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"We are winning"


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stay the course.


Obviously you haven't received the memo.


There is no deviation from the previous course.





Your attention please!

A newsflash has this moment

arrived from the Iraqi front!

Our forces in South Baghdad have won a

glorious victory!

I am authorized to say that the action

we are now reporting

may well bring the war within

measurable distance of its end.

Here is the newsflash...:






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The administration's new security strategy is to fight the militias. It's as flawed as previous (non)strategies. Iraqis are more loyal to their clans than to the nation of Iraq. The militias provide security for those clans, which justifiably have no confidence in the state police or army. Fighting them will escalate an already violent situation, and any Iraqi help will be lackluster at best.


Our only success in Iraq has been with the Kurds, whose clans have agreed to a truce. We'd do well to mimmick that strategy further south, which would probably mean partitioning the country and dividing up the oil. That means bringing the militias to the bargaining table...not something this administration has been particularly adept at.


We'll probably lose the Shiite region to Iran's influence, but at least it wouldn't be the entire county.


Unfortunately, Iraq is a problem this administration is apparently not capable of solving. We can all expect more bad news for some time to come.

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The administration's new security strategy is to fight the militias. It's as flawed as previous (non)strategies. Iraqis are more loyal to their clans than to the nation of Iraq. The militias provide security for those clans, which justifiably have no confidence in the state police or army. Fighting them will escalate an already violent situation, and any Iraqi help will be lackluster at best.


If you want to curb the sectarian violence, I think that getting rid of the militias is the first thing you need to do. Yes, it will be violent, but it seems like the only hope for the government to be able to take control and provide security for all.


So, I actually think they are going in a smart direction here. It's either that or withdraw and cede the streets to the warlords, which is not working so well now at a clip of 100 executions/day.


Bringing the militia leaders in for talks would seem to be a good first step, but capturing their leaders by force needs to be on the table.

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