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Routes that have gotten way easier/harder


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I second the midway comment. Wuz just talking to my brother on Saturday about how much that route has changed. First time I climbed it was in converse low tops and still pounding z-pins. 30 years have gone by, I'm still here but have abanded the iron smile.gif

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Yeah, Midway was one of the scarier 5.4s i've seen.


Mixed climbing has certainly gotten easier, despite harder grades being pushed, due to changes in tools. 10 years ago you couldn't buy hybrid "ice" tools for mixed climbing. I'd imagine these make some climbs much easier than w/o.

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That is true with any modern guidebook, too, Harry. The original guidebook portrayal of the Beckey-Couinard said something to the effect of "Ca. 20 pitches, strenuous, 20 pitons." There was no route description or topo, no gear advice, and no descent information. Beckey and Ortenburger provided detailed descriptions relatively early, but check old Canadian Rockies guides, Routes and Rocks in the Challenger Quadrangle, OH Bonney, or Climbers Guide to the High Sierra. In Yosemite, the first topo book came out when - 1975? That was the big change there.


I bet you can still find some adventure on the Captain, though. Even on the Nose.

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How 'bout anything on El Cap. With McNamera's up the second webcam beta spew website, kind of takes the adventure out of it.


Turning Point still awaits a 2nd ascent, 20 some years later. I doubt it's gotten any easier despite new wave aid ratings and such, bet you'd find some adventure there.

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Yup, and all the routes at hetch-hetchy are shorter now too.


I pulled a 100# flake off the first 10A pitch of Free-Lunch on Picnic Lunch wall at Smith. harder now.


1st pitch of Gandolphs Grip use to be 5.6 and is now 5.9, conversly the crux 5.9 pitch use to have a piton driven straight up into the roof, now it's a bolt. Strauck told me once @ 1998 or so that he was surprised the pin was still there, ie, no one had done a horrendous screaming fall and ripped the little piton right out of the Gollums Hang. I think the little sucker was gone like next year. Bet that's a story.


Birds of Paradise use to have a little loose block in it, was 10.d, now 10.c. White rabbit, next to birds has gotten slicker, was 10B, now?? Slick 10B?


When I went for the FFA on the first pitch of Ground Zero, the guy seconding me, Frank Cornieius, could easily and repeatly onsite lead 5.12 trad cracks -but couldn't follow the pitch. It was hard. He hung-then hung some more, I pulled and pulled, and he "took" somemore. Frank took his nut tool out and dug and dug the mud out of the crack. Then he tryed it again, and then took again and dug and dug some more some more. Later, it got cleaned more, and that first 165 pitch was broken up into 3 pitchs and freed, now it's like 11.d .


There's probably more.

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