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F#@k'n human race


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I'll drink to dis, but..


Hoomam beans are an merely an aberrant and temporary parasitic presence on an otherwise perfectly good planet. Learn to see time on a geologic scale, then you will be more tolerant of your fellow parasites.


Thinking of time on a much larger (longer) scale has greatly helped me to over come my occasional but reoccurring urge to steer the vehicle into the oncoming lane at high speed.


BTW, I will soon be seeking a new climbing partner so get in line early.

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Hoomam beans are an merely an aberrant and temporary parasitic presence on an otherwise perfectly good planet. Learn to see time on a geologic scale, then you will be more tolerant of your fellow parasites.


We're really no more parasitic than many other species, and we're not the first to alter the planet's fundamental workings. Methanogens may have warmed the earth to the point where photosynthesizers could evolve, which in turn produced the oxygen that killed most of their benefactors. The success of a species invariably means that previously successful species take in the shorts. We're no different.


The earth is a wonderful but unforgiving place, something we are just now beginning to observe firsthand. A stable climate allowed us to finally flourish after more than 100,000 years of throwing spears, and it will be an unstable climate of our own making that will levy harsh limits on that previously unchecked success. We can all take comfort in our collective realization that, despite all the wacky religions, philosophies of entitlement, and exploitative economic systems we've managed to come up to justify our rapacious nature, we are very much just another animal here, no less a part of nature than any other.


The earth will be habitable by any form of life for less than 10% of its total history. From that viewpoint, life itself is an aberration, not the norm.

Edited by tvashtarkatena
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Hoomam beans are an merely an aberrant and temporary parasitic presence on an otherwise perfectly good planet. Learn to see time on a geologic scale, then you will be more tolerant of your fellow parasites.


We're really no more parasitic than many other species, and we're not the first to alter the planet's fundamental workings. Methanogens may have warmed the earth to the point where photosynthesizers could evolve, which in turn produced the oxygen that killed most of their benefactors. The success of a species invariably means that previously successful species take in the shorts. We're no different.


The earth is a wonderful but unforgiving place, something we are just now beginning to observe firsthand. A stable climate allowed us to finally flourish after more than 100,000 years of throwing spears, and it will be an unstable climate of our own making that will levy harsh limits on that previously unchecked success. We can all take comfort in our collective realization that, despite all the wacky religions, philosophies of entitlement, and exploitative economic systems we've managed to come up to justify our rapacious nature, we are very much just another animal here, no less a part of nature than any other.


The earth will be habitable by any form of life for less than 10% of its total history. From that viewpoint, life itself is an aberration, not the norm.

Wow I have a new respect for trashtalkeetna, I had to copy/paste that quote to word and save it. I have one question, is that from another source of writing or did you come up with that on your own? > I am not a big sprayer and am serious here, Wayne

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"$1 million fencing sought to keep elk away


Instead of moving a herd of elk that has been hemmed in by development in Sequim, wildlife managers have decided to spend about $1 million to erect fences to keep the animals out of highways and farms.


An earlier idea to move the elk out of the area was panned by the public. The fence is intended to keep the elk on public land and out of urban areas. Now the tribal and state co-managers of the herd are looking for money to pay for the fence.


The elk became an issue when suburban development encroached on their traditional habitat. The elk have become a nuisance, eating and trampling crops, and damaging city parks."



f#@k'n human race.

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What right do the elks have to encroach on suburban development? They belong in a zoo. Even though the War on Terror and the War on Drugs aren't exactly success stories,we should be proud that we are winning the War on Nature.


Hey Decristo, weren't you a cabin boy for John Wayne when he stopped in the lovely rainshadow of See-kwim and put his root down?

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Hey Decristo, weren't you a cabin boy for John Wayne when he stopped in the lovely rainshadow of See-kwim and put his root down?



I was the stand-in for Kate Hepburn in the Hollywood blockbuster "Rooster Cogburn". It was my part and she my stand-in until the director started sleeping with Spencer Tracy, then the bitch was given my part - I had to feed the hack all her lines from off camera.


Here's a still from the set. Of course, I'm center stage and you'll notice Big John is talking to me, not that talentless wench.


F#@k'n human race


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Wow I have a new respect for trashtalkeetna, I had to copy/paste that quote to word and save it. I have one question, is that from another source of writing or did you come up with that on your own? > I am not a big sprayer and am serious here, Wayne


Every drop of drivel I drip onto this forum comes from my own random neural fibrillations. I avoid a lot of death threats that way.

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random neural fibrillations.



Come on….you know you’re the paste and copy king! Just kidding.


LOL, J_K, don't get mad at me, we're friends, right?





LOL, sickie baa :moondance::lmao::tup:

You're the BEST kevbone. I love you. You make me laff so mcuh

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