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Canadian Foreign Policy


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...clearly needs to be re-evaluated in light of this incident.


Thankfully decorum prevents me from smugly suggesting that the citizens of Canada engage in a protracted bout of vocal auto-flagellation, soul-searching, and self-recrimination, in the wake of this occurence.

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That's cause nobody understands it. It sure looks like a condescending put-down of somebody, but how can we respond if we're not really sure which fringe of the left fringe you are maligning?



I think this Canadian terror plot is a good impetus for us to send our entire WA National guard contingent to patrol our border up North. I sure has hell don't want any damn terrorists humping 3 tons of Canadian govt. supplied ammonium nitrate through the unguarded Pasayten!


It would be a great way to keep our National Guardsmen closer to their families and further from Iraq! Why the hell isn't Gregoire jumping all over this?

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people that smoke and eat mcD's are killing themselves... r e s p o n s i b i l i t y


a sort of suicide fat fuckers. still, I remember when america was fit and thin, a quiet advertising brainwashing over a generation and BOOM!!! sleeper cells under the golden arches!! Ronnie Rat = Osama Bin Burger. No one has a choice when it comes to important things, i.e. your last election, hijacked, lied to, and taken down the garden path.

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people that smoke and eat mcD's are killing themselves... r e s p o n s i b i l i t y


a sort of suicide fat fuckers. still, I remember when america was fit and thin, a quiet advertising brainwashing over a generation and BOOM!!! sleeper cells under the golden arches!! Ronnie Rat = Osama Bin Burger. No one has a choice when it comes to important things, i.e. your last election, hijacked, lied to, and taken down the garden path.


Statcan Obesity Data for the GWN


Canadian Obesity Stats

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"While Canada’s obesity rates have, for the most part, been based on self-reported data, the United States has derived rates from actual measurements of height and weight since the early 1960s. With the directly measured data from the 2004 CCHS, it is possible to compare the prevalence of obesity in the two countries."


So Canadians don't lie about their weight? Not even for a drivers license? What a nice group of honest people.

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Age-standardized results show that 29.7% of Americans aged 18 or older were obese in 1999-2002, significantly above the 2004 figure for Canada (23.1%). Most of this difference was attributable to the situation among women. Whereas 23.2% of Canadian women were obese, the figure for American women was 32.6%. As well, each obesity category (Class I, II and III) accounted for a higher percentage of American than Canadian women (Table 3).


But back to Jay's original question, or observation, or half rant, or whatever that was at the start of this thread - it seems clear from details emerging from the arrests and ongoing investigation that this group wanted Canadian troops withdrawn from Afghanistan, where they have been doing their part in implementing Canada's foreign policy. So is Jay suggesting we should, in fact, withdraw our troops from Afghanistan?

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I noticed that statistic too. Interesting. Might be the single most impressive statistic that Canada has been able to muster in the decades long crusade to differentiate themselves from the cretinous hordes lurking to the South.


I'm sorry that I don't have the time to respond to your question with anything other than a question of my own, which is, do you think that by withdrawing from Afghanistan, Canada could secure itself lasting immunity from terrorist attacks of this sort?

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Do you think that by withdrawing from Afghanistan, Canada could secure itself lasting immunity from terrorist attacks of this sort?


Probably more effective than killing thousands of innocent civilians will be at protecting us from future terrorist attacks.....next dumb question please.

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Do you think that by withdrawing from Afghanistan, Canada could secure itself lasting immunity from terrorist attacks of this sort?


Probably more effective than killing thousands of innocent civilians will be at protecting us from future terrorist attacks.....next dumb question please.


Canadian forces have yet to inadvertently kill any civilians in the course of their operations in Afghanistan, so it stands to reason that perhaps something other than outrage driven by the sight of Afgan civilians killed by Canadian forces may have been motivating the fellows who wanted to set-off the explosives in Toronto.

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