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Infinite bliss


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Apparently in addition to being counting/spelling/grammar challenged, you have poor reading comprehension skills.


Fact: I was on your friend's ass for > 4 miles. Our unplanned convoy didn't catch up to the really slow Subaru until ~1 mile from the trailhead.


edit: I see you have edited your above posts to be more alligned with reality. Nice work.



Whatever, I hope you and your kids had a blast.



The take home message of all this bullshit is this:


Here's a tip people: When you are on a narrow road and another car appears out of nowhere behind you and starts tailgating, that means they want to drive faster than you and you should pull over and let them pass. This is especially true if you have THREE cars backed up behind you. Fucking fucks.


In the future, you should warn folks if you plan a Mounties-style siege of a narrow road with your minivan convoy. You know, post on cc.com, mountie's board, craigslist.... due dilligence. That's about 8 minutes of my life I'll never get back.


whatever pox...you need to take a chill pill... mushsmile.gif

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So kevbone asks for a better topo than the ones he was able to find using google, and a bunch of you seize the opportunity to criticize him for wanting to do the route in the first place?


Sounds like the typical contribution from the average cc.com user! Never passing up the chance to feel superior to someone else!


Is there some kind of Valhalla in the sky for self-righteous wannabe climbing elitists when they die that i don't know about?

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superior as a word is a concept that can only exist in relation to the capacity or quality being judged as more or less superior. being superior is thus a relative concept. one could be superior in one's arrogance, for example. or superior in one's elitism.

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so, back to kevbone's question:


how many of the IBliss haters have actually climbed IBliss?


(i am not of the opinion that one has to have done a climb in order to have a problem with it, so please don't think i'm going down that path: hate away!)

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