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reminds me of the time the vigilant canadian border folk seriously tried sweating us for smuggling dope iNTO maple-syrup land - there's a powerful genius at labor for you!


This one is easy, MORE people need to climb out there.

Cathredral Peak has been on my list for years, now might be the time to go.

Let them stop me, my selp-professed stupid awnsers can tie up multiple cops for hours.

Of course, my spotless record and piercing baby blues will ensure that all will be in vain.

I mean, it's a classic Thomas Crown affair type-thing.


Let's see:

War on Poverty: Failed

War on Cancer : Failed

War on Drugs : Failed

War on Terror : pending


Shouldn't there be a three strikes law for the US government?


charlie didn't get much r'n'r - he was dug in too deep or moving too fast - his idea of a vacation was a bowl of cold rice and a little rat meat - he had only 2 ways home - death...or victory


When I was on the summit of Cathedral last year, I actually witnessed a helicopter fly in from Canada, land on the other side of Amphitheatre's summit and stay there for a couple of minutes. He then took off and flew back into Canada.


The team of 5 that I saw up there also witnessed it. They also met a guy with 3 horses, full saddle bags, and carrying no horse feed prior to meeting up with me. The first thing the guy asked them was, "are you guys Rangers?". Beware the lone cowboy.

This one is easy, MORE people need to climb out there.

Cathredral Peak has been on my list for years, now might be the time to go.

Let them stop me, my selp-professed stupid awnsers can tie up multiple cops for hours.

Of course, my spotless record and piercing baby blues will ensure that all will be in vain.

I mean, it's a classic Thomas Crown affair type-thing.


yellaf.gif When me and my blond-hair, blue-eye climbing partner went into do Bear last summer, sans passport, they made us get out and talk to Canadian Immigration. The chearful clerk took one look at us, pronounced us to clearly be good, wholesome, clean American mountain climbers and bid us adieau.


Some wool was pulled that day. hahaha.gif

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