quality has gone way down though, because I don't enjoy it like I did 10 years ago.


And no, I don't get those long lines, especially in the morning when you are in a hurry to get to work.

This is exactly where I am too. And my buy is usually b/c I am waiting for someone or for an appt and I have nothing else to do or else I am in a social situation.


we have a starbucks down stairs in the cafe. I only go down there when i am in desperate need of caffeine because i am about to fall asleep in a meeting or i am nodding (hee hee) at my desk. once a week at most.mostly i drink tea cus it is free.

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F*ck Starbucks. Go to a local shop instead.
How about this idea, learn to think for yourself and ignore the trendy 'f*ck Starbucks' BS.


How about this idea; don't assume shit about people you don't know.


About half of my friends have worked at Starbucks at some time or another. None were very excited about the benefits recieved.


Buying Starbucks makes the strongest player even stronger, making it more difficult for small business owners to gain a foothold in the market.


Every time I go into a small shop I recieve better coffee, better service and a better overall experience. It is usually cheaper too.


If you want the latest Paul McCartney record forced down your throat, you know where to go.


So these friends of your would have prefered working at a place that paid no benefits? Wonder why your coffee was cheaper at your local spot? ...because they have lower overhead due to no benefits?


It is 5am, I don't care what CD they are playing, they are open. The two independant spots just have crickets and darkness inside.


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This is no scientific study, but from what I have seen, most people working behind the counter at SB are young. They need/use their benefits less than older people. So wooptie fucking doo about the benefits already.

These young ones might not be going in for hip replacements, but even 20-somethings go to the doctor and dentist. But yeah, whatever, who gives a shit anyway if SB is a leader in paying benefits to part time employees, yeah, they suck for that.

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If you like the products that an independent business sells more than those sold by a larger operation, if you find the service more attentive, the selection more to your liking, purchasing the product or service provided by the said operation makes you feel good about yourself, etc - then this is a matter of your preferences at work and/or the smaller operation simply earning your business through excellence. This is not altruism, and any business that actually depends upon altruism to keep it's doors open will not last very long. The difference in total compensation between Starbucks and local shops is also probably negligble and, if anything, probably tilts in the favor of Starbucks. There's also the fact that Starbucks can be credited with creating the market for gourmet coffees that the small shops now operate in.


The Catholic Church of yore sold indulgences to the faithful to absolve them of their sins and re-establish their standing in the eyes of god and did pretty well at it, and evidently the boutique coffee shops of today are doing pretty well serving the same impulses through a different market, although the deity in question here is clearly the consumer's self-image.


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This is no scientific study, but from what I have seen, most people working behind the counter at SB are young. They need/use their benefits less than older people. So wooptie fucking doo about the benefits already.

These young ones might not be going in for hip replacements, but even 20-somethings go to the doctor and dentist. But yeah, whatever, who gives a shit anyway if SB is a leader in paying benefits to part time employees, yeah, they suck for that.


Do you shop exclusively at REI too? Oh, you'd be my corporate benefits hero if you did !!!! :moondance:




Starbucks obviously doesn't need my business. However I can think of more than a few coffee shops that have better atmospheres, better service, better coffee, and where my business can actually make an impact. Starbucks is reserved exclusively for when I need an immediate fix and nothing more respectable/desirable is open/close. Lately I'm a big fan of "All City Coffee" down in Georgetown :tup: Good coffee, need shop, cute barista's, how can I complain! Especially when it's faster, cheaper, closer to work, more interesting, and serves better coffee to boot :grin:

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This is no scientific study, but from what I have seen, most people working behind the counter at SB are young. They need/use their benefits less than older people. So wooptie fucking doo about the benefits already.

These young ones might not be going in for hip replacements, but even 20-somethings go to the doctor and dentist. But yeah, whatever, who gives a shit anyway if SB is a leader in paying benefits to part time employees, yeah, they suck for that.


Do you shop exclusively at REI too? Oh, you'd be my corporate benefits hero if you did !!!! :moondance:


No, I prefer Marmot and 2nd Ascent, but thanks for asking. I shop REI if there is a strong chance I think I'll need to return it. I'm just saying, if a place pays their employees benefits while most of the independants don't, I'm not going to jump on the trendy fuck them bandwagon. I've never been a big fan of bandwagons anyway. Now that most everybody hates SB, I've decided to like them :-)


Starbucks obviously doesn't need my business. However I can think of more than a few coffee shops that have better atmospheres, better service, better coffee, and where my business can actually make an impact. Starbucks is reserved exclusively for when I need an immediate fix and nothing more respectable/desirable is open/close. Lately I'm a big fan of "All City Coffee" down in Georgetown :tup: Good coffee, need shop, cute barista's, how can I complain! Especially when it's faster, cheaper, closer to work, more interesting, and serves better coffee to boot :grin:


I agree many places serve something better, but as I've said, at 5am, SB is open and those other places are not. When comparing cost, taste, atmosphere, etc... it is pretty hard to win the game when you aren't even in the game becuase you aren't open yet.



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