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What inspires you?


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Before I leave for work in the morning, I give my sleeping daughter a kiss on the cheek and whipser "I love you, be a good girl today". That inspires me. When she gives me a half awake hug and tell me she loves me and kisses my cheek, that inspires me more.


Hearing (or reading) a climbing tale that is devoid of the grade they climbed and that speaks to the intrinsic rewards they got for climbing (i.e., egoless climbers). That inspires me. Coming back from a climb with a huge smile on my face, that inspires me too.

Edited by Doug
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I began by looking up two words (dictionary.com), and I've clipped out the definitions I want to use:


inspire: to influence or impel: Competition inspired her to greater efforts.


motivate: to provide with a motive or motives; incite; impel.


Now I can continue. I don't get inspired. I don't have these moments where I feel lifted up, up above the fog and see the divine.... crap. I just don't feel it.


I get motivated. My buddy mentions a route and I sign on. I know he's got something good up his sleeve, I could care less what it is, butI know it will be good. I look at the Baker page and realized it's been two months since I went skiing. I'm not that stoked about the whole thing, but the last ten times I've been there, it's been a blast. So I go. I think about hiking up a hill this summer (for work), so I go ride Galbraith. It's like a job. I enjoy it (very much!), and I get better and better, but never feel guided by the hand of God to do what I do.


But, I also very much enjoy what I end up doing.


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I didn't mean to over analyze the whole thing, and I didn't mean to imply God had anything to do with it, I was just saying what gets me going (what I think is at the essence of asking "what inspires you") isn't as uplifting as what some of the people posting before me have said.

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My friends inspire me. They love what they do and work to live, not live to work. They chase tale like they're still in their 20s and wake up early to get first tracks. They give their money willingly to buy beers and share food and make the good times last as long as they can.


They inspire me to chase more tale, to climb more mountains, to not be afraid of anything. To never slow down.

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